I was talking to this girl that told me she'd date a regular nikka with no paper.

May 31, 2012
Y I'd like to say I'm pretty. Quite decent looking, thank you very much.... My looks is a little above average if not average itself. I do not only take pride in that, I take pride in my hard work. So that is the reason why I did NOT put my looks in this equation because you lose either way.

Do you have any other arguments?:deadrose:

You :duck: 'd yourself already. If you considered yourself pretty why wouldnt you say that when I said the initial comment lacing it with, " But my looks are irrelevant to the subject."

Check it your saying I'm mad but

Youre an idiot if you think just because you have your own shyt youre not a golddigger. You and your black nikka bytch logic.

:what:You sound like one of those nikkas who got abused and raped in jail since everything you're saying has an insult in it. How many dikks you done sucked in der? Did Omar n Zeus have their feasts with you on the weekends?:heh: After you got out you decided to work your brain and make money. That's probably the only way your loose booty ass is making money. What do you call bread? That $4,000 you got on your bank account? Everyone is expressing their opinion, why do you feel the need to insult me and call me out of my name? Only bottoms do such things. They're fakkit ass nikkas like you only nice to men when they disagree and disrespect women and can't even disagree with them like an adult. . If you disagree with me, do it with class you selfless cockroach..:birdman:


Where was that said? N who are you implying that comment for?:usure:
Being Defensive

:comeon: stop trying to feel special like anyone is caching feelings for your feeble minded ass. Tryna step to me like you big when the real shyt is flying completely over your head because of your consumerist greedy goldigger attitude. " Oh HE BETTER HAVE A JOB" blah blah blah. You dont fukk nikkas because they have a job, you fukk them because you are sexually attratced to them, and if them having a job turns you you're fukked. Because you same one would expect the nikka to pay when he takes you out and expect the nikka to buy you nice things, because you maintain that same Americana consumerist attitude. Besides if a nikka gives you sex so good that you cant even remember what you did before youre not even going to try to check him on not having a job. Check it, why do women care about men having jobs but men could care less if she had a job? Because men could gaf if she had a job and if she did " Good for me, lemme get some stuff off this bytch." To the main point of the thread, dude is saying how its ducktales that the girl said shed date a nikka with no money. MANY girls do and will because theyre dating that guy because they like HIM, not what he HAS. Thats where YOU lose and thats why dudes are saying shyt like:
Women like this are usually single and bitter when they hit 30. I understand someone not dating a bum but to straight up say he will experience hardship when it comes to his manhood for not making the same or more than you is crazy. You're an idiot and you always end up getting played in the end. Go get another abortion or something, this posting shyt isn't for you now gtfoh bytch.

Yeah I got bread and i'm no woman hater but women like you make me want to vomit. I hate women with smart ass mouths with a passion. Talking about what a man is "supposed to do" you are SUPPOSED to be shutting the fukk up and staying in a womans place.


ClassyMe, the more you type, the less attractive you are to men in general.

You are truly an idiot with nikka logic. You think because you have a job youre not a golddigger? SO when a golddigger struck gold, he just stopped? NO he kept digging to get more gold.


May 30, 2012
Somewhere between OH & NV
Lachwhateveryournameis You must be drunk or high... Maybe both. I was correcting him because I'm not sittin at home with no job living with my mom. Everything else I said I stand by. No woman is gonna settle for a jobless ass nikka, you can slice this cake however you want and you'll still get the same answer from me.You also know nothing about my looks and I shut down every argument you have which why you're still somewhat bitter, or should I say salty.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Ok...:what: you read the wrong part in this discussion, maybe you should go a few pages back and catch up.

It's not gold digging if I have my own shyt. Someone equal would be nice...

your idea of equal is monetary based,....

your idea of equal is not welled in the real nature of a man and woman kind.

that is gold digging,......

women were given equal rights.

you don't act like it,.......

you are a worse humongous poisoned and ill growth from old traditionalism and slavery.

get real,......you not fooling nobody and that is why you do not have a real committed mate.

learn to judge a man for a man.

as he ans you were exactly created and welled in the image of the creator,..not the creations.

greed of gold is a chief principle of paganism or the devil/enki.

learn the difference,.......

learn why pagan culture enslaved women erroneously and in america.

learn why women have been erroneously divided and demonized in all religions erroneously.

women were not free, in america until 1968,..which is exactly what the civil rights movement was about.

a full century after slavery of black/asian males was abolished.

all women of any creed[pagan caste system wording], were still slaves a century later.

you are no better than a slave master pricing a bull,..or a black man at auction....

that lacks class,.....learn your history.

hen learn the history of children,...and why children are still slaves with eic,...

stop the madness black woman,..

black women in general are the catalyst and instrument this country uses to enslave black men.

be better,..do better!!!

art barr

art barr


May 30, 2012
Somewhere between OH & NV
your idea of equal is monetary based,....

your idea of equal is not welled in the real nature of a man...

that is gold digging,......

women were given equal rights.

you don't act like it,.......

you are a worse humongous poisoned and ill growth from old traditionalism and slavery.

ge real,......you not fooling nobody and that i why you do not have a real committed mate.

learn to judge a man for a man, as he was created and welled in the image of the creatot,..not the creations.

greed if gold is a chief principle of paganism or the devil/enki.

learn the difference,.......

learn why pagan culture enslaved women erroneously and in america.

women were not free until 1968,..which is exactly what the civil rights movement was about.

a full century after slavery of black/asian males was abolished.

all women of any creed[pagan caste system wording], were still slaves a century later.

you are no better than a slave master pricing a bull,..or a black man at auction....

that lacks class,.....learn your history.

hen learn the history of children,...and why children are still slaves with eic,...

stop the madness black woman,..

black women in general are the catalyst and instrument this country uses to enslave black men.

be better,..do better!!!

art barr

art barr

How should I put it the nicest way possible....

go get a job..:duck:


stop being a bum. Maybe reading isn't your strong point but I've already stated that I don't need to gold dig. I have all the gold. You should find your own! And stop gettin angry when people stroke your G spot baby girl... Or is it a lady boy?:bryan:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
How should I put it the nicest way possible

go get a job..:duck:

stop being a bum. Maybe reading isn't your strong point but I've already stated that I don't need to gold dig. I have all the gold. You should find your own! And stop gettin angry when people stroke your G spot baby girl... Or is it a lady boy?:bryan:

i have posted the facts,....

you answer with deflection at its finest,......

also,..i have been higher in grade than you professionally.

plus since i embrace god, and sociological fact to the fullest

....i have been given the things without asking you golddig for.

get on my level,....goofie!!!

you won't because your game is dishonest lame, cum stained't, perforated and weak as fukk.
that is why you are not doing what i have done.

plus sit on the net with a spiteful golddigging attitude.

that has gotten easiy checked and exposedby numerous nikkaz.

now, keep posting goof ass smilies and i schedule the first flaming tack tables intergender match finish for yo goof lame ass.

if you wanna continue to post gif's, and defy logic......

you fukk'n goof ass materialistic lame faced't ass golddigger.

art barr

former illinois divorce lawyer exam certification manager


May 29, 2012
:whoo: Damn. even though I think Art Barr's hate on the Clipse is unwarranted and illogical, he came with that ether.
May 31, 2012
^^You must be drunk or high... Maybe both. I was correcting him because I'm not sittin at home with no job living with my mom. Everything else I said I stand by. No woman is gonna settle for a jobless ass nikka, you can slice this cake however you want and you'll still get the same answer from me.You also know nothing about my looks and I shut down every argument you have which why you're still somewhat bitter, or should I say salty.

All you can do is come with the same stale ass insult youve been giving everyone in this thread. No woman is gonna settle for a jobless nikka? :mjplz: If that was true then why was the thread even made? And info on me being bitter when you were the one being perceived and called bitter this whole thread. It's been clearly evident you are trying to take all of those negative traits on you and bounce them off to me. Someone calls you bitter and, oh look you call me bitter. Now here's another challenge. Tell me why I'm bitter or salty without one hint of slander and libel because thats basically all you do. Slander and Libel. That shows how weak-minded you are. You have to be slanderous in order to feel better about your case. That translates to you have to put someone down to feel better about yourself which also translates into you have to call the next man ugly to feel pretty. You say I'm "mad" and "bitter" yet you were the one to begin the slander because you felt threatened by something I said. Which prompted you to say I had no job. Now, how do you know this? You dont. You just felt like saying this because you thought you could troll and feel superior to get out of the shyt you got yourself into and the nonpoints you were making. It's like you have an inferiority complex and feel threatened and insecure about things, not even pertaining to the subject at hand but in general. People who usually use slander to make points always feel insecure about SOMETHING. And you can go ahead and snap your fingers and roll your neck and call me "sweetie" "booboo" or whatever comes out of your neckerchief'd wrapped head but just know this: Your arguing is very weak and very pathetic when you have use slander and digression to feel victorious.


May 30, 2012
Somewhere between OH & NV
All you can do is come with the same stale ass insult youve been giving everyone in this thread. No woman is gonna settle for a jobless nikka? :mjplz: If that was true then why was the thread even made? And info on me being bitter when you were the one being perceived and called bitter this whole thread. It's been clearly evident you are trying to take all of those negative traits on you and bounce them off to me. Someone calls you bitter and, oh look you call me bitter. Now here's another challenge. Tell me why I'm bitter or salty without one hint of slander and libel because thats basically all you do. Slander and Libel. That shows how weak-minded you are. You have to be slanderous in order to feel better about your case. That translates to you have to put someone down to feel better about yourself which also translates into you have to call the next man ugly to feel pretty. You say I'm "mad" and "bitter" yet you were the one to begin the slander because you felt threatened by something I said. Which prompted you to say I had no job. Now, how do you know this? You dont. You just felt like saying this because you thought you could troll and feel superior to get out of the shyt you got yourself into and the nonpoints you were making. It's like you have an inferiority complex and feel threatened and insecure about things, not even pertaining to the subject at hand but in general. People who usually use slander to make points always feel insecure about SOMETHING. And you can go ahead and snap your fingers and roll your neck and call me "sweetie" "booboo" or whatever comes out of your neckerchief'd wrapped head but just know this: Your arguing is very weak and very pathetic when you have use slander and digression to feel victorious.


STFU broke ass! :weirdo::deadhorse: u can keep arguing till the cows come home. It won't make your pockets any fatter.:pacspit:

Art, same goes for your unpaid ass too!

:hamster: u ol lemme hold a dolla lookin ass nikkaz
:hamster: u ol' M.O.B but I'm still b.r.o.k.e so I need a J.O.B look ass nikkaz

:piss: Imma cuss this bytch out cuz she only fux wit real nikkaz lookin ass mawfukkaz.:deadhorse:
May 31, 2012

STFU broke ass! :weirdo::deadhorse: u can keep arguing till the cows come home. It won't make your pockets any fatter.:pacspit:

Art, same goes for your unpaid ass too!

:hamster: u ol lemme hold a dolla lookin ass nikkaz
:hamster: u ol' M.O.B but I'm still b.r.o.k.e so I need a J.O.B look ass nikkaz

:piss: Imma cuss this bytch out cuz she only fux wit real nikkaz lookin ass mawfukkaz.:deadhorse:

You a :deadhorse: now just like your duttyweave. All you can say is how unpaid everyone is. So tell me: what do you do for a living since your so balling? BTW I hope your a man and this is a troll because this is just getting sad.


Jun 10, 2012
Williams Street, Atlanta, GA
I wouldn't say she's lying per se, cause a lotta women do date broke men. But while dating him, she'd probably complain to all her friends, mama, and aunties about how he never takes her nowhere and she always has to pay...but she won't ever leave him :usure:

Me personally, my personal philosophy is I'm always gonna make just enough money to do exactly what I want. I don't have excessive desires, I don't use credit, I just like maintaining myself cause it's the right thing to do. I'm not saying my nikka can be laying around getting NO money :childplease: unless he's in between jobs...but if I'm making 60K and he's making 40K ain't nothing wrong with that...together that makes 100K :krs:

I did that one time. I whined a lot that I was being a "sugar mama" and I became very resentful towards him. It took a lot of growing up for me to realize love is not about money. If you can't stick by someone that loves you when things are crappy, you don't deserve him when things are good.


May 29, 2012
Really though ClassMe if you find someone you really care about you shouldn't let petty materialistic things get in your way. You also need to remember that there is always someone out there with more money than you and to e-stunt on people you know little or nothing of is unnecessary. A relationship is merely that: a relationship. If you get into dikk measuring contests over what you have than that's building a one-sided bridge over a cliff. You sound like yet another black person obsessed with material things. I don't know you personally, but I'm only making this assumption based off statements like "equal to me" and things of that such. You're separating people not by their merits or intangible self-worth, but rather their tangible, society-contrived worth. Come on now girl you better than that.


May 30, 2012
Somewhere between OH & NV
You a :deadhorse: now just like your duttyweave. All you can say is how unpaid everyone is. So tell me: what do you do for a living since your so balling?

No no, don't put words on my mouth kiddo! I didn't say everyone was unpaid. I think you're so desperate to look for recognition that you're including everyone in my post. :laff: I also didn't say I was "so balling" I just said I can carry my own weight. I was talking about how my future husband needed to have his own money and not expect me to carry the bills. That's when you got a little snappy at me requesting that I'd better be pretty which had nothing to do with the topic that was strictly based on money and relationship. Just because I said he better have a job? That's my preference. I don't deserve to be attacked for what I want in my future mate. You suck at arguments and I am done on repeating myself to you, I'm really starting to think that you're not ok at this moment cuz you failed to understand my point of view (opinions that you cannot chance). No more replies from me!:piss:You win.
May 31, 2012
No no, don't put words on my mouth kiddo! I didn't say everyone was unpaid. I think you're so desperate to look for recognition that you're including everyone in my post. :laff: I also didn't say I was "so balling" I just said I can carry my own weight. I was talking about how my future husband needed to have his own money and not expect me to carry the bills. That's when you got a little snappy at me requesting that I'd better be pretty which had nothing to do with the topic that was strictly based on money and relationship. Just because I said he better have a job? That's my preference. I don't deserve to be attacked for what I want in my future mate. You suck at arguments and I am done on repeating myself to you, I'm really starting to think that you're not ok at this moment cuz you failed to understand my point of view (opinions that you cannot chance). No more replies from me!:piss:You win.

No mention of this JOB you have. Go away you bum ass bytch. And lol at you being on the atatck mode this whole time and now you wanna get defensive. :heh: youre pathetic. Trying to play victim after you firing shots. Never throw stones and hide your hand. Youre starting to think that I'm not ok. :russ: damn lemme stop because youve been dismantles enough. Run along with your job, Tommy.


May 30, 2012
Somewhere between OH & NV
Really though ClassMe if you find someone you really care about you shouldn't let petty materialistic things get in your way. You also need to remember that there is always someone out there with more money than you and to e-stunt on people you know little or nothing of is unnecessary. A relationship is merely that: a relationship. If you get into dikk measuring contests over what you have than that's building a one-sided bridge over a cliff. You sound like yet another black person obsessed with material things. I don't know you personally, but I'm only making this assumption based off statements like "equal to me" and things of that such. You're separating people not by their merits or intangible self-worth, but rather their tangible, society-contrived worth. Come on now girl you better than that.

I am. Sorry!:thumbsdown:

Like I said, I have a bright future, he better too! I don't need none of his money, however I'm sure my husband would want his wife to bring home some money too! Why ya'll nikkas mad at me for expressin my opinion tho? :laff: :birdman: N ur right... u don't know me! :smugfavre:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012

STFU broke ass! :weirdo::deadhorse: u can keep arguing till the cows come home. It won't make your pockets any fatter.:pacspit:

Art, same goes for your unpaid ass too!

:hamster: u ol lemme hold a dolla lookin ass nikkaz
:hamster: u ol' M.O.B but I'm still b.r.o.k.e so I need a J.O.B look ass nikkaz

:piss: Imma cuss this bytch out cuz she only fux wit real nikkaz lookin ass mawfukkaz.:deadhorse:

at the end of the day....
you are still a wack ass low self esteem having ass golddigger.

who doesn't have shyt to show for your failed relationships but spite.

except a wack cliche' golddiger's epiphany and soliloquay.

made alone out of spite to the universe in your lonely lame ass life that goes unanswered.

as you talk to the walls of your small ass basement apt.

filled with spite about how you gon play the next nikka.

which goes out and is still unanswered and not actualized.

all because you have spiteful weak ass game and not really attractive on top of that.

yousa goof ass wannabe golddigg'n bytch.....

watching bball wives wishing it was you.

while i lol at you.

plus all them hoes on bball wives, my cousin collects jeweler's rent fee from.

when she outfits all them broke ass hoes with her jewelry in their miserable lives.

yousa goof ass dishonest bytch.
that hasn't learned that lame shyt don't work, in 2o12...goofie!

art barr

former illinois divorce lawyer certification exam manager