If you're an atheist and thinks nothing happens when you die, what motivates you?


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
You seem to be the one trying to confirm your views.

So speaking to the contrary is an attempt at confirming them?

Hilarious. I guess thats your safe way of preventing dissension from your own assertions.

Is that how you end arguments? By framing them as insecurity?

But hey, i'm open to the fact that I'm wrong about everything I've ever learned, seen, or heard.

Thats how you move towards knowing whats true, real, or valid. :pacspit:


I'm sure epistemological ambiguity is too heavy for you to contemplate though. You'd probably curl up into a ball, scared to look in the mirror questioning life itself. :whoo:

But hey, we don't have to do that if you don't want to.

I just find it funny that with the right questions, i could have you not knowing who you are. :pacspit:


All Star
May 14, 2012
It's one thing to be atheist it's another not to believe in Christ cause even Christians question that shyt


May 1, 2012
You seem to be the one trying to confirm your views.

And it's very obvious. The atheist on here usually seem to be the most emotional about their views as if they are insecure about them. I'm agnostic and love to hear every different point of view on the topic. I had dudes coming in here ready to bite my head off just for questioning thier views. There is no correct answer to this question, only opinions, so the posters trying so hard to convice people to agree with them are wasting their time.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
So speaking to the contrary is an attempt at confirming them?

Hilarious. I guess thats your safe way of preventing dissension from your own assertions.

Is that how you end arguments? By framing them as insecurity?

But hey, i'm open to the fact that I'm wrong about everything I've ever learned, seen, or heard.

Thats how you move towards knowing whats true, real, or valid. :pacspit:


I'm sure epistemological ambiguity is too heavy for you to contemplate though. You'd probably curl up into a ball, scared to look in the mirror questioning life itself. :whoo:

But hey, we don't have to do that if you don't want to.

I just find it funny that with the right questions, i could have you not knowing who you are. :pacspit:

Try it

Dead End

Rican B*stard
May 5, 2012
NW Chicago
I'm not one of those c*nt pop athiests that come off as elitists and end up being basically neocons because of their anti-religion (I'm thinking of Hitchens here). I was raised Southern Baptist and I understand the purpose of religion. Furthermore, for people of color, particularly black folk, the church represents one of the only institutions they self-managed and were allowed some amount of freedom in. So all sorts of political organizing comes out of here. The same for Latin America to a certain extent, with liberation theology.

However when it comes down to it, I think what religion offers is more negative than positive. As far as what motivates me? Well, I get up in the morning because I have to work to survive. I write because I like to, and sharing knowledge to other people is a good thing. Likewise, I help others write because I think everyone should have the ability for self-expression. I assist in the organizing of unions because working people always get fukked over and we should fight back. I'm not sure where I need religion to motivate me to do any of these things. In reality, most of the things people do have nothing to do with religion, but with family ties, empathy, interest etc...none of which require religion to exist.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
And it's very obvious. The atheist on here usually seem to be the most emotional about their views as if they are insecure about them. I'm agnostic and love to hear every different point of view on the topic. I had dudes coming in here ready to bite my head off just for questioning thier views. There is no correct answer to this question, only opinions, so the posters trying so hard to convice people to agree with them are wasting their time.

Uh...yeah there is.

And you don't understand what Agnostic means.

I'm an agnostic atheist.

Agnosticism deals with knowledge. You either know there is a god, or not.

Atheism deals with belief. You either believe that there is one or not based on the evidence.

I don't know if there is a god, but i'm not convinced that there is.

There could be one, but until theres evidence to support that, then i'm not submitting to the belief.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I'm not one of those c*nt pop athiests that come off as elitists and end up being basically neocons because of their anti-religion (I'm thinking of Hitchens here). I was raised Southern Baptist and I understand the purpose of religion. Furthermore, for people of color, particularly black folk, the church represents one of the only institutions they self-managed and were allowed some amount of freedom in. So all sorts of political organizing comes out of here. The same for Latin America to a certain extent, with liberation theology.

However when it comes down to it, I think what religion offers is more negative than positive. As far as what motivates me? Well, I get up in the morning because I have to work to survive. I write because I like to, and sharing knowledge to other people is a good thing. Likewise, I help others write because I think everyone should have the ability for self-expression. I assist in the organizing of unions because working people always get fukked over and we should fight back. I'm not sure where I need religion to motivate me to do any of these things. In reality, most of the things people do have nothing to do with religion, but with family ties, empathy, interest etc...none of which require religion to exist.

Thing is, Hitchens wasn't really THAT conservative. Dude fukked up on Iraq but he was still pretty left of center on most other issues.

he just HATED religion. I'm sure having his blood brother (peter hitchens) being a major christian writer didn't help either. I'm sure he resented the hell out of him for that.

Dead End

Rican B*stard
May 5, 2012
NW Chicago
Thing is, Hitchens wasn't really THAT conservative. Dude fukked up on Iraq but he was still pretty left of center on most other issues.

he just HATED religion. I'm sure having his blood brother (peter hitchens) being a major christian writer didn't help either. I'm sure he resented the hell out of him for that.

He was a Trotskyist who became pro-interventionist in foreign policy. This is actually part of the trajectory of neoconservatism. Many of its earliest figures were Trotskyists or socialists who were so anti-USSR they were pro-USA. Eventually most of them distanced themselves from the socialist movement and went through a period in the political wilderness before becoming involved in the GOP. But there would of course still be contradictions. Hitchens is a good example of that.

The 2020 New Member

Dec 12, 2012
only came to deliver that facetious one star. stress is part of the human condition and can't be helped OP. and im not even an atheist but the cole is bettah than this.


May 1, 2012
A lot of you folks are missing the point the OP is trying to make...

If you are truly an Atheist, and thus believe a human is just another species on Earth, and ultimately like any other species, then nothing you do or don't do ultimately matters...

If you are truly an Atheist then morals and ethics, and being a "good" person shouldn't have any meaning to you...

Ultimately, it's survival of the fittest...You are "good" if it helps in one instance and "bad" if it helps you in another...You shouldn't care about being "good" all the time...For what...?

If you are an Atheist, then why the hell should you care about "legacy"...? Humans care about what we do, because we have a MEMORY...At the end of the day, we want to remember, and we get pleasure or pain from what we remember and how we remember it...

Just an example, some people want to have children because the thought of having a "legacy" is appealing...However, that thought is only appealing because you have a brain that is functioning, and has be socially programmed to accept that kind of thinking...

But ultimately, we all die, and thus, we wont have any thoughts, subsequently, we wont be able to experience pain or pleasure...

Therefore, at the end of the day it doesn't matter if you leave a legacy behind, because you will die, and your brain will not be able to think or reflect on anything you did in your life...

Basically, it doesn't matter if you were poor or a billionaire, because once you are dead ALL experience is GONE...

So, if you are truly an atheist then it shouldn't matter if you "commit that" today or live your life until you are 100 years old, because at the end of it all, you wont even know you were ever alive...

To conclude, let me make this analogy...

If you enrolled in a course in University/College and the Professor told you on the very first day, "it doesn't matter how much you struggle or enjoy the course, in the end of the semester, you are GUARANTEED that you are going to fail, and even worse, you wont even remember the experience of taking that course"

Why would anybody care about the course knowing and believing this...?

As an atheist, I agree with most of this, except the bolded.

Yeah, I don't believe in morality and if I need to be unethical at some point to get ahead, I have no qualms about doing it. I also don't care about leaving a legacy because I won't even be aware of it when I'm dead and buried, so I won't be having kids.

However, I think it's up to the individual to make the most out of life while he or she is on earth. This life is the only one we have, so I'm not going to mess it up by being unproductive and poor. I'm here to live my life to the fullest and be happy via whatever means it takes as long as it doesn't get me thrown in jail.