I was recently pulled over for a tail light being out....*audio added*


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
Listen, nikka...

Before you give me any of that shyt about hating, caping for cops, or any general internet-nikka type statement in retaliation, know I ain't one of these other clowns on here lookin for reps & daps. I'ma give it to you straight. The game's rigged. You know that already. The loopholes and exit strategies the law uses in defense of it's sometimes shady practices exist THRICE more than for the average U.S. civilian (you). Even less for the seemingly confrontational, irrational, and (******) African-American male. Knowing this, there were plenty ways you could've avoided this situation, handled it better, or saved yourself time, money and charges.

Even in the quote you 'transcribed', there are plenty outs for the officers to sustain their argument that you were repeatedly given a way to go home safely, free of charge...They repeated WHY they asked for the passenger's I.D., (which was cool, but NOT their duty or obligation unless asked, and even then, it's a toss up), and even if you weren't being confrontational and were just trying to "prove" that they couldn't run your girl's I.D., or that in the past a lazy or more lenient officer let you slide with just giving your name, etc...It doesn't matter. At that point, if you're without a license to produce, it's totally (sometimes unfairly) up to the officer's discretion on what to do with you & the vehicle if you can't have someone who is licensed operate the vehicle. "Getting smart" doesn't help your case, and really...They don't even sound like the dikkhead types I encountered in my own experiences, until you got fly.

I've given 4 years and 6 months, and a big chunk of my employment opportunity, rights and public image to the V.A. court, county jail and state prison system. I've fought cases, lost most, won some. Been arrested a few times, and let off, or finessed my way out plenty more. I've gone to LITERAL legal WAR with a local detective, beat a case he had against me in which I subtly told him to lay off of a different investigation he had on me at the time, interrogating friends & associates of mine, or him & his family would have "problems". (Lowkey threatened violence against him and his mother, told him his home address, mother's name & work address, kid's schools, and told him there was an ongoing "investigation" against him as well) - beat that case at age 19, just due to the fact of how things were worded and knowing the law...I've been expelled from high school mostly due to the disposition of a "school resource officer" who later became THAT detective (read: vendetta), and I'm not for any type of fukkery or unfairness/abuse of power when it comes to crooked cops. I hate em just as much as the next man. I spent YEARS in that law library reading up on State & U.S. case law, shyt that applied to my case, shyt that didn't, and just shyt I wanted to have on file for possible future reference.

BUT with that said. Not ALL cops are dikks. You've got to understand that from their perspective, the moment they step out of the car, they have no clue if you (or anyone else) is packing, gonna give them shyt, had a bad day at work, is gonna be smooth & let them get their job done, etc. And conversely, you have no clue whether they're gonna be dikks, had a bad day, are just trying to meet quotas, have a vendetta or are gonna let you slide like Officer such and such did. They're people doing a job just like you are, so at the foundation, ESPECIALLY WHILE HAVING AN ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE IN THE POSSESSION OF YOU/YOUR GIRL AT THE TIME -- WHICH COULD GO DOWN A NUMBER OF WAYS, DEPENDING ON THE ACTIONS/WORDS YOU CHOOSE, AND THE OFFICER'S DISPOSITION/DISCRETION (WHICH YOU DON'T KNOW) -- you were wrong. Your main objective at that point should have been to get home safely, without raising the possibility of being criminally charged, having your girl criminally charged, and just accepting the fact that you were already in the wrong and possibly about to slide with the skunk in the car, ya taillight or whatever out, etc. You did the dumb shyt.

Cops drum up charges all the time. It's not illegal to do so if a grand jury believes or allows the charges to stick. ALL the cops must do at a grand jury meeting is prove that they had a reasonable suspicion enough to make the charge. Not conviction, but CHARGE. So it's not as tough to find yourself CHARGED with some shyt you didn't do, than it is to CONVICT you of it. So the complaint you're considering of "well I didn't do this! These are false charges!" will likely get thrown to the side, in the effect that if the cops choose to use the defense of you being confrontational/non-responsive with certain commmands and questions. The whole going for the gun thing, I can't speak on, but if it happens like you said it did, then more power to you, wish you the best outcome. Like stated before a few times, you've got to pick and choose your battles, b. As a black man, it's easy, normal, and understandable to be on the defensive, "fukk the police" tip. But you've GOT to learn to balance that out with civility, respect for yourself and passenger, and simple logic. You've got to. Or you're gonna find yourself in a deep pool of shyt, you ain't even realize you dove into headfirst, until you at the bottom of it.

I respect your perspective but I disagree with some of the points you just made. I do agree that I handled it irresponibly for someone that was riding around with grass and a lady in the whip, but at the time of the initial confrontation I had completly forgot it was in there. It wasn't until they were talking that step out of the car buisness that I think it first came to my mind.

But besides that, the reason these officers were not doing me a favor in explaining to me the stuff you highlighted was because the stuff they were explaining to me did not apply to the situation I was in. What they were explaining to me was wrong. What they were explaining to me was the law in regards to an unlicensed driver that is pulled over, not a licensed driver that is simply driving without their license. The difference in the citations that should have been issued is one is "driving without a license" (the unlicensed driver) and the other is "failure to present license upond demand" which is simply a finable offense.

My thing is this though, take the easy way out isn't always the right way. Like the white woman, as plesant as you may think she was by what i've transcribed was actually the complete opposite. She masked her tremdendous malice with pleasantries which in my opinion is even worse then the outright dikkhead cop.......

my fault for cutting post short, got to do something and just wanted to get a response to u beforehand.


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
"Don’t get driving without a license confused with “failure to display a license.” If you have the privilege to drive in Maryland and you simply leave your driver’s license at home, you should only be charged with “failure to display.” The Maryland traffic violation of Driving Without a license means that you do not have the privilege to drive in Maryland. It means that you are a Maryland resident and do not have a Maryland license or you are a resident of another State or country and do not have a license to drive."



reTIreMEnt: THE ALBUM (01/22) ALL DSPs
Oct 15, 2012
I respect your perspective but I disagree with some of the points you just made. I do agree that I handled it irresponibly for someone that was riding around with grass and a lady in the whip, but at the time of the initial confrontation I had completly forgot it was in there. It wasn't until they were talking that step out of the car buisness that I think it first came to my mind.

But besides that, the reason these officers were not doing me a favor in explaining to me the stuff you highlighted was because the stuff they were explaining to me did not apply to the situation I was in. What they were explaining to me was wrong. What they were explaining to me was the law in regards to an unlicensed driver that is pulled over, not a licensed driver that is simply driving without their license. The difference in the citations that should have been issued is one is "driving without a license" (the unlicensed driver) and the other is "failure to present license upond demand" which is simply a finable offense.

My thing is this though, take the easy way out isn't always the right way. Like the white woman, as plesant as you may think she was by what i've transcribed was actually the complete opposite. She masked her tremdendous malice with pleasantries which in my opinion is even worse then the outright dikkhead cop.......

my fault for cutting post short, got to do something and just wanted to get a response to u beforehand.

True indeed. "Forgetting" isn't an excuse though. Something you forgot could've easily turned into an even worse situation than you find yourself in now. I don't even understand how you can have a 7 on you, see them blue & red lights flashing behind you, and not instantly remember. shyt, I be riding clean sometimes, get pulled and STILL immediately gotta re-think where (if anything) shyt in the car is at. We can agree to disagree, and only you know the woman's tone, but still you've got to account for the natural defensiveness of the Black experience and ask yourself if you can PROVE this bytch had malice etc in her tone. Even so, it doesn't solve the problem or fix how YOU could've lessened the damage of the situation. You can't MAKE crackers UN-racist. You can't MAKE them see our way, or the truth about how fukked up they are, or wrong sometimes. Once that badge & them cuffs come into play, you already at a natural disadvantage. The only thing you can do is protect yourself and your lady, and try to beat them at their game, IF the fight is worth fighting.

It's not about swallowing your pride or dignity, or going out like a bytch. To me, sitting in jail over some shyt you don't have to is going out like a bytch. Being unable to support yourself and family because of it, is going out like a bytch. nikkas ain't gettin no G-stripes or respect out here from war stories from simple run-ins with the police, it's about being smart. What good is telling a cop they're wrong or fukking up if you can't prove it in the court of law without absolving yourself of ANY initial wrongdoing/guilt? Think about it.

ALL these crackers is gonna do is go back to the INITIAL issue, and say that shyt unraveled from there. Taillight out ---> stop made ---> YOUR REACTION. All that shyt that happened from that point, until you're booked becomes fair game, open for speculation, lies, and re-telling in the court of law.

Chess, not checkers.
Last edited:


May 6, 2012
I'm transcribing the audio, I'll post it as I complete portions of it:

Me(To passenger): “Let me get the registration out the car….the glove compartment.I don’t have my fukkin license on me.”

Officer 1: "How yall doin this evening? Do you know your left taillight is out?"

Me: "No I didnt know that........."

Officer 1: "Yea...."

Me: "but nah........(after handing officer 1 my ID and registration) that's my registration...............

Officer 1 (to me):"Do you have your license on you?"

Me: "nah I don't have my license on me but i can.....ummmm....give you my social security number and everything.....

Officer 1 (To passenger):"Do you have your license on you maam?"

Passenger: "What?"

Me:"She's not driving.....so....."

Officer 1 (To me):"Can I have her license anyway, just so I can check it?"

Me:"No thank you......"

Officer 1: "no?"

Me:"....She's a passenger. No. You can give me a ticket for not having my license but, no......"

Officer 1:"ok......


Officer 1: "you want to be a.........ok."

Me:"Yea, I want to be that."

Officer 1:"Can you go head and shut your car off, hand me the keys?"

Me:"(As I shut off car) No, I'm not giving you the keys. Why would I give you the keys for my car?"

Officer 1:"You're not going to give me the keys?"

Me:"No i'm not going to give you the keys."

Officer 1:"Ok."

Me:"No, I'm not."

Officer 1: "Ok, well...."

Me:"But, you can run...."

Officer 1: "....I need you to keep your hands where I can see them."

Me: *after placing both hands on steering wheel* "Ok, my hands are right there. That's fine."

Officer 2 arrives on scene

Officer 2:"Hey, how you doin?"


Officer 1:"Hi, I was just about to ask for you. He doesn't want to give the keys to his car or give the passengers I.D......"

Me:"Right, because she's the passenger and if you're pulling me over for a taillight.......

Officer 1:"right but if you dont have your license......"

Me:"I can give you all the information on my license."

Officer 1: "But if you're not.......driving.....you can't drive without a license."

Officer 2:"Sir, State law says that you have to have your license on you."

Me:"Right, and I'll get a ticket if I don't have my license right? I just got off of work...."

Officer 1: "But then I'll have to tow the vehicle, but if she has a valid license....."

Me:"I have a valid license....that's what I'm saying......"

Officer 1:"But if you don't give it to me you can't drive with it but if she has a license......"

Officer 2:"Sometime you're going to have to learn your lesson. So........"

Me:"So tell me this again. So I have a vaild license, I have an identification......"

Officer 1:"Right, but if you dont give me the actual license you can not drive this vehicle so I'm saying if she has a valid license she can drive the vehicle so if we check it...."

Me:"I've been pulled over before without a license.......I've given my social security number and had my license run through the system...."

Officer 2:"no, no, no...."

Me:"...wait a minute, this is what im saying. Me giving you the information

It appears to me like you had two options for how your night could have went:

1. Be driven home by your girl pissed off with a ticket for not having a license.

2. Somehow end up in jail for possibly attempting to grab an officers gun.

You allowed an inconvenient and frustrating situation turn into one that could have ended up with you on the ground with a whole bunch of bullets in you.



Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
It appears to me like you had two options for how your night could have went:

1. Be driven home by your girl pissed off with a ticket for not having a license.

2. Somehow end up in jail for possibly attempting to grab an officers gun.

You allowed an inconvenient and frustrating situation turn into one that could have ended up with you on the ground with a whole bunch of bullets in you.

I didn't know it at the time, but she didn't have her license on her either. So what were my choices now?


May 6, 2012
I didn't know it at the time, but she didn't have her license on her either. So what were my choices now?

I'm not saying you weren't being dikked with slightly by the cops, as I was reading your transcription I was pretty much on your side, but when I got to those points I had in bold, it was clear that lady cop was effectively giving you an out.

You're saying you didn't know she didn't have her license? Well, hindsight is 20/20.

The defiance you were displaying could have been saved for a time where it was more just and necessary.


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
I'm not saying you weren't being dikked with slightly by the cops, as I was reading your transcription I was pretty much on your side, but when I got to those points I had in bold, it was clear that lady cop was effectively giving you an out.

You're saying you didn't know she didn't have her license? Well, hindsight is 20/20.

The defiance you were displaying could have been saved for a time where it was more just and necessary.

Here's the thing though, that "out" that was being offered was not necessary if the cop had simply handled the situation in accordance with the laws. Me driving without my license does not make it necessary for someone else to drive it or risk being towed. Me driving without my license simply allows the cop to issue me a prepayable ticket for that offense.

You see what I'm saying?


reTIreMEnt: THE ALBUM (01/22) ALL DSPs
Oct 15, 2012
I'm not saying you weren't being dikked with slightly by the cops, as I was reading your transcription I was pretty much on your side, but when I got to those points I had in bold, it was clear that lady cop was effectively giving you an out.

You're saying you didn't know she didn't have her license? Well, hindsight is 20/20.

The defiance you were displaying could have been saved for a time where it was more just and necessary.

He doesn't wanna listen, breh. He still has points to try and make. Regardless of how much in the wrong he is. This is why this thread is 19 pages deep and he's still trying to make his reasoning = the right thing, and his mistakes = less significant. Types like these, you just have to let learn. Transcription or not, his mindset shines through even just in this thread, so how the scenario likely took place can pretty much be derived (by a logical thinking person) from the persistence in ignorance (textbook defenition, not insult) on consistent display. No offense to OP.

Like I said, chess, not checkers. Conceding defeat, fukk ups, or that what you initially thought was right is completely wrong, due to the circumstances...Is a tough thing to admit. One of the toughest, as a man, and a black man at that. You either learn, or repeat the mistake until you do, if you ever can.


May 6, 2012
He doesn't wanna listen, breh. He still has points to try and make. Regardless of how much in the wrong he is. This is why this thread is 19 pages deep and he's still trying to make his reasoning = the right thing, and his mistakes = less significant. Types like these, you just have to let learn. Transcription or not, his mindset shines through even just in this thread, so how the scenario likely took place can pretty much be derived (by a logical thinking person) from the persistence in ignorance (textbook defenition, not insult) on consistent display. No offense to OP.

Like I said, chess, not checkers. Conceding defeat, fukk ups, or that what you initially thought was right is completely wrong, due to the circumstances...Is a tough thing to admit. One of the toughest, as a man, and a black man at that. You either learn, or repeat the mistake until you do, if you ever can.

In the immortal words of the brother and emcee Phonte:

"Do you really want to win, or just look good losing?"


Jun 19, 2012


You ni66as don't exist we eat filet mignon
May 29, 2012
He doesn't wanna listen, breh. He still has points to try and make. Regardless of how much in the wrong he is. This is why this thread is 19 pages deep and he's still trying to make his reasoning = the right thing, and his mistakes = less significant. Types like these, you just have to let learn. Transcription or not, his mindset shines through even just in this thread, so how the scenario likely took place can pretty much be derived (by a logical thinking person) from the persistence in ignorance (textbook defenition, not insult) on consistent display. No offense to OP.

Like I said, chess, not checkers. Conceding defeat, fukk ups, or that what you initially thought was right is completely wrong, due to the circumstances...Is a tough thing to admit. One of the toughest, as a man, and a black man at that. You either learn, or repeat the mistake until you do, if you ever can.

A man knows how to admit his mistakes, take ownership of them, handle the repercussions, and move on with life with lessons learned. My nikka you gave grade A+ insight and advice. :yeshrug:


"The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride fukking with you. fukk pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps."

Dark Knyght

All Star
May 11, 2012
Boulevard of Broken Dreams
complied with the cop and done what? My passenger was not driving the vehicle so there was no reason they should be running her license. The car was in my name and the id i gave them was an official I.D. it just wasnt a driver license. See sucka nikkas like you simply complying with bullshyt is the reason she was so taken aback by me not complying with that dumb shyt.

fukk that bytch and fukk you for siding with.....you bytch
She was asking for your passenger's license , to see if your passenger was able to drive the car, dummy