Illegal immigration hurts the black community


Oct 17, 2015

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
Except that Mexicans have been here longer than Italians, Jews and Irish. You can't stop Mexican immigration . Go to bed.

You can disincentivize illegal immigration from anywhere.

You think America's the only place with a fukking border?

Wake the fukk up.

Your people throw more El Salvadorians out of their country with the fukking quickness. Why don't you tell your folks that there's no way to stop Guatamalans and Salvadorians from coming into Mexico.

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
Just reread this link @Napoleon posted from the Nation Center For Public Policy Research and DAMN it's etherous

Throughout U.S. History, Immigration Surges Have Harmed Black Workers

Facts and Figures

  • In the early 1800s, friction between free blacks and immigrants who were in competition for low-skilled labor opportunities led to the rise of union-based anti-black discrimination. Roy Beck, in The Case Against Immigration, wrote: "Rising immigration from the 1820s to the Civil War drove down wages for free black Americans and immigrants alike... As badly as new immigrants often were treated by established Americans, even worse treatment was meted out to black Americans by the immigrants. Organizing themselves into trade unions, immigrant laborers helped set the terms of hiring at many urban workplaces. Not only would they not allow black workers into their unions, but they usually would refuse to work alongside them if they were hired. Many firms decided not to hire black workers, or to fire the ones already on the site, because of that refusal on the part of the more numerous immigrant workers."3

  • After the end of the Civil War, Beck writes, a high rate of European immigration kept many newly-freed blacks locked within the South's agricultural economy (and helped widen the overall technological gap with the North). "High immigration solved an immense problem for the defeated southern landed aristocracy. The restoration of the plantation system depended on holding onto the ex-slaves. Eric Foner, the specialist on Reconstruction, says a major priority for both white southerners and northerners was to subdue former slaves into a sedentary agricultural work style in the South. During a brief window of opportunity after the war, many freed slaves made their way to the North and grabbed jobs that they held for years to come. But because of increasingly high immigration, most freed slaves did not get any of the new jobs up north or any of the new land out west. The unions were an essential force in keeping the ex-slaves out of the North. Nearly all of the unions — dominated by immigrants — barred blacks from membership, Foner says."4

  • Blacks were pushed out of jobs at the start of the 20th Century by a wave of immigration of Italians and Eastern Europeans who settled in the North. Beck, who is CEO of the immigration policy organization Numbers USA, writes: "[Historian John E.] Bodnar found that the immigration had a 'devastating impact upon [Steelton, Pennslyvania's] black working force.' Black workers stopped progressing up the job ladder, they lost semi-skilled occupations to the Slavs and Italians and many were forced to leave town in search of work. The black population declined. Job displacement was occurring in all cities. In 1870, of all black men in Cleveland, 32 percent had skilled jobs; by 1910, only 11 percent were in skilled trades. 'It did not take Jim Crow laws to drive blacks out of such jobs in the North, which could draw on a huge pool of immigrant labor flowing into the cities,' says Lawrence Fuchs of Brandeis University."5

    Beck adds: "Anybody concerned about fulfilling the spirit of the civil rights era would have been given pause by a look back a century ago at what happened in interior industrial centers such as Pittsburgh, McKeesport, Wilkes-Barre and Johnstown in Pennsylvania; Lorain in Ohio and Buffalo in New York. In tight-labor conditions immediately after the Civil War, those cities had needed the migration of black labor. They witnessed black growth that was modest in numbers but almost explosive in terms of percentages. With the biggest surge of immigration after 1899, however, black growth in those cities essentially stopped or populations actually declined. High immigration to the nation's cities had assured that the black worker 'would have to start his economic climb over again — from the bottom,' Bodnar says."6

  • Reduced immigration during World War I led to employment opportunities for black males. During the "Great Migration" that began in 1914, approximately half a million blacks moved from the South to urban areas in the North. "Wartime opportunities in the urban North gave hope to such individuals," wrote Chad Williams, then an associate professor of history at Hamilton College and since 2012 the chairman of the Department of African and Afro-American Studies at Brandeis University. "The American industrial economy grew significantly during the war. However, the conflict also cut off European immigration and reduced the pool of available cheap labor. Unable to meet demand with existing European immigrants and white women alone, northern businesses increasingly looked to black southerners to fill the void. In turn, the prospect of higher wages and improved working conditions prompted thousands of black southerners to abandon their agricultural lives and start anew in major industrial centers. Black women remained by and large confined to domestic work, while men for the first time in significant numbers made entryways into the northern manufacturing, packinghouse and automobile industries."7

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
  • Illegal immigrants and black Americans in the workforce today have a similar median age (approximately 36 and 39 years of age, respectively,11 with non-Hispanic whites six years older than the illegal immigrants, at 4212), making illegal aliens more likely to compete head-to-head for age-sensitive employment opportunities.

  • Analyzing evidence from two studies showing that employers may have a preference for hiring immigrants over black citizens, Dr. Harry J. Holzer of Georgetown University and the Urban Institute noted "that employers perceive stronger work ethic among the immigrants, and a greater willingness to tolerate low wages... Some of these perceptions and the hiring behavior they generate might well reflect discrimination, especially against black men whom employers generally fear…"13

  • "Ethnic networking" pits American blacks and Hispanic migrants against each other. As Beck writes in The Case Against Immigration: "Studies claiming to show insignificant changing in rates of African-American unemployment or labor force participation fail to take into account employment opportunities closed to black Americans who might otherwise migrate to metropolitan labor markets increasingly impacted by immigrants. The pervasive effects of ethnic-network recruiting and the spread of non-English languages in the workplace have, in effect, locked many blacks out of occupations where they once predominated."

    He adds: "Much of the power of immigration streams comes from 'ethnic networking,' in which immigrants after obtaining a job use word of mouth to bring relatives and other acquaintances from their country into the same workplace. Immigrants today act like the immigrants early this century, who took whole occupations and turned them into their own preserve, quickly shutting native-born Americans — especially blacks — out of a workplace14 … Within five years [in the 1990s], the workforce of seafood plants in North Carolina, Virginia and Maryland had changed from being predominantly African-American to mainly teenage girls and young women from Mexico15 … Businesses cease to advertise jobs. Natives don't hear about openings as they are announced through word of mouth of the foreign workers in their local community and also across the country and even in other countries."16


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Right on time... :francis:

In another thread @88m3 is advocating for more Syrian refugees to come in than anyone else.

Here again, he's wrong:

We should take in every refugee we possibly can.

America needs every immigrant it can accept.

Illegal (not in this case) and unskilled? Hell no. Not at the expense of the Black Community.

Refugees should be permitted...up to a point.

Let Europe and the Gulf States have them.

The US has taken in more illegal immigrants than damn near every other nation in Europe.

Illegal Immigration around the World: 13 Countries Compared to the United States - Illegal Immigration Solutions -


And the USA is in the top 10 of illegal immigrant countries around the fukking world:

The top 10 home countries of those illegal immigrants were the People's Republic of China, Vietnam, Thailand, The Philippines, Mongolia, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, The United States of America, respectively.

Illegal immigration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

@Broke Wave @hashmander @GinaThatAintNoDamnPuppy! @YeLovesBoston @marcuz @Smashius Clay @TheRealfG @ignorethis @Thomas @Raul @Wheresmypassport @the cac mamba @#SOG_soldier @sicc2def @O.G.B
@Monster @scrilla @BocaRear @Solomon Caine @jwonder @DEAD7 @Moshe. @Yup @The Amerikkkan Idol @Cadillac @Roddy Right @uggymoe

Last edited:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Cubans are rushing to the US border before an immigration loophole is closed
Cubans are rushing to the US border before an immigration loophole is closed

started detaining migrants at its southeastern border after police broke a human-trafficking ring that was smuggling Cubans through the country. Officials later backed away from the measure, granting some 1,000 Cuban immigrants humanitarian visas to continue their journey after they blocked a highway in protest. Nicaragua, the next country on their way to the US, responded by closing its border on Nov. 15, leaving hundreds of Cubans trapped in Costa Rica.

The Cuban Adjustment Act, the law that allows Cubans to stay in the US even if they arrive without a visa, was enacted in 1966 to manage an exodus from the island after the Cuban Revolution. President Bill Clinton later modified it to only include Cubans who touched dry land, not those intercepted in US waters, a policy known as “wet-foot, dry-foot.” Some half a million Cubans, including the father of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, have become legal residents through the act.

While US officials have said they have no intention of changing that law as they revamp relations with Cuba, there is growing pressure to repeal it. Paul Gosar, a Republican congressman who represents Arizona, last month filed a bill to end the “wet-foot, dry-foot” policy. “If President Obama has normalized relations with Cuba, why would we treat illegal immigrants from that nation any different than those from other countries?” he said in a statement.

Support for the law is faltering even in Miami, the US’s Cuban-American stronghold. Speaking on a local talk show, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Republican congresswoman who fled Cuba when she was eight years old after Fidel Castro took power, said, “it wouldn’t break my heart if it’s done away with.”



May 19, 2012
Cubans are rushing to the US border before an immigration loophole is closed
Cubans are rushing to the US border before an immigration loophole is closed

started detaining migrants at its southeastern border after police broke a human-trafficking ring that was smuggling Cubans through the country. Officials later backed away from the measure, granting some 1,000 Cuban immigrants humanitarian visas to continue their journey after they blocked a highway in protest. Nicaragua, the next country on their way to the US, responded by closing its border on Nov. 15, leaving hundreds of Cubans trapped in Costa Rica.

The Cuban Adjustment Act, the law that allows Cubans to stay in the US even if they arrive without a visa, was enacted in 1966 to manage an exodus from the island after the Cuban Revolution. President Bill Clinton later modified it to only include Cubans who touched dry land, not those intercepted in US waters, a policy known as “wet-foot, dry-foot.” Some half a million Cubans, including the father of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, have become legal residents through the act.

While US officials have said they have no intention of changing that law as they revamp relations with Cuba, there is growing pressure to repeal it. Paul Gosar, a Republican congressman who represents Arizona, last month filed a bill to end the “wet-foot, dry-foot” policy. “If President Obama has normalized relations with Cuba, why would we treat illegal immigrants from that nation any different than those from other countries?” he said in a statement.

Support for the law is faltering even in Miami, the US’s Cuban-American stronghold. Speaking on a local talk show, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Republican congresswoman who fled Cuba when she was eight years old after Fidel Castro took power, said, “it wouldn’t break my heart if it’s done away with.”


Is there anything more tragic then Hispanic self hate? :scust:


Man of the year
Jun 9, 2012
Illegal immigrants are not immigrants.

what? bro are you ok? re-read what you just typed. shyt doesn't make sense.

an immigrant is an immigrant, where they are went through the system or undocumented. they still migrated to another place. anyway. I don't want to argue with you about word definitions. I want your thoughts on the article.

specially the bold parts.