Futuristic Eskimo
All Star
No, I personally dont give a fukk about anyone that dies if it doesn't affect me. I think people that say they do are lying to make themselves feel better. I just find your value-based argument ridiculous. If you're trying to justify all this action morally, then you have to logically conclude that some people are worth more than others. If you do, you run into other moral issues. It isn't consistent.I value my life more than yours. Americans value their lives over those of lets say Iraqis. Its self interest. Its self preservation. The people in Palestine and Iraq surely value their lives far more than they value yours. I get your point through a humanitarian concept but this is reality and people fight for power. Did you feel worse on 9/11 or when 700 Syrians were killed in two days? I'd bet 9/11 affected you far more than whats going on in Syria.