IDF ground invasion of Gaza( Israel killed 2,700+ Palestinians) (Hamas is victorious)

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
Gaza and West Bank were left independent to rule themselves. West Bank is improving because they have political leaders that gave up their arms. Gaza has militant leaders and keeps getting bombed. Keep doing the same shyt and expecting different results.

I genuinely think you believe these things and I don't think you're dishonest like others (TLOL) so I invite you to do some objective research on the occupation and your statements. Is the West Bank "improving"? Is that why Gaza is being bombed? Are Gaza and the WB independent? Instead of debating with you I hope we can come to an amicable agreement because I fear you may not have dug deep enough into this.


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
Basically, "people should know when they're conquered." Obviously both sides are at fault. No argument there. I would be hesitant calling anyone one side terrorists here. The only difference is technological capability. Besides, I see no difference from a suicide vest wearing militant blowing up a bus then a drone missile or artillery strike taking out half a city block. The method might be more personal, but that is out of necessity. People fight with what they have at their disposal. Killing civilians using one method instead of the other isn't anymore civilized than the other. Coming to the table to talk about realistic solutions to the situation is the most civilized thing that can be done. Neither side wants that really, though.

Agree with all of that for the most part. I would add that Israel's recent bombing campaign was announced and basically a known war. Palestinians blowing up buses with suicide bombs is terrorism. Its undeclared warfare.
May 8, 2012
Agree with all of that for the most part. I would add that Israel's recent bombing campaign was announced and basically a known war. Palestinians blowing up buses with suicide bombs is terrorism. Its undeclared warfare.
Civilians die in droves in both instances. The rest is semantics.

This situation has been discussed ad nauseam. Not going to contribute to it anymore than I have in here. Any opinion that has any worth has already been shared in the public countless times.


Good Vibrations
Jun 29, 2014
Gaza and West Bank were left independent to rule themselves. West Bank is improving because they have political leaders that gave up their arms. Gaza has militant leaders and keeps getting bombed. Keep doing the same shyt and expecting different results.
Im not sure if you forgot.. but



Jul 17, 2013
I genuinely think you believe these things and I don't think you're dishonest like others (TLOL) so I invite you to do some objective research on the occupation and your statements. Is the West Bank "improving"? Is that why Gaza is being bombed? Are Gaza and the WB independent? Instead of debating with you I hope we can come to an amicable agreement because I fear you may not have dug deep enough into this.
:russ: ill knows the deal. he aint stupid. maybe he's fooled you to think that. like being pulled over by a cop and acting :yeshrug:
ill is just as much a troll like tlol. infact he's worse because he's an actor.
he throws shyt in an argument or discussion to see how much you know.. and if you aint catch it he knows he's pulled one on you and moves on to the next.
the same way cacs sympathize with racists is the same way jews will :cape:for their righ wing zionists.

but liberal zionists want it all. they want support from all to oppress palestinians. they want to the ones to tell white ppl racism against blacks is wrong. they want to give atheists the media platform to bash other christians/muslims but never theirs/judaism.

so don't be fooled when they play ignorant. they ain't stupid.

they know most ppl don't know what's going on in the middle east. and over the years their propaganda is what most ppl believe. because well... america is a "judeo-christian" nation.


Jul 17, 2013
British MP and RT host George Galloway brutally attacked ‘over his Israel views’

George Galloway has been released from hospital a day after being attacked in London, allegedly for his anti-Israeli views. His spokesman said the UK MP appears to have some broken ribs and bruising to his head.

Galloway, who is a MP for the Respect Party, was posing for pictures in the Notting Hill Gate area of west London, when he was attacked Friday evening.

His spokesman believes he was set upon because of his views on Israel. The attacker, who police say was a 39-year-old man and has since been arrested, allegedly called the MP “a Hitler” and also leapt on him.

"George was posing for pictures with people and this guy just attacked him, leapt on him and started punching him," the spokesman said.

"It appears to be connected with his comments about Israel because the guy was shouting about the Holocaust."

It was initially feared that Galloway, 60, who has his own show on RT, “Sputnik – Orbiting the World with George Galloway,” had suffered a broken jaw, but his spokesman said that this was not the case.

The MP for Bradford West, in the north of England, is one of the UK’s most outspoken lawmakers, but is also known for his harsh stance against Israel. In particular, Galloway does not recognize the state of Israel and he does not debate with Israelis.

At a rally to support the Palestinian cause in July in London, he said in a speech: “We are here to stay. As long as one Palestinian remains alive we will be with them.” Galloway has been particularly vocal about Israel’s incursion into Gaza, which has killed well over 2,000 Palestinians, the vast majority civilians.

In early August, Galloway went as far as to declare his constituency an “Israel-free zone.” The MP, whose constituency has one of the highest Asian populations in the UK, urged people not to buy Israeli goods or services and even to reject tourists.

“We don’t want any Israeli goods. We don’t want any Israeli services. We don’t want any Israeli academics, coming to the university or the college,” the MP said. “We don’t even want any Israeli tourists to come to Bradford, if any of them had thought of doing so. We reject this illegal, barbarous, savage state that calls itself Israel.”

He was subsequently cautioned by police regarding this, following complaints from the public.

Galloway was also very critical of the UK’s backing of Syrian rebels against President Bashar Assad. He believed the west was only interested in toppling the head of Syria because he would not follow their orders, he said in an interview to RT two years ago.

“A very large number of people in Syria, whether a majority or not, are terrified of the prospects of victory for the Syrian rebels because there is a substantial Christian population in Syria… There are different ethnic groups, Kurdish for example, terrified of the victory of Jihadist extremists,” he said in July 2012.

Galloway’s Sputnik show for RT touches on stories that have made the news, as well as looking for those that have not. Topics differ from politics to social concerns, while its main aim is to bring a new perspective and a different view to various topics.

there's a nicca down at the comment who hasn't drunk the koolaid

Tom Tchikofski 30.08.2014 14:04
I am not sure whom recognizes the coward state of Israel and fairytale Hollow-cost. The violent Zionist Jews wanted us to believe in this fairytale since 1915. They finally made it believable after WWII.

These violent Zionist have committed crime against Russians, American like USS Liberty, The Levone Affair and 911. The Zionist media finally made it possible to believe that it was Muslim rather then Israelis. But the fact on the grounds are fact.

6 out 10 people whom were involved in the 911 story now wants a new investigation.
R on Paul also joined the 911 re-investigation.

Last edited:


Jul 17, 2013
'Biggest in 30 years': Israel expropriates 400 hectares of W. Bank land

The Israeli military-run Civil Administration has announced a land appropriation of some 400 hectares in the West Bank to an almost immediate condemnation from anti-settlement activists, who say this is the biggest seizure in 30 years.

Around 400 hectares of land in the Etzion settlement area near the town of Bethlehem were declared “state land, on the instructions of the political echelon” by the Civil Administration on Sunday. Israel Radio said that announcement was made in response to the killing of three Jewish teens in June by Hamas militants in the same area.

The building of a major settlement in the area, known as Gevaot, has been on the cards since 2000 and last year the Israeli government invited tenders for the building of 1,000 houses on the site.

Peace Now, an anti-settlement group that opposes Israel’s activities in the West Bank, said the land seizure was the largest announced by Israel since the 1980s.

They say the land appropriation is meant to turn a site where 10 Jewish families are living next to a Jewish seminary into a permanent settlement.

Anyone with ownership claims has 45 days to appeal; a local mayor said that Palestinians owned tracts of land there, which they used to harvest olives.

“Peace Now views this declaration as proof that Prime Minister Netanyahu does not aspire for a new ‘Diplomatic Horizon’, but rather he continues to put obstacles to the two-state vision and promote a one-state solution,” the group said.


Israeli women walk in a Jewish settlement known as "Gevaot", in the Etzion settlement bloc, near Bethlehem August 31, 2014. (Reuters/Ronen Zvulun)

Washington sees Tel Aviv's decision as "counterproductive" to peace efforts and would like to see Israel reverse its decision.

"We have long made clear our opposition to continued settlement activity," an American official told Reuters. “This announcement, like every other settlement announcement Israel makes, planning step they approve, and construction tender they issue is counterproductive to Israel's stated goal of a negotiated two-state solution with the Palestinians."

The so-called West Bank is territory the Palestinians seek for an independent state. Some 2.4 million Palestinians live there, along with 500,000 Israelis. The West Bank was captured by the Jewish state in the 1967 Middle East War.

"By declaring another 4,000 dunams as state land, the Israeli government is stabbing [Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas] and the moderate Palestinian forces in the back, proving again that violence delivers Israeli concessions while non-violence results in settlement expansion," the group added.

Nabil Abu Rdainah, a spokesman for Abbas, the Western-backed Palestinian president, urged Israel to cancel the appropriation.

“The decision will lead to more instability. This will only inflame the situation after the war in Gaza,” he said.

Unsurprisingly, the Etzion settlements council welcomes the announcement saying it “paves the way for the new city of Gevaot. The goal of the murders of those three youths was to sow fear among us, to disrupt our daily lives and to call into doubt our right to the land. Our response is to strengthen settlement.”

Israel says officially that the construction of new houses at Gevaot is not establishing a new settlement because the site is officially designated a neighborhood of Alon Shvut, an existing one, just a few kilometers down the road.

Peace talks between the two sides have stalled since Netanyahu broke off negotiations with Mahmoud Abbas in April after Abbas reached a reconciliation deal with Hamas, which dominates and runs the Gaza Strip.

After a ceasefire was agreed a week ago, ending the seven-week war in Gaza, Netanyahu repeated his position that Abbas must sever any alliance with Hamas, which Israel and most Western countries view as a terrorist group.

israel just wants to live in peace with it's neighbors :troll:
Jul 25, 2012
I genuinely think you believe these things and I don't think you're dishonest like others (TLOL)

Between me and you, I am the only one willing to revise my stance based on new information.

You on the other hand, knowingly spread lies (verifiably false information).

And you have the audacity to claim I'm dishonest. :camby:

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
Between me and you, I am the only one willing to revise my stance based on new information.

You on the other hand, knowingly spread lies (verifiably false information).

And you have the audacity to claim I'm dishonest. :camby:
I don't have anything against you or think you're a liar, I just think some of the arugments you make are intellectually dishonest. The idea that the only way the Palestinians can get peace is through an unprecedented and rapid reformation of their entire society is pie in the sky designed to justify the status quo, which you have yet to admit you enjoy. By arguing for a subjective goal as a precondition for peace (less radical Palestinian society), you're actually arguing for the status quo, as you openly admit that it will never happen.