
Feb 16, 2017
Travel Pro tip: Always use the local currency.

Especially on Airline websites they'll ask if you want to pay in USD or Local Currency use the local one every single time. Your bank and Credit Card will give you the correct exchange rate. If you say use USD you're using their exchange rate. You're essentially paying more for the same thing.


Feb 16, 2017
Tiers of chicks in the Global South.

You want to know why cats like @Hennessypapi don't trip about you taking a Trip to his island?

Because you're not really fukking the bytches he's fukking and if you are fukking it doesn't mean he's not fukking.

In any country there's dimes that are Clouted that aren't available to tourists. You're not gonna meet them at the mall and kick it with them. A lot of these countries are small If you were in Jamaica it's totally possible that you can see the Jamaican Miss World or the Jamaican Miss Universe but no matter how much clout and status you have she's not fukking with you, she's reserved for local ballers to wife up.

Now there's non clouted dimes that you can totally get. Those girls will be at the same malls speak decent english and you can bag them.

A lot of ADOS brehs just want to experience the treatment that white dudes get on the daily so they go to foreign countries stay at the Marriott and go to the high end Mall and link with dimes. They brehs on the travel trick forums complain about them "inflating the price" But that's besides the point, They just want to go somewhere they can floss a little bit and be somewhere where escorts don't say No Black guys. You can point out all day that 100 bucks for a prime Halle Berry lookalike is waaaaaaaaay more than you should have to pay but nikkas are looking for an image.

That being said You Dont have to Trick especially for an adjustable 9. You take the same Halle Berry lookalike take away the BBL maybe the english isn't as on point and she can be "free" Now understand that the third world is bizzaro land. In the Global South you have to trick to keep the bytch.

In the 3rd world nothing is free, There's no welfare or affrimative action, people get denied jobs simply for class. The bytch that hung out with you and sucked you off then ate some lunch with you, had to borrow the cab fare to get to you. She's piping a local breh right after you get on the plane. Then men in the community will hold her down after you leave. Chicks are willing to play the long game with you. Isolate you from other chicks Love bomb you and expect your momma raised blue pilled mentality and sense of fairness and pity to do the rest.

You really love her? You don't want her to fukk other men? Then she needs to be with you 24/7 you need to pay school fees and shyt None of that shyt is free and your girl and her bills becomes your bills. The baby daddy ain't paying child support you will pay for your girl's baby's hospital bills.

If you try to play the fake Hard on Hoes game and give her not even the local currency in your pocket as you leave understand in these small countries word will get around and you'll be "boxed" out of that city eventually. Or chicks will demand money upfront.

It's better to manage expectations don't let her manage your time and listen to what she says when she hits you for the money ask find out how much she really needs add up all the ways she helped optimize your vacation and throw in a little Taxi game inflation and give her that. Trust me usually the amount needed is very small.


Feb 16, 2017
@Wiseborn is indeed wise. Those who know me know I did the expat thing for 5 years, and my man is spitting straight facts. Took me a while to learn some of these things (some are common sense), but take notes and have fun. I'm retired.
Thanks Breh, Where did you go and why did you leave? This is not really a "go overseas to escape white supremacy and fukk bad bytches" thread.

In all things the cons is more important than the pros. I'd love to hear your input.


Live every day like it's your last
Dec 13, 2019
is weed legal where you at? If so did you try some?

Smashius Clay

The Millennium Brotha I Be
Nov 29, 2013
Perpetual World Traveler
Thanks Breh, Where did you go and why did you leave? This is not really a "go overseas to escape white supremacy and fukk bad bytches" thread.

In all things the cons is more important than the pros. I'd love to hear your input.

I bounced around Mexico City, Santo Domingo, and Medellin for a couple of years before settling down in Colombia for good after getting a visa. I moved back to the U.S. at the end of 2019 to refocus on my career.

I don't really have much to add, I think you've basically covered it all.


Feb 16, 2017
I bounced around Mexico City, Santo Domingo, and Medellin for a couple of years before settling down in Colombia for good after getting a visa. I moved back to the U.S. at the end of 2019 to refocus on my career.

I don't really have much to add, I think you've basically covered it all.

What city did you prefer and why? I can say between Santo Domingo and Cali I did like the Malecon the amount of US stuff the DR has a free trade agreement and cannot compete with the US so damn near everything in the states was there as well. But shyt costs.

I didn't like the blackouts in anyplace that wasn't Gazcue, El Million Piantni and Zona Colonial. I know a Black chick who lives in Santo Domingo Este, I wouldn't risk it because of the Blackouts.

There's a lot of brehs in Medellin but I want to avoid it because of the crime, Obviously Cali has more crime but gringos aren't targeted the same way as in Medellin.

I've heard good things about Mexico City and dudes pointed out BBL'ed chicks in Mexico but I couldn't fukk with a gang of refrigerator built chicks.

The natural thickness runs neck and neck in Cali and Santo Domingo however the BBL jobs look more natural and less ridiculous in Cali than in santo Domingo. The thirstiness of chicks was realer in the DR and I learned rotation management there but I was tired of making appointments to see chicks and it started to feel like a job in itself.
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Feb 16, 2017
I bounced around Mexico City, Santo Domingo, and Medellin for a couple of years before settling down in Colombia for good after getting a visa. I moved back to the U.S. at the end of 2019 to refocus on my career.

I don't really have much to add, I think you've basically covered it all.
I don't know if you were single but regarding the thristiness of the chicks in the DR what do you think the cause of it is? In all Black countries Black women tend to be a little less pressed. You'd think with all the money flowing in that it would be like Jamaica were chicks are down but not pressed.

To other brehs what I mean by pressed I remember one time I went to San Christobal Beach with one chick and I thought I told this other chick not to come over. I think they (it was her and her friend) and they waited outside for hours. I felt so bad

I lived in an apartment with offices in it no one gave them money to catch a bus back or even let them use the bathroom. Anyway the chicks where the standard Maids down to ccok clean do laundry do shopping and fukk, And the minute one of the chick's sensed I was getting board she offered up her friend who was a law student.

My Girlfriend at the times did hair for her old Math Professor and the Prof said he sister was dumb and she was trying to find an american to pipe her out and take care of her. My Girl friend one day hooked up a bunch of fellas who happened to be in town. One was her cousin. One dude came on too strong with the Cuanto Cuesta (How Much?) Talk so she said she was gonna Tax him (she didn't use those words but that's what she meant) The cousin wasn't a whore but she was down to fukk for the fee.

Is it a chicken meaning it's the culture in general or is it the egg meaning did all these US tourists corrupt them, I mean it was nothing for chicks to hook you up with friends and relatives, i never saw anything like that.

Smashius Clay

The Millennium Brotha I Be
Nov 29, 2013
Perpetual World Traveler
I don't know if you were single but regarding the thristiness of the chicks in the DR what do you think the cause of it is?
Probably a combination of a more relaxed attitude towards casual sex (cabañas are a thing), and the fact that a lot of these women run in small social circles where everyone knows each other. So it's an opportunity to go off and get their back blown out without having to hear about it through the grapevine.


Feb 16, 2017
Tips on finding a decent place to live as an expat.

Live in your Airbnb. meaning you need to stay in an airbnb for about 6 months before you decide that you want to live in that area.

Finding a place to live is the most important thing you will do. Booking is way more flexible in getting places but they have less places and they cost more but you can easily cancel.

Airbnb's especially month long stays are hard to cancel. When I say it's hard I was about to move into an Airbnb during the riots and I didn't go the first day because literally no cabs were available. So I walked there the second day and nikkas had set fire to the damn street I had rented a place for a month and the host canceled when I tried to cancel another place I got for another month Airbnb said It's two months away let's see if the situation has calmed down.

That being said Don't Fall in Love with the first place you see. Even if your wowed by a place make a deal with the host to move back after a month stay somewhere else. It might be better than the first place.


Feb 16, 2017
How to get a nice girl or at least a chick who you don't have to pay.

Tip #1. Holla at chicks even if you don't know the language people are nice here. I remember I was in the Food Court of Agora Mall and even though I was speaking in Spanish they didn't understand my accent so the chick behind me ordered for me and said If you need anything else let me know I felt that she was giving me the opening to holla but but because even though I lived in Africa for almost two years I was reluctant to believe that they could be that down.

Tip #2 DONT USE DATING APPS!!! Dating apps are for hoes looking for rich foreign tricks. That doesn't mean that there isn't any "nice girls" on Tinder in the DR but If they link with you they know what you want and they know what they want. The move is to post of at the mall or the parks and holla but no matter what tell the chick that you're gonna be there six months. Don't treat her like a prostitute if she isn't acting like one but if she's down to fukk she'll have a decent interval then smash.

Do use social media, Facebook is better than Dominican Cupid (and DC is better than Tinder) Look at her pictures, If there isn't pics of family and parties and standard Hoe babble and there's pics of her in the club or the beach only bush her. The Club and Beach pics only is the biggest tells in the game.

Finally If she doesn't ask for your Socials she doesn't give a fukk about you. Latin chicks accept standard checking but they get jealous too. If they aren't calling you every five minutes and stalking you're FB and Insta She doesn't really care No matter what she says.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
Travel Pro tip: Always use the local currency.

Especially on Airline websites they'll ask if you want to pay in USD or Local Currency use the local one every single time. Your bank and Credit Card will give you the correct exchange rate. If you say use USD you're using their exchange rate. You're essentially paying more for the same thing.


Feb 16, 2017
General Travel Protips:

1. Before your step foot on a place make sure you get two credit cards that have travel points and no international charge fees. If you're overseas you can easily save hundreds or even thousands of dollars by picking credit cards with no international fees. Your standard credit card might tear you out the frame with fees. The Points game is also damn important for saving money on flights, take a couple of trips and you can upgrade or Fly for free.

You'd want two because if you lose your credit card that you have on you then you have a back up at the crib. this can be a lifesaver. You defenitely want to hook up your credit card to your Uber account so that even if you get robbed you can get home (if you kept your cell phone). Needless to say it's way easier to get a charge back no problem with a credit card.

The rules on which is the "best card" changes all the time but I'd check The Doctor of Credit.com website and make a determination based off of that.

Even though I obviously an against you sending money to hoes I'd set up a Moneygram and Western Union account so that you can wire yourself some emergency cash. Believe me you don't want to be out of cash especially in Africa.

Then there's the cash sending apps. I use Wave to pay my rent in Africa because I can send money "free" to Kenya. They make their money off of the janky exchange rates. World Remit is another good one and you can use your credit card not your bank for a little more protection. You send money through Wave to the wrong account and Good luck on getting that back because it's a bank transfer. A decent credit card will charge it back for you.

ATM cards obviously you'd use this to get money again you'd want a ATM that waves International ATM Fees and one that is willing to send you another card in case you lose the one you have (happened to me before) Check Bankrate.com for the best rates and cards with no international fees.

Another thing is Green dot cards that you load money on. That way if you lose that card you only lose the money on that card at that time. There's dudes that do extreme shyt like take "swollowable" RFID thumb drives that act like reachargable Bank cards and RFID trackers as well. I guess if I were going to Somalia I'd consider this. I would defenitely get an RFID wallet I use a pacsafe RFID chain wallet. If won't prevent an expert pickpocket but it will deter a snatch and grab or a untrained pickpocket and it's also a deterrent to most sneak thieves.