If you let daughter go see The Little Wenchmaid don’t be crying when she bring home a CAC in 8 years.

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
BEIJING (AP) — China’s government banned effeminate men on TV and told broadcasters Thursday to promote “revolutionary culture,” broadening a campaign to tighten control over business and society and enforce official morality.

President Xi Jinping has called for a “national rejuvenation,” with tighter Communist Party control of business, education, culture and religion. Companies and the public are under increasing pressure to align with its vision for a more powerful China and healthier society.

The party has reduced children’s access to online games and is trying to discourage what it sees as unhealthy attention to celebrities.

Broadcasters must “resolutely put an end to sissy men and other abnormal esthetics,” the National Radio and TV Administration said, using an insulting slang term for effeminate men — “niang pao,” or literally, “girlie guns.”

That reflects official concern that Chinese pop stars, influenced by the sleek, fashionable look of some South Korean and Japanese singers and actors, are failing to encourage China’s young men to be masculine enough.

Broadcasters should avoid promoting “vulgar internet celebrities” and admiration of wealth and celebrity, the regulator said. Instead, programs should “vigorously promote excellent Chinese traditional culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture.”

Xi’s government also is tightening control over Chinese internet industries.

It has launched anti-monopoly, data security and other enforcement actions at companies including games and social media provider Tencent Holding and e-commerce giant Alibaba Group that the ruling party worries are too big and independent.

Rules that took effect Wednesday limit anyone under 18 to three hours per week of online games and prohibit play on school days.

Game developers already were required to submit new titles for government approval before they could be released. Officials have called on them to add nationalistic themes.

The party also is tightening control over celebrities.

Broadcasters should avoid performers who “violate public order” or have “lost morality,” the regulator said. Programs about the children of celebrities also are banned.

On Saturday, microblog platform Weibo Corp. suspended thousands of accounts for fan clubs and entertainment news.

A popular actress, Zhao Wei, has disappeared from streaming platforms without explanation. Her name has been removed from credits of movies and TV programs.

Thursday’s order told broadcasters to limit pay for performers and to avoid contract terms that might help them evade taxes.

Another actress, Zheng Shuang, was fined 299 million yuan ($46 million) last week on tax evasion charges in a warning to celebrities to be positive role models.

China bans men it sees as not masculine enough from TV

Hold up aint the media and it's imagery "just entertainment":ohhh:

Dre God

Immortals never hurry
Mar 11, 2022
Enjoy your sad day void of women breh. I’m taking mines out to brunch while you hammer fist your keyboard about The Little Mermaid :umad:

You’ll be back here by 2pm to juelz and deflect.

Getting p*ssy is not some unattainable feat. I’m a 6 foot #handsomegang gym rat with striations all over my entire body I can get it whenever I feel like it.

Now I feel like arguing on the coli.

Go take that fat bytch to brunch and get out my thread and don’t come back til I @ you separately from this post.
Dec 19, 2017
2 1/2 hours of a Black mermaid with a white father, that bushes her entire species just so a white man can like her.

That type of psychological brainwashing can’t be undone, but Black people in this country still don’t understand propaganda after decades of being fed it :wow:

This is obvious Black male erasure and you nikkas fell for it. In that other thread like “hurrr durrr tHesE cAcS mad! :umad:

Y’all so dumb you can’t even see the play at work. :wow:

Disney has always hated Black people, but they know they can’t be blatantly racist in 2022 so now they gotta be subtle with it by planting poisonous anti Black male erasure in the minds of little Black girls.

You nikkas really fell for the bait hook like and sinker :wow:

Y’all asked for “representation” so bad and they said ok here’s your representation negroes—a Black mermaid abandoning her race to marry a white man.

Nothing marketed to Black people is by accident, that’s why you’re seeing swirlers in every commercial and Black women in liberal states are dating mediocre white men more than ever—but y’all dumb and think everything is just harmless entertainment instead of carefully curated propaganda.

Sick shyt like this:

just don’t come out—people sit in board rooms and think of it.

It’s not pulled out of the ether.

Stay woke brehs, or don’t—I already told my sister my nieces not going to see that filth so doesn’t matter to me what y’all do just want to make you aware.

And on a non propaganda related note let’s keep it reality:

One of these 4Klan incels is gonna blick up a theater because they know it’s not gonna be nothing there but women and children— soft targets that don’t own firearms. So you’re putting your child mind in danger and their very lives
Damn....I thought it was Little Mermaid like in 1989 but with Black people in all the previously white roles: like her love interest would be Black, her daddy Black etc.

But you're saying that while the main character is Black, all the men are still white?
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
I agree.

A BLACK girl defying her father to literally make a deal with the Devil of the sea to go chasing after a white boy is NOT the type of message I want pushed to my BLACK daughter.

I see all of this celebration online and the clips of little black girls being so happy to see themselves represented as a Disney princess and I get it. I truly truly get it. Hallie Bailey is a very pretty, EXTREMELY talented young woman and I wish her nothing but the best in her career.

But when Hollywood does this race shifting stuff they hardly EVER take into the account the racial dynamic at play. Its not as simple as “plug and play” with all of these characters.
Dec 19, 2017
Black women in America are the number one consumers of media IN THE ENTIRE WORLD.

You can make a bag off pandering to them because cacs know their self esteem is low as shyt.

All you gotta do is sprinkle some “bLek guhrl mAgzick’s” and you’ll make a billion dollars.

All cac Harlow had to do was put one in his video and he became their saviors :dead:

muh Blek Kweenz babble.

Again, you nikkas don’t understand propaganda because you are stupid.
Ironically the self esteem stuff isn't even true.

Black women and girls actually have HIGHER self esteem than other races. We keep getting fed the lie but Black girls are more confident than anyone else. Some sistas might say "colorism, intersection of race/gender etc" but the research doesn't bear that out.
Dec 19, 2017
I dont disagree the propaganda is blatant, but come on man. This is a seriously messed up post breh. Please delete or at the very least rephrase it. And please consider the fact that the best way to guarantee kids gone wanna see this movie and take a negative message from it is to make a big deal about it or forbid them from seeing it.

Its a damn disney movie about mermaids. The best play here imo is to frame it as a cac being a savior to any black person fits right in with the existence of mermaids: pure make believe.
Question is....why couldn't a Black male be the hero?

Our society is OK with Black women and Black Girl Magic if Black men are absent....but Black men (and Asian men) cannot be the hero, whether the woman is white, Black, Asian etc. White men always have to be the center of attention.

Notice all the white dudes hating on the movie because Ariel is Black but they didn't say shyt about the the white dudes. Slick way for the media to get us to focus on Ariel but not the actual problem with the movie....lack of hero-brehs.

Dre God

Immortals never hurry
Mar 11, 2022
I agree.

A BLACK girl defying her father to literally make a deal with the Devil of the sea to go chasing after a white boy is NOT the type of message I want pushed to my BLACK daughter.

I see all of this celebration online and the clips of little black girls being so happy to see themselves represented as a Disney princess and I get it. I truly truly get it. Hallie Bailey is a very pretty, EXTREMELY talented young woman and I wish her nothing but the best in her career.

But when Hollywood does this race shifting stuff they hardly EVER take into the account the racial dynamic at play. Its not as simple as “plug and play” with all of these characters.

Ironically the self esteem stuff isn't even true.

Black women and girls actually have HIGHER self esteem than other races. We keep getting fed the lie but Black girls are more confident than anyone else. Some sistas might say "colorism, intersection of race/gender etc" but the research doesn't bear that out.

That’s false bravado, truly secure women don’t lose their G-d damn minds every time one of their own dates out.

Secure women don’t put other races of hair in their heads


Secure women don’t create movements to justify their obesity then call you gay if you don’t like it.

I’m not taking no articles seriously when I live around Black women in a Black neighborhood, grew up in a Black family, and see how Black women act every day.

The insecurity of Black women is a multi billion dollar industry.

That’s how fenty crushed the make up buildings in 3-4 years. All they had to do was make some shades for them to paint their faces when and they shot to number one with no one in the rear view.


Jun 1, 2012
There is definitely a dearth of straight black men doing their thing in mass media

Why couldn't the prince have been black too?

That said, cacs are so mad about the casting that I have to support this movie. There's a couple of different issues at play here, I guess just pick the side you're on.
Doing shyt just to make cacs mad ain't the flex y'all think it is

Dre God

Immortals never hurry
Mar 11, 2022
:yeshrug:fukk them cacs
You named yourself after a fictional rapist cac that was created in the mind of a cac, from a show that was written directed and produced by cacs on a network owned by cacs.

Now you’re sitting here doing a militant jig for daps.

“Muh Blek Areeyell maek duh caCs go Grrrrrr”

It’s so hard to take you guys seriously sometimes.


Mar 11, 2022
Of course, but paying cacs with the idea that you're gaining a victory by making some other cacs mad is a wash

Yeah that's a fair enough take. Guess it depends on if you think this might lead to more black rep overall or not. I think it could, but I can understand people disagreeing. But my optimism + cacs mad = I'm down to support this in this case

You named yourself after a fictional rapist cac that was created in the mind of a cac, from a show that was written directed and produced by cacs on a network owned by cacs.

Now you’re sitting here doing a militant jig for daps.

“Muh Blek Areeyell maek duh caCs go Grrrrrr”

It’s so hard to take you guys seriously sometimes.

Bruh registration was open for .10 seconds, I panicked and tried to pick something no one else was likely to have :yeshrug: I'm the last person to claim that I'm militant, I just don't mind pissing off racist cacs

Like I'm definitely not on that "not watching game of thrones because its full of white people" wave that some more "militant" coli members are on. Like at ALL