“If you make 60k & your wife makes 40k, your household income is 60k”

Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018
A lot of women quit their jobs to stay home for years with the kids, the husband leaves, and she has nothing. So it’s wise for women to have an account incase the marriage doesn’t work. It’s also wise for a man to have a separate account incase the women decides to wipe out the account, and leave. Even when women work, they still do the majority of the cooking, cleaning, and child rearing. Most households aren’t a true 50/50 split in terms of labor. If you paid a personal secretary, chef, housekeeper, and full time nanny, it would be more than her income.

I was supporting myself before I met my wife, so her income wouldn’t make that much of a difference anyway. She works full time, and covers her own clothes, shoes, hair, nails, lashes, car payment, gas, insurance, credit cards, student loans, and all our vacations. We went on 4 vacations last year, 2 so far this year. And she still surprises me with random clothes, cologne, picks up socks and wife beaters from Target, groceries, brings home takeout etc. It works for us.
Stop believing this, men in 2024 are doing just as much as women are on all this.

Space Cowboy

Allahu Akbar
Mar 11, 2022
I realized that a lot of people have no real concept of anything beyond social media, and you HAVE to judge people based on this. So when I hear a woman say she doesn't want a 9-5 working man for instance I just think oh, so you don't have any professional men (or women) in your family. You don't know that a doctor/lawyer/accountant/IT security specialist/engineer/etc making 200k works a 9-5. And if you don't know that, and if you don't have financially successful family members...why would I want anything to do with you? It doesn't have to be 200k btw...these chicks don't even know that a UPS driver can make 50k+ and live comfortably. Because their only concepts of success are drug dealers, athletes, rappers, and (fake) business owners who are vacationing multiple times a year while the business magically runs itself back at home.

I've said before I'm not a coffee date guy, I'd rather go to a nice restaurant. But I've been around enough white people to understand that the women going on coffee dates are probably closer to finding a husband than the women stacking restaurant dates. The problem with a lot of modern black culture (social media, music, style, etc) is the assumption that everything you consume or do is a representation of your worth, what you can afford, and your value. Your shoes have to be the most expensive, your belt has to be the most expensive, your favorite restaurant has to be the one other people can't afford, etc etc. So going to a coffee shop for a date means you can't afford a nice restaurant. Going on a picnic date means you're broke. Traveling inside the country means you can't afford to travel outside the country. I notice a lot less of that from white people. If anything they're just nosy and will try to figure out what you can/can't afford in casual conversation. At a coffee shop lol.
I’m not normally a coffee shop guy either but in this environment when so many women are influenced by the social media shyt and expect a man to take her to a five star Michelin restaurant the moment he meets her I think you have to develop a system to weed out bad women. Taking a woman to a coffee shop is a perfect way to do that. Then if she proves she’s cool she can be taken to a nice place.

Another thing is a lot of these social media chicks didn’t grow up with money. I did. My white friends would say my family was rich. We weren’t that well off but we were clearly middle class. Now I’m not saying a woman that wasn’t raised middle class isn’t worth pursuing but I notice a lot of them who be huffing and puffing and raising a stink about travel and need a man to do this aren’t even well traveled. When I was growing up I went to almost every state. I was very well traveled compared to my peers. These travel chicks ain’t even been to California and seen Yellowstone, Redwood, or Sequioa. There’s so much to see and do in this country and I see these superficial broads talking smack about vacationing in our own nation when white people do it all the time. How you talking shyt to me if you ain’t even been to the Grand Canyon? I’ve been three times. It made me realize a lot of them don’t even have the credentials they require.

I’d ask a girl who took a trip to Puerto Rico what she did and she didn’t have an answer.

Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018
I'm convinced anyone who actually believes people really in relationships are talking like this gets no p*ssy at all. A woman who actually likes you doesn't give a fukk about all this, she just happy to be around you most of the time.

Hell just yesterday my girl sent a Wal Mart order or groceries to my door and I didn't even ask. She did it 'because I love you handsome face' as she said. The key word here is fukk with a woman who actually LIKES YOU and doesn't simply see you as a fukking utility.

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
A lot of black women actually believe that most non black women are stay at home wives/moms and don't have to worry about bills.

All it takes is working in a professional office to know this. Hell I've been job hunting for some time and ran into a few white woman owned businesses and they weren't small either

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
I'm convinced anyone who actually believes people really in relationships are talking like this gets no p*ssy at all. A woman who actually likes you doesn't give a fukk about all this, she just happy to be around you most of the time.

Hell just yesterday my girl sent a Wal Mart order or groceries to my door and I didn't even ask. She did it 'because I love you handsome face' as she said. The key word here is fukk with a woman who actually LIKES YOU and doesn't simply see you as a fukking utility.

Dudes rather take the chance and risk it for a bad bytch.


Mar 11, 2022
If this said girlfriend it wouldn't even matter but wife, hell no. Wife is supposed to be 100% on board. If she is putting up money for escape plans she needs to go ahead and make her escape.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Y'all need to understand something, when it comes to taking women out and "paying for meals" it's not about the money, you have to move on from that.

If you take the average 28 year old male that's been dating since he left high school and has a good 8-10 years worth of experience dating, by the time he hits his late 20s he's tired of the same nonsense in the dating field. Take a woman out, pay for everything, get ghosted days later...repeat this process over and over and these cats ain't falling for it anymore.

I'm not trying to sound like a red piller, but these women simply are not worth the squeeze, not worth the chase. The average 28 year old male, assistant manager at Verizon/Apple, who has the money to take a woman out, but he's not about to fall for the okie doke anymore.

"Y'all dont wanna pay for first dates" thats because cats have been doing that sh*t and it's gotten them nowhere, it aint about the money :pachaha:

If it's not about the money why move away from it? I'm not single now but when I was....dates were largely excuses to go to my favorite restaurants. I also think there are a lot of things you can learn about a woman during a dinner date. You can immediately get a sense of her level of class or taste palate if she doesn't eat onions, mushrooms, garlic, etc. Does she deliberately order the most expensive item on the menu blindly? Is she rude to waitresses? Did she demand to go to a fancy restaurant but is dressed like a bum? Is she on her phone regularly? Can she carry basic conversation, and how much of her conversation revolves entirely around herself. If we go to a nice Italian restaurant does she add salt to her pasta? That's a major red flag for me lmao.

@Space Cowboy Basically I think we agree it's just that I believe you can weed out bad women at a restaurant. Coffee shops have advantages for this too. Less distractions so if she has no personality beyond pure consumerism you'll know right away. Same with traveling/vacations as you said. Asking a woman what she did while on vacation is always interesting. Oftentimes they do nothing but take selfies around the hotel/resort and go out to eat. Actual sight seeing, visiting an interesting location, doing interesting shyt etc....lot of chicks don't do any of that. It's like they're traveling for the clout of saying they travel.
Nov 18, 2016
To the dudes who are women who demand that you pay for everything, how would you feel if she left you because you "fell off"?

What a goofy ass way to live:mjlol:

Not only do you have to worry about keeping your head above water, but you also gotta worry about the woman you invested so much time and money in, and should be a support system, leaving you and her finding the next dude that is thriving:heh:
especially knowing how these women will leave depending on the direction the wind is blowing