No, you are not doing that. You are being illogical by selecting quotes and events to try and say that it occurs by a large majority. This is such a basic concept, why do you people have so much difficulty understanding something so simple?
A large majority of Israeli's voted for a political party, that does not recognized any Palestinian State and which deputy speaker has called for Genocide and Palestinians to be placed in concentration camp. Do you understand what majority means.
In this hypothetical scenario, yes arguably only if the "murder" actually happened (Palestinians are being killed, not murdered).
Everything else you mentioned is entirely irrelevant to the definition of terrorism. You apparently do not know what terrorism is.
No you don't understand what Terrorism means.
Terrorism: the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims
Hamas still has the capability of fire rockets, all that firing non-precision weapons and hitting U.N. schools has not done anything to Hamas capabilities and they still run Gaza. What was the purpose of killing over Thousands of civilians and destroying homes, Israel is punishing the people of Gaza for electing Hamas. Sounds like the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims to me.