I've never benefited from affirmative action
The only color that matters is green. And you gotta have hustle.
But you failed to mention how we got here in the first place.
1. Obama took office with a super majority.
2. But he only cared about getting re-elected and bushed the DNC, so while he got re-elected he was a lame duck.
3. RBG was old and he couldn't get her old ass to retire which came back to haunt the party.
4. Another justice passes during his term, and because he neglected other seat elections, a republican controlled congress prevented him from picking another justice... That's 2.
5. He ran on ending the Bush/Clinton legacy, but he sets up a Clinton to run after his term was up by making her secretary of state.
6. He picked an old VP running mate who didn't even try to run.
all that led to Trump getting elected, even though it should've been an easy layup victory, and here we are.
As for affirmative action it's a relic. It has nothing to do with parents teaching their children. It has nothing to do with paying attention in school and valuing education. It has nothing to do with work ethic or hustle. And I'm not going to let white people weaponize it to solicit a damn vote.
Housing discrimination is 10 times worse than affirmative action. Not to mention
banking discrimination. There are plenty of other institutionalized racist practices that goes on in this country, that supersedes anything Affirmative Action took care of.
Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard and started Facebook. You see the problem with black people in this country is we have assimilated into and strive to be just like white people. We have no real culture. Instead of creating out own institutions, we instead try to fit in with cac.