we aint trading no damn pick
shyt if anything y'all should be getting a pick...Unless they were willing to just take salaries back I wouldn't do a deal with them...I'd keep Winslow he has a good contract...But yeah I'd give up Dragic/J Johnson/Waiters/maybe Olynk anyone else I'd try to keep.
And I say maybe to Olynk only considerong you have Leonard but Olynk at least tries a bit more on defense...I think the Thunder may low key be stuck. Honestly I would of made Paul and his agent and the rockets find the 3rd team in this trade before I move Westbrick.
But low key you also have to consider this. The Thunder could just keep Paul and hopefully let him increase his trade value but they have to move Scroder and Adams and should also move Galanari before he gets hurt...Do they want SGA to be a PG or SG...
If the Thunder made a couple of roster tweaks they could be in the running for the 8th seed and thats the issue they are in treadmill status they need to blow that thing all the way up.