IDF ground invasion of Gaza( Israel killed 2,700+ Palestinians) (Hamas is victorious)


All Star
Jun 17, 2012
Ireland's largest grocery and food distributor SuperValu boycotts Israeli products

Ireland's largest grocery and food distributor SuperValu has withdrawn Israeli products from its shelves as the conflict in Gaza continues.

In a group-wide email to its 232 stores nationwide, it stated that products originating from Israel were to be withdrawn.

"It's mostly fruit and vegetables, carrots and herbs more specifically," a source from the retailer told the Herald.

SuperValu is part of the Musgrave Group which includes 462 Centra stores around the country.

It is not understood if the withdrawal of the products extends to Centra shops as well.

The call to remove the Israeli products was made last Friday.

In the notice it said: "The above product (carrots) is being withdrawn from sale. There is no Food Safety or Quality Issue associated with this withdrawal."

The above statement was made in relation to the "nature of the issue".

The action advised was to "remove all stock from available sale and dispose of at store level".

The company also stated that "customer returns (on the product) should be honoured".

The circular was sent to all store managers and was effective from the date of receipt.

Musgrave is a family-owned business operating since 1876. Including its retailers it is Ireland's biggest private sector employer, with a staff of 60,000.

The group had not responded to requests for comment at the time of going to print.

Meanwhile, Irish and Leinster rugby star Gordon Darcy took part in a protest with 2,000 people supporting the people of Palestine. His Exchequer Bar was one of the first in the capital to ban the use of Israeli products.

And toy store Smyths had a poster in its Jervis Street window over the weekend stating that it had removed products made in Israel from the shelves.

When the Herald visited the city centre store the sign had been removed and staff said they would not be commenting on the matter.

A spokeswoman for the toy stores said: "One store last week took several products from one country off its shelves. This decision has now been reversed.

"We do not engage in national or international political affairs."


Check this Irish MP going ham on the Israelis

Jul 25, 2012
Everything on this message board is exactly as I remember it

1) Palestinians are weak, therefore Israel is wrong automatically #freegaza

2) 1 million Israelis hiding in shelters and therefore not dying, so the lack of dead Israelis compared to Palestinians makes Israel more wrong than Hamas. That makes sense I swear!

3) Israel is an apartheid state, even though Israeli Arabs have equal rights, and Palestinians have their own government, police force, legal system, and elections - and are not even part of the Israeli state.

4) Israel should just allow the rockets to reign in on its citizens, why? Because I said so, that's why. #freepalestine #notantisemiticjustantizionist #godblesshamas

5) Hamas had nothing to do with the kidnappings, even though the people responsible were members of Hamas #lookatmeimsuchaskeptic

6) Hamas rockets are firecrackers, the first firecrackers in history that have the capacity to land on a house and kill people #freegaza #thankgoditsnotmyhousethough

7) Israelis should do absolutely nothing as Hamas launches rockets into Israel, but I don't hate Jews I swear

8) Israel should stop patrolling what goes in and out of Gaza, even though this means even more weapons for Hamas to shoot at Israelis, but I don't hate Jews I swear

9) IDF totally lost this war, even though Hamas wasn't able to stop them from destroying 30 tunnels that it took them 5 years to make. durrr hurrr I don't have down syndruemn though I swaere.

10) Everything Israel does that's bad, is because they're evil, everything that they do good, is for PR, but I don't hate Jews I swear.

11) "I don't believe Hamas is using human shields" even though Hamas admits it, and reporters have seen it

12) One or two Israeli Knesset members said bad things, therefore Israel is bad.

13) Some Israeli individuals have done bad things, therefore Israelis are bad.

14) Israel's bombing of Gaza is indiscriminate, even though Hamas is 0.01% of Gaza's population, and significantly more of the proportion killed #ifailedhighschoolstatistic #freepalestine

15) All of Hamas's casualty rates should be taken very seriously #imnotbiasediswear

16) durr hurr insert more sub-intelligence here

*Posts video of people agreeing with me* - Yeah, he's that dude! He supports the Palestinian struggle! #realshyt

*Ignores all facts that cause my cognitive dissonance* - If you support Israel you're a sellout!

*Posts more youtube videos of people who agree with my worldview, spaced out during 75% of it*

*Negs the 3 posts pointing out my own hypocrisy and lack of logic*

Shyeah, groupthink for the win!
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  • Dap
Reactions: Ill


May 4, 2012
Everything on this message board is exactly as I remember it

1) Palestinians are weak, therefore Israel is wrong automatically #freegaza

2) Israel is an apartheid state, even though Israeli Arabs have equal rights, and Palestinians have their own government, police force, legal system, and elections - and are not even part of the Israeli state.

3) Israel should just allow the rockets to reign in on its citizens, why? Because I said so, that's why. #freepalestine #notantisemiticjustantizionist #godblesshamas

4) Hamas had nothing to do with the kidnappings, even though the people responsible were members of Hamas #lookatmeimsuchaskeptic

5) Hamas rockets are firecrackers, the first firecrackers in history that have the capacity to land on a house and kill people #freegaza #thankgoditsnotmyhousethough

6) Israelis should do absolutely nothing as Hamas launches rockets into Israel, but I don't hate Jews I swear

7) Israel should stop patrolling what goes in and out of Gaza, even though this means even more weapons for Hamas to shoot at Israelis, but I don't hate Jews I swear

8) IDF totally lost this war, even though Hamas wasn't able to stop them from destroying 30 tunnels that it took them 5 years to make. durrr hurrr I don't have down syndruemn though I swaere.

9) Everything Israel does that's bad, is because they're evil, everything that they do good, is for PR, but I don't hate Jews I swear.

10) "I don't believe Hamas is using human shields" even though Hamas admits it, and reporters have seen it

11) durr hurr insert more sub-intelligence here

*Posts video of people agreeing with me* - Yeah, he's that dude! He supports the Palestinian struggle! #realshyt

*Ignores all facts that cause my cognitive dissonance* - If you support Israel you're a sellout!

*Posts more youtube videos of people who agree with my worldview, spaced out during 75% of it*

Shyeah, groupthink for the win!

I do not have anything against Judaism or Jews. I can separate Judaism from Israel, and there is a lot of orthodox Jews that are against the assault on Gaza. But the nation of Israel has showed that it has a large majority of disgusting, murderous, pieces of shyt human begins in there government, military and there society. I can show you proof in the below stories, that happened since this campaign started. We know that Hamas has been labeled a terrorist organization, but Israel is acting like terrorist state and they do not hold up to any of our democratic standards here in the U.S, disprove me any of the below new stories from the action of actual Israelis, would we accept any of this crap here in the United States?


Israeli lawmaker Moshe Feiglin called for concentration camps in Gaza in his action plan


Israeli lawmaker Ayelet Shaked saying mothers of all Palestinians should also be killed during the ongoing Israeli assault on the besieged Gaza Strip


Times Of Israel Publishes Op-Ed About 'When Genocide Is Permissible',



Israelis sit on a hill to watch air strikes on Gaza, some bring drinks and snacks as they cheer the explosions a few miles away

Cheering the genocide of Gazan children: "No school tomorrow, there's no children left in Gaza!"


Gaza Strip: Did Israel Defence Forces Soldier David Ovadia Really 'Kill 13 Children?'



Israeli High Court: Israeli Soldiers Used Palestinians as Human Shields 1,200 Times


Jul 17, 2013
Ireland's largest grocery and food distributor SuperValu boycotts Israeli products

Ireland's largest grocery and food distributor SuperValu has withdrawn Israeli products from its shelves as the conflict in Gaza continues.

In a group-wide email to its 232 stores nationwide, it stated that products originating from Israel were to be withdrawn.

"It's mostly fruit and vegetables, carrots and herbs more specifically," a source from the retailer told the Herald.

SuperValu is part of the Musgrave Group which includes 462 Centra stores around the country.

It is not understood if the withdrawal of the products extends to Centra shops as well.

The call to remove the Israeli products was made last Friday.

In the notice it said: "The above product (carrots) is being withdrawn from sale. There is no Food Safety or Quality Issue associated with this withdrawal."

The above statement was made in relation to the "nature of the issue".

The action advised was to "remove all stock from available sale and dispose of at store level".

The company also stated that "customer returns (on the product) should be honoured".

The circular was sent to all store managers and was effective from the date of receipt.

Musgrave is a family-owned business operating since 1876. Including its retailers it is Ireland's biggest private sector employer, with a staff of 60,000.

The group had not responded to requests for comment at the time of going to print.

Meanwhile, Irish and Leinster rugby star Gordon Darcy took part in a protest with 2,000 people supporting the people of Palestine. His Exchequer Bar was one of the first in the capital to ban the use of Israeli products.

And toy store Smyths had a poster in its Jervis Street window over the weekend stating that it had removed products made in Israel from the shelves.

When the Herald visited the city centre store the sign had been removed and staff said they would not be commenting on the matter.

A spokeswoman for the toy stores said: "One store last week took several products from one country off its shelves. This decision has now been reversed.

"We do not engage in national or international political affairs."
we got orders from israel yesterday too but i cancelled them and gave them their money back. outside the u.s. we do business with australia the most.

israel got the :camby:yesterday.

Ritzy Sharon

Don't Make Me Pull The Oud Out
May 2, 2012
My grandfather who lives with us is a Fox News watching ignorant ass sheep

So infuriating


Dude tries talking politics with my mom and I and were just like :comeon:


old white men support the criminal assault on Gaza. in some ways it's understandable, their gen grew up on the fictional narrative that historical Palestine was a land without a people for a people without a land and the Palestinians were just a band of savage bedouin from the desert of Arabia motivated by a hatred of western liberal democracy and of course, Hitleresque antisemitism. hard to get away with bullshyt like that in the social media/internet age.

& not really surprised at the graduate/postgraduate numbers either. I've always said higher education is the Khamas terror tunnel of White Privilege . :sas1:
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Jul 25, 2012
I do not have anything against Judaism or Jews. I can separate Judaism from Israel, and there is a lot of orthodox Jews that are against the assault on Gaza. But the nation of Israel has showed that it has a large majority of disgusting, murderous, pieces of shyt human begins

No, you have not proved this.

All you did was cherrypick examples of Israelis saying bad things and use it to generalize the entire population.

This is the exact tactic used in st0rmfr0nt, as they furiously post examples of Black men raping White women.

We know that Hamas has been labeled a terrorist organization, but Israel is acting like terrorist state and they do not hold up to any of our democratic standards here in the U.S, disprove me any of the below new stories from the action of actual Israelis, would we accept any of this crap here in the United States?

We also wouldn't accept congressman openly supporting people wanting to destroy us. Israel has Arabs in its Knesset openly calling for its destruction. The US also doesn't drop leaflets, make phone calls, and send text messages before striking a target. Israel does. Israeli Arabs have all the same rights as American minorities do. Israel lives up to all the same Democratic standards as the US, and more.

And if 6,000 rockets were shot at the US, the area it was coming from would be a parking lot.
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Jul 25, 2012

old white men support the criminal assault on Gaza. in some ways it's understandable, their gen grew up on the fictional narrative that historical Palestine was a land without a people for a people without a land and the Palestinians were just a band of savage bedouin from the desert of Arabia motivated by a hatred of western liberal democracy and of course, Hitleresque antisemitism. hard to get away with bullshyt like that in the social media/internet age.

& not really surprised at the graduate/postgraduate numbers either. I've always said higher education is the Khamas terror tunnel of White Privilege .

How is that an explanation for educated people being more likely to support Israel? :mjlol: