Economists have been saying China for at least a decade
China is over 5000 years old. This is the longest it hasn't been a top 3 civilization
Me and @skeetsinternal about to turn the yellowman into the tan man

Economists have been saying China for at least a decade
China is over 5000 years old. This is the longest it hasn't been a top 3 civilization
The Great Depression in Europe: Here’s What Happened <--- this happened pre WW2That was ALL before the world became critically interconnected to the point where one screw-up in the supply chain would be disastrous. Now, if one falls, so does everything else.
This country stopped being 'European' a bit after the War of Independence almost 300 years ago and didn't become a world leader until WW2, 200 years later, which was what pushed America into the #1 spot. The other historical nods, while important, were not. Matter of fact, we'd have been FURTHER along without them.....
How Slavery Hurt the U.S. Economy
Slave labor prevented American capitalism from becoming more efficient more
You DIRECTLY benefit from the same colonialism you decry so it's a bit hypocritical of you to characterize it negatively, but I get the sentiment.
The Great Depression in Europe: Here’s What Happened <--- this happened pre WW2
False - read up on this guy Samuel Slater
Without him Americas ascendence would have been knocked back significantly
Ya kill me how ya think if America collapses the rest of the world is just going to go on with their day like business as usual. America collapses the rest of the world is going to feel it big time including China.
The U.S. wouldn't be further along since the Industrial Revolution started in England and the father of american industry was a british defectorI have no idea what you're saying is false.
The U.S. wouldn't be further along since the Industrial Revolution started in England and the father of american industry was a british defector
Europe’s losing its grip on its African colonies. Only thing propping them up is that and Americas f-35s, Spirits, carriers and nuclear triad.The EU could be a competing superpower if they integrate more
This country stopped being 'European' a bit after the War of Independence almost 300 years ago and didn't become a world leader until WW2, 200 years later, which was what pushed America into the #1 spot. The other historical nods, while important, were not. Matter of fact, we'd have been FURTHER along without them.....
How Slavery Hurt the U.S. Economy
Slave labor prevented American capitalism from becoming more efficient more
You DIRECTLY benefit from the same colonialism you decry so it's a bit hypocritical of you to characterize it negatively, but I get the sentiment.