Amazighs never had black folks until the Islamic slave trade that started centuries later with the introduction of the dromedary camel to the maghreb....
And unless you have primary sources claiming he was dark skinned you should refrain from misleading gullible folks on this site.
The Masmuda or Masamida Berbers controlled the entirety of the western part of Maghreb or North West Africa between western Algeria and Morocco until the coming of another black population known as the Zanata Berbers of Botr, or El Abter stock. They also maintained power in many towns of Spain.
"Kel Owey girl of the Imakitan Tuareg"
A Kel Owey girl, member of the Imakitan Tuaregs (formerly called Ikitamen) now located in Niger and are known in Arab texts as the KITAMA or KUTAMA Berbers and anciently as the "Mauri" or "Ethiopian" colored people called Uacutameni, Micatateni or Mactunia manus. Centuries ago, the "Kutama branch of the Berbers inhabited the region of Little Kabylia" in Northern Algeria.
See UNESCO's Africa from the Seventh to the Eleventh Century, Ivan Hrbek et al., 1992, p. 164.
Coat of Arms of Sardinia. As with the heraldry of families named with variants of Mori or Moor, several countries in Europe have flags and coat of arms with the heads of Moors on them. Military historian, Yaacov Lev in the article , “Army Regime and Society in Fatimid Egypt” (1987) wrote of Nasir Khusroes of the 11th century who speaks of the "20,000" Masmuda men that made up part of the Fatimid troops in Egypt in his time saying, “Masamida were Berbers from the Western Maghreb. Nasir-i Khusrau, however, says that they were blacks and characterized them as infantry who used lances and swords”
(from International Journal of Middle East Studies, 19(3), 337-365).
13th c. A.D.--Abu Shama refers to the Masmuda as "blacks" in his Kitab al-Ravdatayn (B. Lewis, Islam: Religion and Society, 2; 1974, p. 21
With the exception of the bedouins, who were not part of the permanent military organization of the state, the Fatimid army was largely an infantry force composed of blacks. (Nasir-i Khusrau included the Masamida among the blacks)."
Yaacov Lev, "State and Society in Fatimid Egypt", 1987, pp 94
"The Moors have bodies black as night, while the skin of the Gauls is white..."
written by Isidore of Seville in The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, translation by Steven A. Barney, published 2007. p. 386.
“underlines the fact that
Moors are so named because they are black, and their blackness comes from the heat of the sun (9.2.121-23)” (Ramey, L., 2008)
6th c. A.D. - Procopius, a Byzantine in his History of the Wars book IV contrasting a white peoples who had settled in North Africa claimed they were not
“black skinned like the Mauri...”
Are you aware of what the term "Moor" meant? While it evolved to mean Muslims in general it originally meant the Black population of Northwest Africa. Hell, the ironic thing is that the majority of black slaves did not go through the Trans Sahara Trade but instead East to the Near East.
As a lot of these "Sub Saharan" lineages like L3 that we associate with the slave trade not only PREDATE the slave trade but were always there since prehistoric times in Northwest Africa.