Fast Money & Foreign Objects
Where can I check out some more of this guy's photography at?
I got a lot by googling his name. Mahmud Hams
Where can I check out some more of this guy's photography at?
No, you have not proved this.
All you did was cherrypick examples of Israelis saying bad things and use it to generalize the entire population. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherry_picking_(fallacy)
This argument is pure bullshyt and lets look at it the other way around. If Canada or Mexico imposed a blockade on the United States by land, sea and air, Just because Americans elected the wrong political party, which is what happen with Israel and the election of the Hamas party in 2006. The United States would be shooting more than 6,000 rockets at Canada and Mexico.And if 6,000 rockets were shot at the US, the area it was coming from would be a parking lot.
I guess it is a coincidence that college attempts to teach critical thinking, pro-Palestine people have a severe deficit in the area, and people with advanced degrees are more likely to support Israel.
I was hoping he had a website or blog or somethingI got a lot by googling his name. Mahmud Hams
So Hamas accepted basically the same cease-fire agreement that the Egyptians brought up 3 weeks ago when the death toll was only 185. Great leadership over there.
Cherry Picking? I showed you statements from members of the Israeli Parliament, elected government officials calling for genocide, not internet bloggers, but members from the Likud Party, which Benjamin Netanyahu is the leader of, the Likud party is the largest in the Israeli Parliament and below is there "democratic" party charter, stating how they feel about the Palestinians.
This argument is pure bullshyt and lets look at it the other way around. If Canada or Mexico imposed a blockade on the United States by land, sea and air, Just because Americans elected the wrong political party, which is what happen with Israel and the election of the Hamas party in 2006. The United States would be shooting more than 6,000 rockets at Canada and Mexico.
I think you missed his point on cherry picking.
Cherrypicking fallacy, once again.
And used it to support the notion of a large majority.
That is the cherry picking fallacy. I'm guessing you didn't read the link I sent you.
You don't need an advanced degree to know that picking and choosing quotes from a few select people and using them to generalize does not make any logical sense.
Um... IF Canada imposed a blockade on the US because the US government's charter calls for the murder of all Canadians, and the US started shooting rockets into Canada before the blockade, you might say well, fukk maybe its our government's fault for being lunatics.
Clearly, one standard for the Jew, and another for the Gentile.
OK, since I am destroying your argument, with events, quotes and facts from the conflict.
Let's use equal logic and see if Israel is a Democratic state. My argument is not to defend Hamas, but to show that Israel has powerful terroristic elements controlling the country.
A. If Hamas was elected and controlled Gaza government since 2006 and in response Israel created a blockade. Because Hamas called for the destruction and non-recognition of Israel in there charter and started shooting of rinky dink rockets, Hamas is a terrorist organization, correct?
If the Likud party, controls the Israeli parliament, one of it's members is the Prime Minister(Netanyahu) of Israel. It's high level members have been heard in print calling for the genocide of Palestinians. It's charter platform below, which was created in 1999, said that it will never recognized a Palestinian State and this is becoming a reality, by using economic warfare in the form of blockade and settlements on Gaza and the West Bank respectively. Thousands of Palestinians being murdered, from a state which party members called for a genocide of Palestinians. Is the Likud party a terrorist party? Is Israel controlled by a terrorist party?