If you never done shrooms then you've never lived life

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
My weed connect has them but she warned me to be with someone and to be in a good mood. I said I'm good after that :hubie:
I ain't trying take drugs I need to set up special conditions and all that shyt for it to make me feel good
I mean I've done it solo dolo a few times. What I would recommend if you're doing it solo is to go in light. I don't do the actual shrooms in their normal form. I got this hookup where its like vials in an alcohol solution where you can measure it and he tells you exactly how much to get the right trip you want. Just mixed it in a drink and go. I think people give this advice because some people can have a bad trip and so its probably better if they have a partner. But I think that is less common than a normal trip.

Also, I think it depends on the type of person you are. I'm just going based on anecdotal experience but if you view yourself as someone who rational and not into superstitious stuff, then I think its hard to have a bad trip if you don't overdo it. Some folks say they see scary visions and shyt but I think they are also the type to believe in superstition, the supernatural, and maybe more religious than me. If you believe in shyt like demons, I can see how the shyt can get out of hand if your mind tends to go to those places. I get some pretty trippy images something but nothing that made me scared or freaked out because I feel in control and realize its a drug and not real.

But yeah, everyone is different and no way of knowing how it will affect you. I think the most freaky image I saw was looking at my girls face and her features looked kind of cartoonish and exaggerated. But again, if you know it's not real, I personally find it hard to have it affect me.

Hater Eraser

Dec 31, 2016
That California Lifestyle ...
You have to be out in Nature to enjoy it fully :ahh:


Santa Cruz voted on Tuesday to decriminalize "magic mushrooms" and other natural psychedelics, making it the third city in the US to take such a step. (CNN) The city of Santa Cruz, California, has become the latest city to decriminalize "magic mushrooms" and other natural psychedelics, including ayahuasca and peyote.Feb 3, 2020


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Nov 3, 2015
Mustard Island
I mean I've done it solo dolo a few times. What I would recommend if you're doing it solo is to go in light. I don't do the actual shrooms in their normal form. I got this hookup where its like vials in an alcohol solution where you can measure it and he tells you exactly how much to get the right trip you want. Just mixed it in a drink and go. I think people give this advice because some people can have a bad trip and so its probably better if they have a partner. But I think that is less common than a normal trip.

Also, I think it depends on the type of person you are. I'm just going based on anecdotal experience but if you view yourself as someone who rational and not into superstitious stuff, then I think its hard to have a bad trip if you don't overdo it. Some folks say they see scary visions and shyt but I think they are also the type to believe in superstition, the supernatural, and maybe more religious than me. If you believe in shyt like demons, I can see how the shyt can get out of hand if your mind tends to go to those places. I get some pretty trippy images something but nothing that made me scared or freaked out because I feel in control and realize its a drug and not real.

But yeah, everyone is different and no way of knowing how it will affect you. I think the most freaky image I saw was looking at my girls face and her features looked kind of cartoonish and exaggerated. But again, if you know it's not real, I personally find it hard to have it affect me.

Thanks for the breakdown, does it work like weed brownies where I can take a small bite and kinda get a weak(er) experience.
My girl just watched something on netflix about psychedelics and is interested now but we kinda scared having being changed forever

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
Thanks for the breakdown, does it work like weed brownies where I can take a small bite and kinda get a weak(er) experience.
My girl just watched something on netflix about psychedelics and is interested now but we kinda scared having being changed forever
Yeah. I think for dried mushrooms which again I haven't done so someone correct me if I'm wrong, 1.5g is the starting amount I've heard. You'll have some "breathing" and "wavy" hallucinations on the low end but nothing crazy but for me the best part isn't the hallucinations though they are fascinating. Its the way your mind starts to process information and think differently and that is something that a lot of people describe as life-changing. You see why a lot of research is going into utilizing it as a tool to treat addiction and mental issues. It really does change your perspective and the experience is more...enlightening than just the fun high you get from weed or something.

Its literally the least harmful drug around outside of the danger of a bad trip. Less dangerous than alcohol as far as damage to the body and addiction. But having taken them, you realize why the government makes something less harmful than alcohol illegal. Psychedelics will make your question structures, especially government structure, and life a lot more than anything else would. When you get drunk or high you kind of in a dumb stupor. On mushrooms you find yourself thinking and questioning things in ways you never thought before. Especially when it comes to questioning control structures in society. Like breh above said, experiencing nature is one of the best things to do. Everything looks amazing lol. Also watching like educational documentaries or documentaries on science and social issues is also waaay more enlightening than without it. I remember I was looking like the weebay gif watching some documentary on the science of weight loss and fat. Every fact was blowing my mind :ohhh::ohhh::ohhh::mjlol:

It really is a spiritual experience in a sense.
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