
Feb 16, 2017
General accommodation pro tips:

When researching a place at home or abroad check Airbnb on a regular basis as an Airbnb Host myself I can say that the Airbnb algorithm charges daily. Peep the lowest rates and message places and negotiate Never ever pay Full Price

Also avoid paying more than 4 times what a similar apartment in the same area costs. Most people rent out airbnb's in apartment complexes where there's apartments for rent. Getting a totally unfurnished apartment as an expat is a no-no. You need to live in it first. You can't tell if a place is janky until you live in the place for several months.

You can find out the rate for an unfurnished spot by checking Facebook real estate groups, Twitter and even the local Century 21 Yes they have Century 21 and Remax and other real estate companies. They will be way more than what a local company sells or rents places for but with the international real estate companies the lease/title won't be janky and (usually) it will be up to international specs.

If you plan to do any cooking get a grease trap and even then use a dishpan to wash dishes, Third world pipes are janky there's no garbage disposals in the third world, You will have to replace your pipes ask me how I know this.


Feb 16, 2017
The Mindset of dating "Foreigns"

Again you don't have to trick and frankly you shouldn't there's tons of brehs that come down here and OD on leading with their wallets and get drained. Prostitution is legal in most countries in Latin America or tolerated so there's a industry of chicks and dudes who will make you tap out. Don't be that guy.

That being said nothing is ever totally free. You take a chick out on a date even if you're vibing with her keep the date within 2 to 3 hours, The chick is expected at home and probably has to do chores or relieve the babysitter (Single Motherhood is more common in Latin America than the states)

If you want to keep her or smash she's usually down because when she took your number she already knew that you're either a short staying tourist or likely to meet another girl that you like equally. She will expect a consideration because her family is expecting one too. This is usually the Taxi game so that she doesn't feel "used" by smashing you on the first date.

You don't have to take her no where fancy because unless she's the Hoein' she probably never been to a really fly place. Local dudes are taking her to a Colmado and kind of corner store/deli/bar and still smashing. It's best to be vague on how long you're staying and what you will be doing. Because if you're not tricking she will want to be around you all the time. Try to get a chick with a job so that she'll have somewhere to do be.

If you're not fluent it's best to "put her to work" have her translate shyt for you have her put you up on game on how to get lower prices or have her do the negotations for you or have her make a store run for you. This is what people mean when they say these women aren't "matrix minded" They will do that shyt for you with a smile. You pipe a chick out and she'll get up and cook dinner and clean up. In fact I suggest Lunch dates as opposed to dinner dates. You keep a chick out past 1am her taxi may cost more and her fam will expect her to not come home with a wet ass and a dry purse.

Date several girls at the same time so that you will be less prone to simp out If you do rock with shorty try to leave her with a meaningful gift something that she needs that doesn't cost too much, These chicks don't have much and some cheap ass locally made pots and pans or a second hand business suit or a cheap smartphone can go a long way and you'll have a friend that you can come back to on your next vacation.
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Feb 16, 2017
dating Plus lessons

If you take her on a regular date especially a lunch date and it's not a super high end spot (usually never let her suggest the place) and you don't smash don't let her play the taxi game on you and if she does assume she's looking at you as a trick. She could still see you as the trickin' if she doesn't as for a specific driver. But she could also be auditioning you for a Western Union Novio Time will tell.

Learn the prices for things like maid services babysitters (this is usually free for them) and smartphones (you can easily get a chinese knock off of less than 100USD. Try to find out her real motive, what you think as love she may see as simply entertaining you. The chick usually don't love you no matter what she tells you but she may care about you or have some affection for you. Culture matters to her too, she's most comfortable with a local dude. Chicks aren't super feminist though they assume that you need or want p*ssy and are generally Ok with giving you that. Actually you don't want the chick to love you. You break her heart and you will make her a Feminist entitled hoe, Don't lie to her it's not necessary.


Feb 16, 2017
Dating add on's

You're not really in love with the bytch you're in love with the treatment!! Brehs come down and they meet a chick and she gives you head and hooks a Steak up and you fall in love. That's normal outside of "the Matrix". As fukked up as it is women see their primary job is to take care of a Man. Really all women low key feel this way that why when Kevin Samuels asks a bytch what she brings to the table they start mumbling.

A third world chick wouldn't mumble she'll say I cook and clean papi . People assume that you want to fukk something on your vacation so men and women will offer you chicks. In fact if you go to the country they'll generally assign a bytch to you to get piped out for the free.

Don't assume she's in Love with you She might be but she might get entitled once she feels that she has you especially if she starts living with you she's not trying to go back to the campo after she stays in that Luxurious Airbnb.

In reality you should ask your date to hook you up with her friends, you're not gonna embarrass her by asking this. She may or may not do it but it's not offensive. If anything maybe you shouldn't do this in the DR because chicks will flood you with other chicks.

Why would you want a chick to hook you up with her "friends" Number one it's probably not her actual friends sometimes it is especially in the DR where it might actually be her relatives, but usually it's just some chicks she knows in her hood. You'd want her to hook you up because usually she's still taking care of you she won't send you chicks with STD's especially if she's still dealing with you or she won't send any thieves to you and will take responsibility is something happens to you. Besides if something happens you know the chick who knows the chick.


Feb 16, 2017
The Overall Point of this thread.

This thread is Not about sex tourism It's not about brehs dropping everything and moving to the third world. Now if you're a repat to Africa I understand but I would say don't come broke.

This thread is about Brehs Optimizing their lives. Go to your favorite place maybe ten or so time and you get connects there, a lot of brehs make around 60 to 80 K a year you'e not "High Value" but you ain't starving either. You go to a spot meet a chick maybe you break her off to smash no judgements from me that you couldn't mack to a bytch that you can't speak the language in a high tricking area. But like I said the line between tricking an not tricking is blurry. If the chick is appreciative supportive and treats you well Then maybe it's not tricking.

But instead of giving her money why not give her a job? Have her find and negotiate an apartment find the best price for good furniture and you now have a timeshare/ Airbnb that generates money and now you have a place to stay when you come down. You interview a country and when you retire or if something happens and your money is fukked up instead of eating cat food in a cold water studio in the states maybe you live in a Mansion overlooking the beach somewhere else? Thats what it's all about getting some residual income that at least pays for your vacays while you stack and research for retirement. You can live your Golden years without a care in the world with your ADOS queen and or a local honey. This thread is just to get brehs thinking about their futures and what could be.


Feb 16, 2017
Starting back at the beginning: Doing research.

First of all decide on a region of the world that you want to live in Pick several countries mainly in the same region like say East Africa, West Africa The West Indies or europe. The reason you want to pick a region is to nail down what's important to you and for your to be focused. If you're looking at say Kenya and New Zealand those countries are completely different and on the other side of the world from each other and it would be impractical to spend time in both so you'd probably won't spend time in either. If you picked a region with several close countries It wouldn't be hard to Visit both Kenya and Tanzania on one trip.

Decide what's important to you pick a region and start researching. The easiest way is to start with wikipedia you can check out the Human development Index the corruptions perceptions Index, The happiness Index The Cost of Living Index the Big Mac Index and the Economic Freedoms Index. The reason you'd want to start with wiki is because a lot of these Indexes are made by companies who charge for them wiki will give you a ranking of the last years Indexes for free. Then you can Look up countries and start clicking links.

After that You should use Twitter again following the social media of all the newspapers of record in the country In the 3rd world most newspapers don't have paywalls most news programs are on Youtube Hell in Africa a lot of channels live stream significant portions of their daily programming on Youtube You can learn a ton about a country by subbing to their Youtube channels. If you run across people that have been to the country of your choice ask people their impressions, Then finally go to the bookstore and grab a copy of Lonely Planet or The Rough Guide travel books and maps tell you a lot about a country they're aren't as up to date as social media but they can tell you a lot of the information that you'd want to know.

Finally hit up facebook again following all social media of the major news orgs in the country any real estate groups and marketplace groups (Facebook Marketplace is a good place to buy and sell shyt locally too) If you don't have What's app get it. It's used all over the world Then join any expat groups on what's app and facebook that you can join. Proper research will save you thousands of dollars and a shyt ton of time.


It's the inner strength..
Jun 9, 2012
New York
I have a regular visa the only reason I'm in the DR is because I came to the states to handle some tax issues and to close out some business and to get documents that they would not give me at the embassy (The embassy is good for nothing) The world was locked down at that time so I had to get a special flight out (When you hear of them evacuating americans like they just did in Mozambique) understand you have to pay BIG MONEY for that. that ain't free.

I came to the DR because it was literally the only country that was open after I took care of all the business I could take care of in the states at that time.

I do have a retirement visa in Kenya and Tanzania though, but I'm trying to ride out Covid before I make my way back.

I'm single and most of my family as passed away.

I may go back to the states if I get some kind of long term illness but other than that I can't see it now, but I rule nothing out.

The freedom is the biggest upside the ability to do what I want when I want, To feel how white folks feel i.e not being scared of the cops and having people cater to you.

The biggest downside is the freedom. To have no responsibilities to not have anything to do you find yourself sleeping in every fukking day and then you have to get up to run to the store before curfew (in Covid times) in regular times this is negated by living in big cities where things are open late.

I support myself through my retirement checks and VA disability and savings but it's also dirt cheap.

Yes there's a language barrier in the DR because even if you speak spanish they speak a different slangy ass Spanish here. In Africa Kenya especially they all speak English.

The locals treat me great.

where in the DR you living at?


Feb 16, 2017
When doing research notice I didn't say look at american press. I'm not saying CNN and western media is cap, It's just that they prodive limited context and focus on what matters to americans. For example based of of american media you'd assume that Guatemala was a hellhole that everyone wanted to leave and there's places where there's little to no crime, Yes it's fukked up especially in the coastal areas, but They're moving to the states for money not because they can't make it in Guatemala. The coasts are were the Black People live yet you don't see them migrating in large numbers.

Same thing in Colombia you'd think that the police were moving people down here and it's a warzone, In most places it's not that bad.


Feb 16, 2017
Deeper Research: Check the expat and tricking forums. Even if you're not tricking you'd want to know if the chick you're dating is a pass around In places like the DR with around 11 million people chances are people know your girl. You could post your girl on the Blackman's travel discord server and move accordingly.

There's some knowledgeable well traveled brehs in the Blackman's Travel facebook group and discord. Join the "regular" Black travel facebook groups and what's app groups too, In mixed groups don't talk about the trickin' there. Respect the groups, They can be huge resources on the ground.


Feb 16, 2017
Research never stops: Once on the ground it takes about 20 years to fully embed yourself in a culture. You will need to make friends.

First get up with any expat groups, Individuals tend to be flakey You will holla at local americans and they may low key curve you. I don't know why that is but I suspect they might think that you're a travel trick bum. Join any Meet up groups, Volunteer groups Go to the US Embassy's reading room (That's a good source of information and they usually have some US newspapers around) And if you're into a team sport join or support the local league.

Making friends with locals Go to the same restaurants and bars generally at the same time whenever possible. One thing about living overseas is the customer service is usually janky, You tell them one thing and it's like it doesn't compute They will bring you the wrong thing even if you speak the language perfectly. As you hit up your favorite joint they'll start to get your orders right. Recommend this place to other travels and expats and shout it out on social media. They will appreciate the increased business and you just made some local friends. Establish a network of trusted locals and do as much business as possible with them. This will make your expat experience much better.