I was recently pulled over for a tail light being out....*audio added*


I wear a crown of curls.
May 11, 2012
NYC, Boston, #ByrdGang
I was about to say :ufdup: by not immediately hitting "record" on your cell but it seems you did.

Get as many charges dropped and try to counter sue. With a recording it could be a sure thing
Get a good attorney. The cop cars may have recorded the incident, also. You must obtain those records during discovery.

Watch youtube vids abt how to interact with police officers effectively. Learn to assert yourself without using slang & being too familiar/informal. Learn to say "sir" and when/how to decline having your car searched. Learn to leave backpacks with contraband inside the vehicle instead of grabbing them out with cops watching. If the cops had searched your person, they would have also searched bags within your reach.

Quit driving your lady thru shyt parts of town.

What is a Vick?

If you sustained head injuries from getting your head bashed against the truck, then it is time to see a doctor who can document the symptoms. You will need med records as evidence in court.


Jun 19, 2012
Illuminatos why r u posting like kind gentlemen :lupe:

Just payin homage to one of the GOATs. After all, imitation is the greatest form of flattery.


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
What is a Vick?

If you sustained head injuries from getting your head bashed against the truck, then it is time to see a doctor who can document the symptoms. You will need med records as evidence in court.

a term for 7 grams of grass

Thanks for taking the time to post that


reTIreMEnt: THE ALBUM (01/22) ALL DSPs
Oct 15, 2012
Officer 1: "But if you're not.......driving.....you can't drive without a license."

Officer 2:"Sir, State law says that you have to have your license on you."

Me:"Right, and I'll get a ticket if I don't have my license right? I just got off of work...."

Officer 1: "But then I'll have to tow the vehicle, but if she has a valid license....."

Me:"I have a valid license....that's what I'm saying......"

Officer 1:"But if you don't give it to me you can't drive with it but if she has a license......"

Officer 2:"Sometime you're going to have to learn your lesson. So........"

Me:"So tell me this again. So I have a vaild license, I have an identification......"

Officer 1:"Right, but if you dont give me the actual license you can not drive this vehicle so I'm saying if she has a valid license she can drive the vehicle so if we check it...."

Me:"I've been pulled over before without a license.......I've given my social security number and had my license run through the system...."

Listen, nikka...

Before you give me any of that shyt about hating, caping for cops, or any general internet-nikka type statement in retaliation, know I ain't one of these other clowns on here lookin for reps & daps. I'ma give it to you straight. The game's rigged. You know that already. The loopholes and exit strategies the law uses in defense of it's sometimes shady practices exist THRICE more than for the average U.S. civilian (you). Even less for the seemingly confrontational, irrational, and (******) African-American male. Knowing this, there were plenty ways you could've avoided this situation, handled it better, or saved yourself time, money and charges.

Even in the quote you 'transcribed', there are plenty outs for the officers to sustain their argument that you were repeatedly given a way to go home safely, free of charge...They repeated WHY they asked for the passenger's I.D., (which was cool, but NOT their duty or obligation unless asked, and even then, it's a toss up), and even if you weren't being confrontational and were just trying to "prove" that they couldn't run your girl's I.D., or that in the past a lazy or more lenient officer let you slide with just giving your name, etc...It doesn't matter. At that point, if you're without a license to produce, it's totally (sometimes unfairly) up to the officer's discretion on what to do with you & the vehicle if you can't have someone who is licensed operate the vehicle. "Getting smart" doesn't help your case, and really...They don't even sound like the dikkhead types I encountered in my own experiences, until you got fly.

I've given 4 years and 6 months, and a big chunk of my employment opportunity, rights and public image to the V.A. court, county jail and state prison system. I've fought cases, lost most, won some. Been arrested a few times, and let off, or finessed my way out plenty more. I've gone to LITERAL legal WAR with a local detective, beat a case he had against me in which I subtly told him to lay off of a different investigation he had on me at the time, interrogating friends & associates of mine, or him & his family would have "problems". (Lowkey threatened violence against him and his mother, told him his home address, mother's name & work address, kid's schools, and told him there was an ongoing "investigation" against him as well) - beat that case at age 19, just due to the fact of how things were worded and knowing the law...I've been expelled from high school mostly due to the disposition of a "school resource officer" who later became THAT detective (read: vendetta), and I'm not for any type of fukkery or unfairness/abuse of power when it comes to crooked cops. I hate em just as much as the next man. I spent YEARS in that law library reading up on State & U.S. case law, shyt that applied to my case, shyt that didn't, and just shyt I wanted to have on file for possible future reference.

BUT with that said. Not ALL cops are dikks. You've got to understand that from their perspective, the moment they step out of the car, they have no clue if you (or anyone else) is packing, gonna give them shyt, had a bad day at work, is gonna be smooth & let them get their job done, etc. And conversely, you have no clue whether they're gonna be dikks, had a bad day, are just trying to meet quotas, have a vendetta or are gonna let you slide like Officer such and such did. They're people doing a job just like you are, so at the foundation, ESPECIALLY WHILE HAVING AN ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE IN THE POSSESSION OF YOU/YOUR GIRL AT THE TIME -- WHICH COULD GO DOWN A NUMBER OF WAYS, DEPENDING ON THE ACTIONS/WORDS YOU CHOOSE, AND THE OFFICER'S DISPOSITION/DISCRETION (WHICH YOU DON'T KNOW) -- you were wrong. Your main objective at that point should have been to get home safely, without raising the possibility of being criminally charged, having your girl criminally charged, and just accepting the fact that you were already in the wrong and possibly about to slide with the skunk in the car, ya taillight or whatever out, etc. You did the dumb shyt. I know it's hard to accept, and you still wanna fight ur battles and speak on their wrongdoings, but my nikka...None of that would've probably taken place, had...you...not...done...the dumb shyt. It happens. It's an L for you. Loss & a lesson. Use it.

Cops drum up charges all the time. It's not illegal to do so if a grand jury believes or allows the charges to stick. ALL the cops must do at a grand jury hearing is prove (read: to jaded, sometimes racist CaCs,) that they had a reasonable suspicion enough to make the charge. Not conviction, but CHARGE. So it's not as tough to find yourself CHARGED with some shyt you didn't do, than it is to CONVICT you of it. So the complaint you're considering of "well I didn't do this! These are false charges!" will likely get thrown to the side, in the wake of the cops choosing to use the defense of you being confrontational/non-responsive with certain commmands and questions. The whole going for the gun thing, I can't speak on, but if it happens like you said it did, then more power to you, wish you the best outcome. Like stated before a few times, you've got to pick and choose your battles, b. As a black man, it's easy, normal, and understandable to be on the defensive, "fukk the police" tip. But you've GOT to learn to balance that out with civility, respect for yourself and passenger, and simple logic. You've got to. Or you're gonna find yourself in a deep pool of shyt, you ain't even realize you dove into headfirst, until you at the bottom of it.

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