Only got to page 2 before skipping to the last page to post. Yall can decide if you want to throw me on your goofy ass internet sus list or not because I got things to say.
1) treh surgery has come a long way, and it's infuriating. Being from Chicago I know Sydney Starr was like one of the very very few passable trans just 13-15 years ago, but now it's like you gotta run field sobriety tests on a bytch to validate her authenticity. Scust.
2) the trehs being posted are appealing to the eye, it is what it is.

all you insecure homophobic brehs need to realize they are paying thousands of dollars to look like counterfeit dimes. Let me put it this way, if these trans posted WERE actually females, you would have zero issues fukkin, long hands n jawlines n all. Now to me the deciding factor is if, after knowing it's a man, you still over there lusting and salivating. I treat beautiful trans similar to how I would if I ever tried to holler at an underage girl. Once I find out the pertinent information, I am disengaging immediately. That doesn't mean if that exact same girl was a couple years older I wouldn't smash (I know this is an uncomfortable ass point that can easily be spinned into some bullshyt but for argument's sake let's stay focused). The same logic applies. In my mind, both the minor and the treh is completely untouchable. Only difference is the minor will mature into an adult(and only then is it permissible), but that treh bussy will be a man forever.
@Carlton Banks as a philosophy major I love nothing more than playing devil's advocate so I'm taking your side since everybody is pointing out your flagrantly sus behavior and I'm trying to make sense if it. Are you saying that you find these trehs so attractive that you would smash even if there's a dikk n balls attached???? Or are you saying if they post-op you gonna pretend the foochie (fugazi coochie) real? Cuz both in my opinion is still undeniably anti-Harlem but one of them makes me want to throw up bro so please for the love of God tell me you wouldn't have sex with something that has a man's package.
4) lastly, for the clowns, I'll reiterate.
fukking trans women, regardless of surgical procedures, is still pretty gay and no human rights movement will change my mind. However in my mind you are infinitely more gay if a dude still got his move and you STILL with the shyts, it's nasty just to even type.
tl;Dr trying to argue that you don't find a treh attractive even though you would have it if were a real woman doesn't make you any more heterosexual than you already are(n't). Be secure in your masculinity and stand on what you believe in. I like to lead by example while the kids play