
Feb 16, 2017
Think it varies by country? Didn't need one to drive in France last year and several other countries
Nine times out of ten you can rent a car with a US drivers license Having an international license is more ID instead of using and losing primary IDs like Drivers Licenses and Passports.

And it will help you avoid bribes because a third world cop may request one and if you don't have it you can go to the police station while they figure it out or you can make a donation to the Policeman's Benevolent fund on the spot.


Feb 16, 2017
Think you can expand on this point a bit? I’ve heard something similar from a friend regarding making friends in Colombia.
Since this thread is about helping dudes who already are thinking of living overseas how to move I'll go into excrusiating detail.

A good example is unless you live in a really upscale neighborhood in Santiago or Santo Domingo you can be invited to a "block party"just because you live on the Block.

It's not really a Block party it's a house party where everyone is mainly outside of the house. If would be politie to have a couple of bottles of Barcelo in Hand but you're invited.

Same thing you can easily be allowed to participate in an impromptu Stickball game.

In Colombia unless you know three or more people you probably won't be invited to a house party and the party will take place in the actual house not on the street.

It's unlikely that you'd be allowed to partcipate in a pick up soccer match.

That being said there isn't a lot of basketball courts in the DR, The main place I know to play is the court near the Statue on the Malecon in SD and dudes are usually running a game unless it's very early in the morning or dusk ( no lights on the court)

In Cali even more than Medellin there's ball courts all over the place there's like 5 within walking distance from me. Not to mention the Volleyball courts the soccer pitches and the free gyms and jogging paths. If you're into playing sports Cali is the best place for that.

If you're solely into drinking and fukking bytches the the DR is better for that. more people speak english where you're likely to be more chicks are down to pound in the DR for the "free"or the fee. You can go to spots and post up and look at or holla at girls and relax at a Colmado and drink beers and holla at hoes. You can do this at Liquor stores/ bars in Colombia but it's far less common.

Pick your Poison or Paradise.


Nov 12, 2014
Can you give some examples of advantages the international mindset gave you in a US influenced setting

What I will say about that is the European mindset is different to the (local) American one but there is within Europe/USA (and even outside) a mobile international workforce/people from non-local backgrounds who are not as provincial in their thinking and outlook. That group is the easiest for a traveller to mix or integrate with. With the non-internationals you can focus on the non-provincial side of their character.

Also internationalism takes some of the edge off. I for example am not going to discuss provincial UK matters (which seem part of normal convo to me) with people that I meet who are not from provincial UK. I will also be aware of what things we are likely to have in common or what things they might have a cultural reference for. Also I am less likely to say something that might appear odd to them or that might insult them.

If I went to downtown DC with my native London cockney self at the forefront I would not get very far. So I use international (american) English and stay away from English anachronisms.

I know not to too readily talk to strangers/colleagues/casuals about politics in America, money in Scandinavia, communism in most of Eastern Europe, WWII in Germany, the nukes in Japan, Ceausescu in Romania, that genocide in Turkey and so on.

Recognising that you are displaced, that some locals might not be aware, understand or care what that means, that when in doubt aim for human commonalities rather than local culture.
Feb 12, 2015
Tips for going to Medellin:

Tip #1. Dont go during Christmas everyone dips out to whatever town they're from for the hoildays It's the same during Santa Semana (Holy week) easter.

Keep in mind that Catholics consider Christmas to extend until the Three Kings Day.

Anyway I talked to some veteran travelers and expats and they said the main reason people get scoped is because they stay in buildings with no Doorman or if there's a doorman it's a high volume place where anyone can walk right in.

Even dealing with what you think is "regular girls" You need to get a front and back copy of her cedula (ID) and she needs to check in and out with a doorman. If you tell a chick that a DoorMan has to let her in and out and he has to get the OK from you if she comes to see you chances are nothing will go wrong.

Other than that ask around if anyone knows her and tell people that you have a chick coming through.

Medellin is still not my cup of tea but if you move correctly you should be fine. A lot of fukkery could be aviodeed if you just didn't stay or hang out in Probaldo and LLeras/ Provenza.

Laureles especially near the parks or the stadium is cheaper, tourists are targeted way less and it's walkable. If you stay in the Laureles area you technically wouldn't need a car.
What don't you like about Medellin?..... Beyond all the bytches stuff, that's easy work, but lifestyle and day to day living what don't you like compared to say Barranquilla?


Feb 16, 2017
What don't you like about Medellin?..... Beyond all the bytches stuff, that's easy work, but lifestyle and day to day living what don't you like compared to say Barranquilla?
Medellin is too much like america for my tastes its the most car centric city ive seen in Colombia.

I could live in Medellin but i much prefer Cali


Feb 16, 2017
What I will say about that is the European mindset is different to the (local) American one but there is within Europe/USA (and even outside) a mobile international workforce/people from non-local backgrounds who are not as provincial in their thinking and outlook. That group is the easiest for a traveller to mix or integrate with. With the non-internationals you can focus on the non-provincial side of their character.

Also internationalism takes some of the edge off. I for example am not going to discuss provincial UK matters (which seem part of normal convo to me) with people that I meet who are not from provincial UK. I will also be aware of what things we are likely to have in common or what things they might have a cultural reference for. Also I am less likely to say something that might appear odd to them or that might insult them.

If I went to downtown DC with my native London cockney self at the forefront I would not get very far. So I use international (american) English and stay away from English anachronisms.

I know not to too readily talk to strangers/colleagues/casuals about politics in America, money in Scandinavia, communism in most of Eastern Europe, WWII in Germany, the nukes in Japan, Ceausescu in Romania, that genocide in Turkey and so on.
i know a bloke from London who is the opposite of you hates england but constantly compares it positively to america.

had a three hour conversstion about Trump and was schocked that i didnt think he was Hitler.

My point that i didnt like Trump but hes not the president and were both here in Colombia so it doesnt really matter
Recognising that you are displaced, that some locals might not be aware, understand or care what that means, that when in doubt aim for human commonalities rather than local culture.


May 1, 2012
Medellin is too much like america for my tastes its the most car centric city ive seen in Colombia.

I could live in Medellin but i much prefer Cali

Appreciate all the info dropped so far. I’ve been very interested in Cali since I know that’s where the afro-latinas be at plus I’m trying to learn some salsa and I hear it’s one of the best places to learn.

Is it slower paced than Medellin? Less tourism?


Nov 12, 2014
i know a bloke from London who is the opposite of you hates england but constantly compares it positively to america.

yeah your friend needs help :francis:. what are the positives? dr who? blackadder? grange hill? NHS? guns?

had a three hour conversstion about Trump and was schocked that i didnt think he was Hitler.


My point that i didnt like Trump but hes not the president and were both here in Colombia so it doesnt really matter


Feb 16, 2017
Appreciate all the info dropped so far. I’ve been very interested in Cali since I know that’s where the afro-latinas be at plus I’m trying to learn some salsa and I hear it’s one of the best places to learn.

Is it slower paced than Medellin? Less tourism?
There's Tons of Salsa schools in Cali but you could just get your girl to teach you.

There's a fair amount of Sports Tourism here They had the Panamerican games here and the junior Olympics, And I'm starting to suspect that a lot of sex tourists come smash and dip. But it can't be on the level of Medellin Bog or Cartegena because there's really not even an official red light district.

One thing is although there's a underground House and Reggae scene there's no club that plays non Salsa music. I got a buddy doing Hip-Hop nights at a bar but that's it.

One other negative to Cali is there's almost no place to watch and NFL game. In Medellin there's several places the best being Sweet Georgia Browns In Cali the bars will play Soccer except for Mr. Wings ( a chicken franchise) which will play a highlight reel of ESPN but not any ESPN shows.

It seems to rain more than Medellin and the party nights are Thursday to Sunday not everynight so a party animal might get bored here. Way way cheaper for everything here, Its flatter so people walk more and there was a write up in the El Colombiano where prices for Cabs has increased to almost 7,000 Pesos. The price for cabs in Cali is 2500 pesos. They are blaming it on tourists and expats.

There's a smaller but close knit ADOS expat community here but not on the level of Medellin and unlike the Medellin Expats most in Cali have legit Girlfriends.

Cali is the largest city with Afro Latinos I'd say they're maybe 30% but the difference in Medellin is that I rarely see Afro Colombians in any level or authority in Medellin as in Cali they're well represented in the Janitor jobs but in Cali you see Black Professional people way more often and the Director of security for Cali is a Black Man. My Girl's Brother in Law is a state congressman and her sister is a lawyer.
Last edited:


Feb 16, 2017

This happened in Poblado too apparently. Careful out there.

This happened in Poblado too apparently. Careful out there.

People get clocked coming from the Airport. There was some Puerto Ricans checking into their Airbnb in the Engery Building (and exclusive highrise) in Probaldo got robbed while approching the front door.

Recently a dude was coming straight from the airport still in the rental and dudes boxed him in and robbed him.

Gotta be more careful.


Nov 17, 2017

You heard about the new Auston situation? Is it gonna start getting bad for brehs who wanna go overseas because of the shyt he’s doing?

Brehs really can’t catch a break anywhere.


Feb 16, 2017

You heard about the new Auston situation? Is it gonna start getting bad for brehs who wanna go overseas because of the shyt he’s doing?

Brehs really can’t catch a break anywhere.
I don't follow him but the concern trolling and content creation has begun.

No Excuse travel ( a married guy) gives some of the realest information about travel. He said that the Brazilian courts honor american family court laws and have similar laws on their books.

Brazil is way more feminist than people think.

On the low I watch a fair amount of Passport bro propaganda videos In this very thread I used to say I wanted to go to Brazil before I left South America but based on more information I see no need.

One thing I know for certain is homie is being singled out an targeted. I mean Charles Tyler did more to associate Rio with ADOS sex tourism than anybody else and no one said anything to him.

Theres documentaries about ADOS dudes going to Brazil no one said anything but a nikka with 35K subs is the enemy?

When he said that american women's PH balance was off that hit different, That was the first time that someone said that meaning bytches pussies stink.

I saw the reference used in the show Rap shyt after that.

Most Passport bros on youtube are old ass ugly gang members. Homie was part of a distrubing wave (that I also commented on before anyone heard of Auston) of young nikkas bushing america and american women. Personally I think it's weird to hear dudes that still live in the states say they're done with american women.

I know a guy right now who curved a high ranking military official that's in Colombia chasing third world tail right now. I know american woman have some shyt with them but I didn't think it was that bad. I never once thought of bushing american women or coming over here solely to date women. In fact there was an ADOS chick here in Colombia and I considered sliding in her DM's.

If I were Auston I'd immediately dip out to either Colombia or DR for a while while making content insinuating I was still in Brazil Then I'd go back once the heat dies down. If it doesn't I wouldn't go back and say why If it does I would course correct by not mentioning american women at all and other than some quick glances at Brazilian women talk about the culture.

All this shows is that you have to pick the right country for you, One reason why the DR is such a popular destination is because they don't front. They allow nikkas to flim all kinds of wild shyt on Sosua and they accept the american dollars in peace.
Brazil has all this prostitution yet they're "concerned" about a few so called Passport bros.

Low key Charles Tyler's group The BlackMan's Option had some goofies around who may have fukked with kids yet the group is still active and the dude in charge of it is still in Rio.
I'd take Brazil more seriously when they close down MABS I never been to Brazil but I know that's the place to go to on the beach where the hoes be at.