Ice Cube going out sad, smh. Still thinks Trump would've helped black people.

Cynical Thoughts

All Star
May 17, 2012
Look at what happened under Trump in only 4 years and stop asking dumb ass questions. Dude is literally trying to erase our history from public schools. And lets get this straight. I DO NOT fully endorse or trust Biden or Kamala but I damn sure trust that administration will be better than Trump. This ain’t about being FOR Biden. It’s about being AGAINST. Trump. And no. They aren’t the same fukkin thing.
You gonna address anything else I posted. Like the whole first paragraph? The reason why I quoted you. **They didn’t stop campaigning why should we?**

I work for the school system (parents and sister)and it ain’t shyt, especially right now. In my kids eyes, slavery is just a foot note surrounded by great black achievements and achievers in black history. My kids go to school for basically math, reading and socializing. And I still side eye that.

lol at 90% of the teachers being white women but you worried about them teaching your kids about slavery. That’s all you have. You lost already.

I don’t care for either but why is Cube a “c00n” or whatever for meeting Trump but he wouldn’t be a “c00n” for meeting with Biden? You don’t think Biden is a racist?

Cynical Thoughts

All Star
May 17, 2012
Biden never said you wasn't black if you didn't vote for him. He said "If you can't decide if you're going to vote for me or for Trump you ain't black" and I agree. If you vote for Trump you ain't black.

I didn't turn Cube into shyt. If he thinks he's the spokesman for black America then black America has an obligation to call out his bullshyt.
I really hate dragging myself back into politics for these reasons.

You playing semantics and ducking fades. Have a good day there fella.


May 21, 2012

The jokes literally write themselves.

We know Trump is a racist. I’m just not letting Biden off the hook either. It wasn’t just him insulting black people by saying “if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black.” It wasn’t even him saying Barack was the first articulate colored person or some shyt like that. He had direct policies that negatively impacted black families like his role with the 1986 crack bill. The 1994 crime bill. He already said he would prioritize the LGBT as soon as he gets in office. For me, I always looked at the choices being a president who will fukk over everybody vs a president who will help everyone EXCEPT you.
No one wants to touch this.
These dudes don't want to admit that Joe Biden is unsavory because they're
trying to win internet points.

It isn't about being real about either candidate or either party.

Remember what this dude said when he pushed the crime bill:

Here's the link just in case the video doesn't work.
Btw, he does not believe in rehabilitation.

Gerrymandering, White Flight, Jim Crow, Separate But Equal, Force Integration etc.
None of the shyt that lead up to the crafting of the Crime Bill matters and how America
has handled that with Stop&Frisk, youth detention centers, jailing parents for truant students etc.
Doesn't seem to matter either.

Not a single one of these fukks poppin' that "pro-black" bullshyt can say they rock with something
that allowed police ramp up their already disproportionate targeting of Black Americans.
Especially when those Black Americans are born into a system incredibly disadvantaged.

People really need to drop the "Yeah Trump is racist act" like fukking Joe Biden doesn't have
a LONG history of being DETRIMENTAL to Black Americans.
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May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
You gonna address anything else I posted. Like the whole first paragraph? The reason why I quoted you. **They didn’t stop campaigning why should we?**

I work for the school system (parents and sister)and it ain’t shyt, especially right now. In my kids eyes, slavery is just a foot note surrounded by great black achievements and achievers in black history. My kids go to school for basically math, reading and socializing. And I still side eye that.

lol at 90% of the teachers being white women but you worried about them teaching your kids about slavery. That’s all you have. You lost already.

I don’t care for either but why is Cube a “c00n” or whatever for meeting Trump but he wouldn’t be a “c00n” for meeting with Biden? You don’t think Biden is a racist?
So wait. Ur answer for me about Trump removing what little black history we have in schools away from it is “that shyt don’t really matter anyway cause they ain’t teaching enough?..” REALLY FAM? nikka was supposed to have MORE of it and it ain’t much now. But this muthafukka so racist that he can’t even take THAT little bit that’s currently there. Like I said before. We can play all day about what President is racist and what isnt. There only been about 2 non racist presidents in the history of this country. The issue with TRUMP is BIGGER than that. If u don’t see that I don’t know what to tell u. Trump incites VIOLENCE against black people fam. There is no law and order with Trump. How could u muthafukkas sit here and fix ur face after ALL the shyt that has happened the last 4 years ESPECIALLY within the last year and act like there is no difference? Are u fukking kidding me? Y’all don’t lost y’all fukkin minds.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
The jokes literally write themselves.

No one wants to touch this.
These dudes don't want to admit that Joe Biden is unsavory because they're
trying to win internet points.

It isn't about being real about either candidate or either party.

Remember what this dude said when he pushed the crime bill:

Here's the link just in case the video doesn't work.
Btw, he does not believe in rehabilitation.

Gerrymandering, White Flight, Jim Crow, Separate But Equal, Force Integration etc.
None of the shyt that lead up to the crafting of the Crime Bill matters and how America
has handled that with Stop&Frisk, youth detention centers, jailing parents for truant students etc.
Doesn't seem to matter either.

Not a single one of these fukks poppin' that "pro-black" bullshyt can say they rock with something
that allowed police ramp up their already disproportionate targeting of Black Americans.
Especially when those Black Americans are born into a system incredibly disadvantaged.

People really need to drop the "Yeah Trump is racist act" like fukking Joe Biden doesn't have
a LONG history of being DETRIMENTAL to Black Americans.

Son u can pull up shyt that Clinton did that’s comparable. shyt that BOTH Bush senior and junior did that’s comparable. shyt that Reagan did that’s comparable. Nixon, and the list goes on. ALL these muthafukkas racist. Trump is some other shyt. It ain’t about being FOR Biden. It’s about being AGAINST Trump. Let’s get this crazy narcissistic racist lying muthafukka out of there and deal with the other shyt later. nikka this country is a fukking laughing stock under Trump and his administration. Other world leaders barely wanna give that muthafukka the time of day. If u wanna have a fukking country to complain about the best bet is to get this muthafukka OUT. U got people in his administration talking about getting rid of democracy. They have been having a free for all in the White House. Breaking every law and rule in the fukking book. shyt that OTHER presidents have gotten impeached for. Yet y’all tryna act like this some “same ol same ol” shyt with this guy? Come the fukk on. ATLEAST under democratic administration there’s FAR more minorities in high positions. Vs there being like 1-2% under Trump’s administration. Wake up fam.


May 21, 2012
Son u can pull up shyt that Clinton did that’s comparable. shyt that BOTH Bush senior and junior did that’s comparable. shyt that Reagan did that’s comparable. Nixon, and the list goes on. ALL these muthafukkas racist. Trump is some other shyt. It ain’t about being FOR Biden. It’s about being AGAINST Trump. Let’s get this crazy narcissistic racist lying muthafukka out of there and deal with the other shyt later. nikka this country is a fukking laughing stock under Trump and his administration. Other world leaders barely wanna give that muthafukka the time of day. If u wanna have a fukking country to complain about the best bet is to get this muthafukka OUT. U got people in his administration talking about getting rid of democracy. They have been having a free for all in the White House. Breaking every law and rule in the fukking book. shyt that OTHER presidents have gotten impeached for. Yet y’all tryna act like this some “same ol same ol” shyt with this guy? Come the fukk on. ATLEAST under democratic administration there’s FAR more minorities in high positions. Vs there being like 1-2% under Trump’s administration. Wake up fam.

I never said I was pro-trump, I don't feel like repeating myself so I'm going to just quote myself instead:
The point is to take the focus off of the Democrats.

We aren't supposed to wonder why we give them overwhelming and faithful support
every time it counts but it doesn't result in specific legislature aimed directly
at African Americans.

Put simply:
I don't give a shyt about Trump, I didn't vote for him, the vast majority of Black Americans didn't vote for him.
I'm certain you didn't and hundreds of other brehs on TheColi likely didn't vote for Trump either which leads to
me asking:

Why is there a contingent of people completely averse to ANY criticism of the Democrats ?
They've got our vote this year, just like four years ago and four years before that and four years before that and so on but
there's been no material improvement in our condition that involves reform across the board.

We can muster up monetary support for Israel, the indians, more outright reform targeting LGBTQ+ and Latinx people yet
here we are the most faithful group IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY but it's "Weird" if we ask ANYTHING of the current Democratic

Cynical Thoughts

All Star
May 17, 2012
So wait. Ur answer for me about Trump removing what little black history we have in schools away from it is “that shyt don’t really matter anyway cause they ain’t teaching enough?..” REALLY FAM? nikka was supposed to have MORE of it and it ain’t much now. But this muthafukka so racist that he can’t even take THAT little bit that’s currently there. Like I said before. We can play all day about what President is racist and what isnt. There only been about 2 non racist presidents in the history of this country. The issue with TRUMP is BIGGER than that. If u don’t see that I don’t know what to tell u. Trump incites VIOLENCE against black people fam. There is no law and order with Trump. How could u muthafukkas sit here and fix ur face after ALL the shyt that has happened the last 4 years ESPECIALLY within the last year and act like there is no difference? Are u fukking kidding me? Y’all don’t lost y’all fukkin minds.
I asked you a specific question and you’ve yet to answer that.

I’m here to learn, I can be swayed but I need to understand your point first. why didn’t they stop campaigning if it was to late for Cube to pitch ideas?

Did you read what I wrote. I feel like you are gonna latch onto this school thing and you really haven’t thought it out. Soooo the only thing you are worried about was Trump removing slavery from the history books? What about the white women who voted for Trump being their teachers, that’s ok?

So you believed he’d take slavery out huh? Just like you believed he was gonna build that wall huh? So now Trump is getting all this stuff done that he promised? just like you believed he was gonna take Cube seriously?

What else has he promised that he’s followed through on. All I’ve heard is that he is a lie.

I’ve been experiencing racism and hate long before Trump Obama and Bush. Police been killing black men. This ain’t new. What has happened to you personally, we can talk about it. if you scared say you scared.


Jun 26, 2012
Son u can pull up shyt that Clinton did that’s comparable. shyt that BOTH Bush senior and junior did that’s comparable. shyt that Reagan did that’s comparable. Nixon, and the list goes on. ALL these muthafukkas racist. Trump is some other shyt. It ain’t about being FOR Biden. It’s about being AGAINST Trump. Let’s get this crazy narcissistic racist lying muthafukka out of there and deal with the other shyt later. nikka this country is a fukking laughing stock under Trump and his administration. Other world leaders barely wanna give that muthafukka the time of day. If u wanna have a fukking country to complain about the best bet is to get this muthafukka OUT. U got people in his administration talking about getting rid of democracy. They have been having a free for all in the White House. Breaking every law and rule in the fukking book. shyt that OTHER presidents have gotten impeached for. Yet y’all tryna act like this some “same ol same ol” shyt with this guy? Come the fukk on. ATLEAST under democratic administration there’s FAR more minorities in high positions. Vs there being like 1-2% under Trump’s administration. Wake up fam.

"Other shyt?"

I'm curious, and I don't even fucck with Trump... but what exactly did that devil do specifically to black people that was FAR WORSE than what Reagan, Nixon, Clinton, both Bushes and the multiple racist bills that Biden drafted???

Because between Reaganomics, mass incarceration, crack epidemic, crime bill and Katrina... I am curious. Hell, even OBAMA signed a "blue lives matter" law and did nothing at all to protect BLACK LIVES from cop terrorists. I serious want to know how their RACISM is cool with you, but somehow Trump is on some "other shyt"? Crying about our so-called "de-MOCK-cracy" is in peril? nikka, black people never gotten a fair shake EVER when it comes to this so-called democracy. So, again what did Trump did that was WORSE towards black people than any one of those devils before him?


Aug 7, 2015
Compare Biden to Reagan and bush sr. And think that’s somehow supposed to make people wanna vote for your candidate brehs


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
"Other shyt?"

I'm curious, and I don't even fucck with Trump... but what exactly did that devil do specifically to black people that was FAR WORSE than what Reagan, Nixon, Clinton, both Bushes and the multiple racist bills that Biden drafted???

Because between Reaganomics, mass incarceration, crack epidemic, crime bill and Katrina... I am curious. Hell, even OBAMA signed a "blue lives matter" law and did nothing at all to protect BLACK LIVES from cop terrorists. I serious want to know how their RACISM is cool with you, but somehow Trump is on some "other shyt"? Crying about our so-called "de-MOCK-cracy" is in peril? nikka, black people never gotten a fair shake EVER when it comes to this so-called democracy. So, again what did Trump did that was WORSE towards black people than any one of those devils before him?
Cause with Trump. It ain’t even just about black people. It’s about the way he’s been running the country as a whole. The way he FUELS these cracka’s hate. Like, he’s a GOD to these people and of u don’t see the difference in ferocity of the crackas since he been in office and the way he EMBOLDENS them than I don’t know what to tell u. I’m done with this argument man. Lol. And lets get it straight. I never said any of y’all was voting for Trump. I just said there is a REASON people want this muthafukka out by any means.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
I asked you a specific question and you’ve yet to answer that.

I’m here to learn, I can be swayed but I need to understand your point first. why didn’t they stop campaigning if it was to late for Cube to pitch ideas?

Did you read what I wrote. I feel like you are gonna latch onto this school thing and you really haven’t thought it out. Soooo the only thing you are worried about was Trump removing slavery from the history books? What about the white women who voted for Trump being their teachers, that’s ok?

So you believed he’d take slavery out huh? Just like you believed he was gonna build that wall huh? So now Trump is getting all this stuff done that he promised? just like you believed he was gonna take Cube seriously?

What else has he promised that he’s followed through on. All I’ve heard is that he is a lie.

I’ve been experiencing racism and hate long before Trump Obama and Bush. Police been killing black men. This ain’t new. What has happened to you personally, we can talk about it. if you scared say you scared.
Scared muthafukka :what:? 200+ THOUSAND people died this year due to this muthafukka’s incompetence. Are u kidding me? nikka I been on the ground floor dealing with racist bullshyt since I was a kid. I literally watched the cops kill my substitute teacher right in front of my face in middle school. Me and my nikkas all got maced by the cops while we was only 13. One of my nikkas got it so bad he passed out in the middle of the street. Ain’t shyt u can tell me bout shyt. I ain’t ever scared fam I’m ready for ALL the smoke. But like I said before. This cat is not only racist. He’s extremely incompetent and dumb. Horrible mix. I mean the muthafukka be tweeting more than a damn Instagram thot. Y’all wildin. Lol. Matter fact if u look at me back in 2016. I was the same one then saying there wasn’t no big difference between Trump and Hilary they both wasnt shyt. But I know NOW. Since he proved this to me. She would’ve prolly been the better pick than this fukkin goof. He PROVED himself to be incompetent. Now. Let’s get this nikka outta there. Same way I said to get Bush the fukk outta after 9/11 and him sending us to war. ALL presidents are racist my g. That’s not the biggest point I’m making.
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