If He Dies, He Dies : GGG introduces Canelo to 160 - The Official Canelo Vs GGG Thread

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((ReFleXioN)) EteRNaL

May 1, 2012
Watched the fight a couple of times, canelo fought better then I expected and was slicker than I thought, with that being said he still lost.
so you still believe canelo is lemieux status?:usure:

canelo would body lemiuex is devastating fashion. that's another classic fight that needs to happen.


May 1, 2012
Another Gold Medal
Canelo fought a Floyd like fight for 3/4 of the round fighting when he wants to making the other guy constantly reset, fighting when he wants to then would chill on the ropes After rewatch i still got it 7-5 Canelo but the draw was fair.

It funny how nikkas went from if he dies hendies Canelo cant was scared, cant take power, cotto lil brother rocked him etc he ate ggg best shot.like a scooby snack and boxed him the fukk up. I mean nikka was literally on the ropes getting his James Toney on and hbo can miss me w that bs ggg was missing way too much to score those rounds for him its called EFFECTIVE AGGRESSION. Not just following a nikka around and hitting air and gloves. Just like Ward Kovalev 1 niggs just ignored Canelo body shots (power punches) over some jabs :stopitslime: since when do jabs count over power punches unless you completely controlling a nikka w a jab which wasnt the case. All ggg showed is he got a good chin. Zero cutting off the ring, chasing all night spamming the jab, inability to fight inside. Pretty much everything we said already. The rematch will look a lot better for the boxer it always does because his bags of tricks are deeper. Canelo win nthe rematch via UD. ggg aint changing who he is at 36 fam. This will be Wad kkkov 2 minus the ko.

Had Canelo took some full tune ups at 160 n not bouncing around at 155.15 and 164.15 or whatever it would have helped his stamina a bit imo. He should take another fight(jobber or "great middleweight") like Rosado etc to stay busy b4 May imo.


May 1, 2012
Another Gold Medal
Has garlik butter gang done a fight anylisis of this? He loves guys that makes you miss right in front of you id like to see how he scored the fight.

I fukks dude even when i dont agree i like how he explains his position.

Him>>breadman boxing hypebeast ass


2x...and defending
Jul 31, 2013
Breadman GGG-Canelo mailbag:

I couldn’t shake my gut feeling. You know there is actual scientific evidence that a gut feeling exist.

You guys know I don’t score fights at home. I was at strip club but I went alone. I didn’t score it but I was tracking who I thought was winning and I was able to watch it without commentary.

I thought GGG won the fight. But as I was watching I felt he wouldn’t get the swing rounds that I thought he was winning. The reason being is he kept missing too big and Canelo was the clear a side. Canelo walked down last and GGG was the defending champion…..Canelo did a great job of riding and turning off of GGG’s big right hand. GGG never adjusted to Canelo’s defensive move. I know you guys hate this but Defense is part of the scoring criterion. I was saying to myself if GGG throws a double right hand or throws one to the body he could trap Canelo as he tried to exit. GGG never committed to either adjustment.

Starting with Canelo I thought he fought the best he has ever fought. He was fast. He was sharp. His jab was good. He countered when he could and his defense was on point. He never let GGG dig in with anything nasty to his body or heads. He got hit but nothing critical clipped him. His stamina is what it is and he’s never going to be Salvador Sanchez in the stamina department. More people think Canelo lost than think he won but I am very impressed by the kid. His skillset is elite.

Although I thought GGG won the fight closely, I hate to say it but I think he’s declining. Not to the point of being shot. But sort of like how Chavez was after he fought Whitaker. You could see Chavez was on the other side of the apex. Guys like Giovanni Parisi and David Kamau started going the distance with Chavez. That’s what happens to pressure fighters. It happened to Duran and Pacquiao also but the difference is they evolved into cute boxers so it allowed them to stay at the top longer once they lost the “destroy” gene.

We also saw it with Chocolalito when he went the distance with Arroyo. That performance didn’t sit well with me. It was more than an off night it was the tip of the iceberg. Pressure fighters have a different mentality in the ring. It takes more out of them to do what they do. That’s why guys like Barrera, Pac and Duran evolve and smooth their styles out when possible.

It also takes more to get in shape because of the energy they have to put out. The camps also dissipates their peak. What pressure fighters do to get in shape is considered overtraining for other fighters…I hate this because I really respect the team of GGG and Abel Sanchez and I believe they were denied great opportunities. . But GGG was avoided so much during his actual peak, he’s approaching 36, with these young guns hovering. If he fights the quartet of Jacobs, Charlo, Canelo or Devevyanchenko I think he will lose to one of them. It’s how the attrition of boxing goes.

Golovkin is relying on a great jab, an iron will and an iron chin. That’s what got him through the Jacobs fight and it’s what got him through the Canelo fight. GGG is not the typical front running boogeyman. When things don’t go his way he keeps fighting like an animal. But how much longer will that get him by at the elite level? If you notice both Jacobs and Canelo were depleted at the end of the fights. It’s because of the horror movie pressure. But GGG’s punch selection is off. He’s not seeing a target then boom, releasing a shot. He didn’t dig anything real to Canelo’s body and Canelo was laying on the ropes! Boy this tears me to pieces to see this because I know what the boxing establishment did to him starting with the Felix Sturm duck, up through Sergio Martinez, then through Cotto and the delay with Canelo. He’s no longer the MONSTER anymore and trust me he will get fights now. They will line up to fight him.

It’s bizarre because although Canelo executed better I still thought GGG won. Both are truly great fighters.


2x...and defending
Jul 31, 2013
I thought it was an excellent fight. Not a great fight but an excellent one.

I think Canelo is more confident in the rematch. I think his mind is quicker and he will adjust quicker. GGG can win a rematch but I don’t know if he will. GGG has more room for improvement as far as how well each fighter executed. But Canelo has more room considering age and style. Fighters who have that monster moniker have it hard once they aren’t viewed as monsters anymore. Fighters doing VADA at 35 don’t look lights out. It’s a serious variable to consider in this age of boxing but it’s very valid. I wouldn’t be surprised if Vegas listed Canelo as the favorite in the rematch. Their odds were exactly right about this one…Almost with even with GGG the slight favor. That’s how most people viewed the draw. Odds matter when assessing a fight.

I don’t think GGG outboxed Canelo I think he outjabbed him. His jab is one of the best of the last decade. It’s a real ram rod.

Most people I talk to had GGG winning. I’m along those lines. But I do feel it was closer than most think and I also know there were swing rounds. It pays to be a cashcow and marketable.

It’s not where the fight is, it’s who is judging the fight. Some judges favor boxers others favor aggressiveness. The problem with that is no particular style should be favored. It’s who is more effective from a fight to fight basis. Sometimes it’s the fighter being aggressive others it’s the fighter who is moving away. Often times now we can tell who will score a fight for whom because we know the style judges favor.

Before I get too critical of the judges I think the judges of the fight deserve a chance to defend their scoring. I really think judges should be interviewed after fights. It holds them more accountable. When they can just disappear into their regular lives after scoring or officiating it takes away some of their accountability. I want to also make a public suggestion. There should be an official P4P ranking with judges and referees.

The one thing I didn’t like about the scoring was the 1st round. GGG won that round easy. Canelo barely punched. Every judge gave it to Canelo. Watch that round closely. Very closely. I would challenge anyone to show me how Canelo won round 1. The scoring of uneventful rounds are important. The scoring of this round actually cost GGG the fight before the violence even broke out.


2x...and defending
Jul 31, 2013
You know I looked at the weigh in and I said to myself boy that was fast to be on a scale. I can’t understand why Vegas does not use a digital scale. But if Team Golovkin didn’t protest what can you say….I don’t know. Let me watch it again though. I don’t want to start any conspiracy theories.

You’re correct about GGG but you missed something. He cuts the ring off well. But he has a glitch in his attack once he traps you. He slows down, gathers himself and he squats down. He does the same thing every time. He doesn’t slide up on you with quick feet like say a young Tyson. So therefore Canelo was able to time his right hand and roll out each time to a safe exit. Good pick up. But it’s not GGG’s ability to cut off the ring. It’s what he does after he cuts it off. He slightly tips off his attack.

I think the Charlo at 160 is a little too long and tall for Canelo but it would be a great fight because Canelo is faster and he’s sharper. I like Charlo by decision.


2x...and defending
Jul 31, 2013
I believe a rematch between GGG and Canelo is a 50/50 fight. The fight went from 65/35 in my eyes 2 years to now being 50/50. Canelo will process GGG’s timing better in the 2nd fight. He will pick up on his movements and punch sequence better. No one believes me because GGG should have gotten the decision but that is a mathematical factor. The adjustment is a skill factor. Canelo would do even better in the rematch and it would force the older fighter to raise his game which is rare at 35.

The Russian fighter you speak of is Sergiy Derevyanchenko. Yes he’s very good. I think he’s a 90% version of GGG. He’s not the puncher and he doesn’t have the jab but he can jab and he can punch. I also think he’s physically strong enough to work on the inside with GGG. If the fight is next I say 55/45 in GGG’s favor.

Jermal Charlo at 160 has the best chance to defeat GGG out of the bunch you named. He has the unique ability like GGG to get hit but hold his ground and eat through the punch. He also has a thudding jab that can disrupt GGG’s thudding jab. With the punishment that GGG is taking these days I know his chin is special. But I wouldn’t be surprised if Jermall Charlo could stop him. This would be a brutal fight because Charlo doesn’t have the defensive reflexes that Canelo has and anyone who gets hit by GGG will be affected. GGG and Charlo would be a Nigel Benn vs Gerald McClellan type of war. I would favor Charlo 55/45 to win.

Jermell Charlo is smaller but a little quicker than Jermall. I also think he could hold his ground and get his pound of flush but I don’t think he has the physical strength his brother has. I think this is another 50/50 fight basing that on the form Jermell has shown in his last few fights.

Demetrius Andrade is interesting. Andrade has the hand speed and volume to outpoint GGG. But for as tall and talented as he is, he’s not hard to hit. This would be an interesting fight because Andrade does get hit when you invade his space. But GGG is not getting off as much these days with his other punches. Only his jab is clicking. I say another 51/49 in GGG’s favor but I wouldn’t be surprised if Andrade outpointed him. He would be the underdog and it would be lots of value in that bet.

Danny Jacobs set the blue print. Get off quick then use your legs to escape the pounding. They say smother GGG but you have to be equipped to smother him. Very few fighters can sit in the box and stay with GGG all night. He’s too powerful and animalistic. Jacobs fought a great fight and I think he could improve on it. I say Jacobs favor 52/48.

Lara is a fine boxer. But his flaw is that he over moves when cracked hard. Everytime he’s hit with a big shot he starts moving crazy and his volume goes way down. There is no way he could win a decision against GGG throwing 30 punches/round moving as much as he does. GGG has a way of making it look like you’re running from him. Lara looked good at times vs Canelo and other times after being hit he looked like he was running. He doesn’t defend well up close, especially to the body. I think stylistically this is the best fight for GGG. Lara’s temperament is not beneficial to him vs an animal like Golovkin. I say 65/35 in GGG’s favor.


2x...and defending
Jul 31, 2013
I also feel GGG has been robbed a little bit of his legacy. I can remember when a Philadelphia fighter Lejuan Simon went to fight him about 6 years ago. I knew GGG was the truth back then. Simon was a rough dude who went the distance with a prime Arthur Abraham. GGG kod him with one shot in one round.

His team will have to be very smart about his next moves. I also believe Canelo will do better in a rematch. GGG has to take the money. Fighters on the back end of their careers and legacy are smart to get their severance pay from boxing. But the critics won’t be kind to a clearly ducked fighter during his peak. Everyone should thank lil Kell Brook. If it weren’t for him GGG would still be looking for opponents. We have seen this script before….

I definitely think Team GGG can improve on some things. They can work on his punch selection and making Canelo go the opposite way. A punch routine to sharpen up his attack. GGG will never have the improvisational skills or mind quickness that Canelo has. But he can drill certain routines so when he sees Canelo about to do a recognizable move, he can react quicker. GGG kept giving Canelo the same escape route time and time again.

I think Canelo’s stamina issues come from two things. One is mentally when he feels he needs a rest he just takes one. I think he has developed defensively so much that even when he’s tired he can function and not get punished so much. Sure there are different things he can do in training to enhance his stamina. But I don’t know his training routine so….


May 1, 2012
Another Gold Medal
The only person happy w the draw was ggg :hhh::hhh::hhh:

Canelo looked legit disgusted.

All i said is i had him winning but a draw was fair. Im not the ones juels.gif that Canelo was going to get ko'd all these months to all of a sudden nikkas talking about jabs :mjlol:. This hugggggeee puncher couldnt do shyt against a smaller fighter. All nikkas are talking about is ggg chin and his abilty to take a punch yeah sounds like a guy who won to me.


It's a movement
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
MA/CT/Nigeria #byrdgang #RingGangRadio
Although I thought GGG won the fight closely, I hate to say it but I think he’s declining. Not to the point of being shot. But sort of like how Chavez was after he fought Whitaker. You could see Chavez was on the other side of the apex. Guys like Giovanni Parisi and David Kamau started going the distance with Chavez. That’s what happens to pressure fighters. It happened to Duran and Pacquiao also but the difference is they evolved into cute boxers so it allowed them to stay at the top longer once they lost the “destroy” gene.

I can dig this....losing to Oscar like he did wasn't surprising because Oscar was elite..that was changing of the guard type shyt..but going the distance with some one like Willy Wise and getting battered..that was the end of the line..that was something I said after the fight that GGG was at the tail end of his prime...going through big charlo and devevyanchecnko without a loss would be something else but it would add mileage..personally he should go after BJS...there is money overseas for it if canelo is talking that cinco de mayo shyt plus unify those belts


Sleep, those slices of death; Oh how I loathe them
May 1, 2012
so you still believe canelo is lemieux status?:usure:

canelo would body lemiuex is devastating fashion. that's another classic fight that needs to happen.
He's slicker, it's either triple g age is starting to show or canelo is that slick.

We will know once canelo fights other 160 guys.

((ReFleXioN)) EteRNaL

May 1, 2012
Here we go w the he on the decline shyt i bet if he fight a jobber in Dec he looks like the terminator again :stopitslime:

Nah Canelo made him look that way. Jacobs made him look at that way. When he aint in front of a punching back all of a sudden he on the decline.:beli:
yea dudes are full of shyt. they say power is the last thing to go. little g hit brook, danny, and canelo with bombs and they just didn't have the same effect anymore. it's cause he was no longer fighting the daniel geale's of the world. top level guys are more skilled and stronger willed and won't just lay down for you. but of course...his decline just happened to take place the very moment he started stepping in the ring with better talent. yup. what a coincidence.

tell me what looks different about little g here. absolutely nothing. dude still looks like the same slow, come forward plodder he is today.



Sleep, those slices of death; Oh how I loathe them
May 1, 2012
Here we go w the he on the decline shyt i bet if he fight a jobber in Dec he looks like the terminator again :stopitslime:

Nah Canelo made him look that way. Jacobs made him look at that way. When he aint in front of a punching back all of a sudden he on the decline.:beli:
He's 35 years old, u think age doesn't affect him?

you're NOT "n!ggas"

FKA ciroq drobama
May 1, 2012
Astronomy (8th light)
Had Canelo's stamina been on point this fight would've gone completely in his favor IMO. Golovkin won off the jab and the fact that Canelo spent half his time being exhausted. If he improves that shyt for the rematch :whoo: