I think Sub Sahara Africa needs a black Dictator to rule it all before they can ever prosper


Dec 2, 2015
nah comparing a continent to singular European nations is what's dumb:ufdup:Pan Eurocentrism is one of the major reasons why European origins countries are at the top of the wold food chain,....Pan Arabism is why arabsic culture has such sway over a significant portion of the world population yet it's senseless for Africans to unite to look after and protect their own interest:stopitslime:
it wouldn't have to be a dictator though that's probably what it would take to achieve this and i could have sworn i said a leader whom didn't resort to human rights violations...well that's the point...Africans a united Africa would ideally be self sustaining and cut itself off from all Western and other exploitative outside forces.

There is no pan eurocentrism.
Its eurocentrism and there is also US hegemony, and there is also the anglo-american (US - Brit) relations. That said these ideologies compete, and it was war betweens the european nations that led to two of the biggest wars in the course of human history.

Your pan-arabism argument makes no sense. Arab culture doesn't have a sway over a significant portion of the world, this is non-sense. Arabs are in fighting over religion right now, Saudi waging a war against Iranian (persians) and their satellites as we speak, Turks and Saudi - Iranians fighting Yemeni, Kurds, and etc. Your argument is false on its face of the supposed success of pan-arabism. There is no unified arabic culture or movement active at all currently in the world.

Africans don't even look at themselves as all Africans and the same, they have different divisions themselves, which you see currently manifesting itself in Central African Republic, you saw the results in Somalia, in Rwanda, in Sudan.

You said a leader who didn't resort in human rights violations, like I said name one "strong man" who didn't cease power and maintain it without violation of human rights. You won't find one in the history of the world , because it can't exist when strong men exist and are in power.

Africa is a continent, instead of taking the european view that these people are all the same and one, simply because of their skin color, respect them and their culture and realize they are distinct people of different groups. Want to aid peace and stability in africa and help them advance, stop western welfare that gives leaders money to not develop their own infrastructure but rely on international handouts instead of building their own wealth and expanding.
Jan 26, 2015
Are you serious about pan Arabism?:mjlol: especially with conflicts such as Syria, Iraq, Yemen just to name of few. Mind you there are a few developed regions in the Arab world namely the Gulf states, let says most of the other regions is definitely not there yet, and this is coming from a person that travel to said regions often, unfortunately. The only thing that unites people is the Israeli and Palestine issue, other than that there is really nothing else.
ofcourse..last time i checked the Leviant is mostly urbanized and everyone knows Gufl arabs are living fat off their oil wealth..arabs may fight amongst eachother but they are united in their stance to protect arab interest and are always supported by their peers when in conflict with non arabs...you can't say the same about Africans


Jun 13, 2015
Sudan/New Zealand.
ofcourse..last time i checked the Leviant is mostly urbanized and everyone knows Gufl arabs are living fat off their oil wealth..arabs may fight amongst eachother but they are united in their stance to protect arab interest and are always supported by their peers when in conflict with non arabs...you can't say the same about Africans

Well..... Syria is part of the Levant, and it is a absolute mess. You have close to a million refugees from Syria going to Europe. So, the question is why they going to Europe instead to the Gulf? You do have a percentage going to Lebanon, Egypt, and even Sudan. Lebanon still has not fully recovered from the war, and with the turmoil in Syria, it making things more worst. Also to make matter worst, Isis has control in some territory in both Iraq and Syria, trying to set the foundation of a Caliph, also i am not going to mention the situation of Yemen civil war, and Libya issues once again with isis. Also, let me not talk about the issue of the cold war btw Iran, and Saudi Arabia, which is sucking other nations in. However Iran is not part of the Arab World since they speak Farsi. If you call this stability, and cohesiveness then more power to you.

united in their stance to protect arab interest

Tell, me what Arab interest you are discussing? besides Palestine, which is starting to sound mute with our conversations these days. The whole region in some respects is a functioning insane asylum​

Pan Arabism started with Nasser in Egypt, and it obvious did not work very well from my vantage point.​
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Jan 26, 2015
There is no pan eurocentrism.
Its eurocentrism and there is also US hegemony, and there is also the anglo-american (US - Brit) relations. That said these ideologies compete, and it was war betweens the european nations that led to two of the biggest wars in the course of human history.

Your pan-arabism argument makes no sense. Arab culture doesn't have a sway over a significant portion of the world, this is non-sense. Arabs are in fighting over religion right now, Saudi waging a war against Iranian (persians) and their satellites as we speak, Turks and Saudi - Iranians fighting Yemeni, Kurds, and etc. Your argument is false on its face of the supposed success of pan-arabism. There is no unified arabic culture or movement active at all currently in the world.

Africans don't even look at themselves as all Africans and the same, they have different divisions themselves, which you see currently manifesting itself in Central African Republic, you saw the results in Somalia, in Rwanda, in Sudan.

You said a leader who didn't resort in human rights violations, like I said name one "strong man" who didn't cease power and maintain it without violation of human rights. You won't find one in the history of the world , because it can't exist when strong men exist and are in power.

Africa is a continent, instead of taking the european view that these people are all the same and one, simply because of their skin color, respect them and their culture and realize they are distinct people of different groups. Want to aid peace and stability in africa and help them advance, stop western welfare that gives leaders money to not develop their own infrastructure but rely on international handouts instead of building their own wealth and expanding.
yes there is and it's called white supremacy,,all European orign powers work together to uphold and protect the world white power structure...the world wars are ancient history,which whites learned from and decided it's better to work together for a common cause:world domination than infighting....it speaks volumes that after the world wars it was the victors(Allies) whom rebuild the war torn European Axis states of their former enemies:comeon:

.the USA and it's Euroepan allies go hand in hand....as shown in recent conflicts(Iraq war,Afghanistan,etc) you fight one cac world power you got to fight them all

as far as Pan arabism go look to my response to my previous response

and that's Africa's problem...all that tribalism/division has isolated,weakened and caused senseless conflicts thus stagnating development and making them more vulnerable to exploitative Neo Colonial powers

though i'm no fan for obvious reasons Cacstro model in Cuba or Kagame in Rwanda are a good examplse of how so called strongmen can bring together and govern nations without resorting to mass human rights violation.
Recognizing common African heritage and benifts of working together to advance African people and the continet as whole is Pan Africanism the polar opposite of Eurocentric view:stopitslime:Europeans have been exploiting superficial differences and creating others between Africans for centuries...non one whom really wish for the best for Africa would want this divisevness to cintinue..there is strength in continental unity and with a Pan African governaning body sharing the continents resoruces equally and making development a priority foreign aid would unncessary
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Jan 26, 2015
Well..... Syria is part of the Levant, and it is a absolute mess. You have close to a million refugees from Syria going to Europe. So, the question is why they going to Europe instead to the Gulf? You do have a percentage going to Lebanon, Egypt, and even Sudan. Lebanon still has not fully recovered from the war, and with the turmoil in Syria, it making things more worst. Also to make matter worst, Isis has control in some territory in both Iraq and Syria, trying to set the foundation of a Caliph, also i am not going to mention the situation of Yemen civil war, and Libya issues once again with isis. Also, let me not talk about the issue of the cold war btw Iran, and Saudi Arabia, which is sucking other nations in. However Iran is not part of the Arab World since they speak Farsi. If you call this stability, and cohesiveness then more power to you.

Tell, me what Arab interest you are discussing, besides Palestine, which is starting to sound mute with our conversations these days. The whole region in some respects is a functioning insane asylum​
-yet with all those problems so many Africans risk their lives and spend life saving to migrate to the arab world in waves:snoop:Syria is in civil war and an exception...

have you already forgot how the whole Arab world united to take out Ghaddafi when world got out he was allegedly using African mercenaries to kill poor defenseless terrorist...i mean civilians:comeon:


Jun 13, 2015
Sudan/New Zealand.
-yet with all those problems so many Africans risk their lives and spend life saving to migrate to the arab world in waves:snoop:Syria is in civil war and an exception...

have you already forgot how the whole Arab world united to take out Ghaddafi when world got out he was allegedly using African mercenaries to kill poor defenseless terrorist...i mean civilians:comeon:

You are obviously clueless, there is civil conflict in Yemen, Syria and parts of Iraq is controlled by Isis. Parts of Libya is having a Isis problem. Then you have issues of extremist in various different countries. It is hard to explain to a person, who just don't get it. Many Africans are risking their lives not to live in the Arab world, but mostly to Europe, and to a lesser degree Israel.

AfricanRebel, i think you really need to stick to American issues and for future reference.
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Jan 26, 2015
You are obviously clueless, there is civil conflict in Yemen, Syria and parts of Iraq is controlled by Isis. Parts of Libya is having a Isis problem. Then you have issues of extremist in various different countries. It is hard to explain to a person, who just don't get it. Many Africans are risking their lives not to live in the Arab world, but mostly to Europe, and to a lesser degree Israel.

AfricanRebel, i think you really need to stick to American issues and for future reference.

2 and a half states in civil war doesn't change the fact the arab world is much more of united front when compared to Africa:comeon:..it telling that prior to the war hundreds of thousands of Sudanese and Horn Africans migrants chose to settle in the poorest arab nation in the world(Yemen) rather than live in their homeland...and that doesn't even count the hundreds of thousands more African migrants work mostly menial jobs /are glorified slaves all over the arab world today:scust:

Abada you need to except the the cold facts...as backward as ayrabs even they are far ahead of Africans in terms of understanding when it's time to but the tribalsim in the back burner and to unite for their own self preservation and interest.


Jun 13, 2015
Sudan/New Zealand.
2 and a half states in civil war doesn't change the fact the arab world is much more of united front when compared to Africa:comeon:..it telling that prior to the war hundreds of thousands of Sudanese and Horn Africans migrants chose to settle in the poorest arab nation in the world(Yemen) rather than live in their homeland...and that doesn't even count the hundreds of thousands more African migrants work mostly menial jobs /are glorified slaves all over the arab world today:scust:

Abada you need to except the the cold facts...as backward as ayrabs even they are far ahead of Africans in terms of understanding when it's time to but the tribalsim in the back burner and to unite for their own self preservation and interest.

Obviously you cannot produce concrete example of Arab unity to support your side of the argument, and i am around "arabs" since i live in the Arab world (presently, but leaving soon) more often than you by far and a side note Arabs often talk about the lack of unity in the Arab world. The Sudanese refugees is majority from Darfur and other regions, and i don't want to mention the discrimination some experience in both Khartoum, and later Egypt which force them to migrate, because what people can do if you don't offer them employment, they migrate and leave. I blame the elite in Khartoum for that. Who consider "such" people as undesirables.

Dude you are definitely far behind or obvious not looking at the news because no one is going to Yemen now.

He is a update

Yemeni refugees seek shelter in Djibouti
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Dec 2, 2015
yes there is and it's called white supremacy,,all European orign powers work together to uphold and protect the world white power structure...the world wars are ancient history,which whites learned from and decided it's better to work together for a common cause:world domination than infighting....it speaks volumes that after the world wars it was the victors(Allies) whom rebuild the war torn European Axis states of their former enemies:comeon:

.the USA and it's Euroepan allies go hand in hand....as shown in recent conflicts(Iraq war,Afghanistan,etc) you fight one cac world power you got to fight them all

as far as Pan arabism go look to my response to my previous response

and that's Africa's problem...all that tribalism/division has isolated,weakened and caused senseless conflicts thus stagnating development and making them more vulnerable to exploitative Neo Colonial powers

though i'm no fan for obvious reasons Cacstro model in Cuba or Kagame in Rwanda are a good examplse of how so called strongmen can bring together and govern nations without resorting to mass human rights violation.
Recognizing common African heritage and benifts of working together to advance African people and the continet as whole is Pan Africanism the polar opposite of Eurocentric view:stopitslime:Europeans have been exploiting superficial differences and creating others between Africans for centuries...non one whom really wish for the best for Africa would want this divisevness to cintinue..there is strength in continental unity and with a Pan African governaning body sharing the continents resoruces equally and making development a priority foreign aid would unncessary

You don't know what you are talking and just are saying shyt now. Come on man, read a book. If white supremacy was the end all be all, explain teh cold war and the world wars, and the history of european conflict against each other for centuries previous to that. If they viewed themselves as one these conflicts would never have occured.

US is occasionally aligned with europe, mainly western europe and mostly with the UK, that said its relationship with russia and its satellites has been tense your whole life.

Your previous response doesn't address anything with regard to your claim of pan-arabism having power or being dominant in the world. Its more of the same non-sense, yet you didn't address my comments about factual examples of pan-arabism not existing.

How the hell did tribalism hurt africa rather than european imperialism? How can you just jump and claim africans hurt themseleves, and ignore the main cause tribilist problems in the first place is the artifical nation states and foreign welfare argued over in those states that cause a these actions to flair out?

Kagame and Castro are strongmen over 3rd world shyt holes and you would argue this is the best for the inhabitants of Africa?

I mean seriously your ideas have no basis in reality, no historical support, and are logically flawed fundamentally.
Jan 26, 2015
Obviously you cannot produce concrete example of Arab unity to support your side of the argument, and i am around "arabs" since i live in the Arab world (presently, but leaving soon) more often than you by far and a side note Arabs often talk about the lack of unity in the Arab world. The Sudanese refugees is majority from Darfur and other regions, and i don't want to mention the discrimination some experience in both Khartoum, and later Egypt which force them to migrate, because what people can do if you don't offer them employment, they migrate and leave. I blame the elite in Khartoum for that. Who consider "such" people as undesirables.

Dude you are definitely far behind or obvious not looking at the news because no one is going to Yemen now.

He is a update

Yemeni refugees seek shelter in Djibouti
-i already did...but you glossed over it so let me rephrase: Libyan arabs and their allies across the arab world racist cleansing of black African's during Libya's civil war was one example..Israel kicking the whole arab world's ass during the the 6 Day War and other conflicts in the region is another..whenever arab nations are engaged in wars with non arabs terrorist from all over the Middle East come in to support their brothers in arms..nah Sudanese had long established a population in Yemen before the Darfur conflict and most them happened to be self identified Sudanese arabs.

i don't see your point considering i clearly stated prior to the war in Yemen:aicmon:

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
Jan 26, 2015
You don't know what you are talking and just are saying shyt now. Come on man, read a book. If white supremacy was the end all be all, explain teh cold war and the world wars, and the history of european conflict against each other for centuries previous to that. If they viewed themselves as one these conflicts would never have occured.

US is occasionally aligned with europe, mainly western europe and mostly with the UK, that said its relationship with russia and its satellites has been tense your whole life.

Your previous response doesn't address anything with regard to your claim of pan-arabism having power or being dominant in the world. Its more of the same non-sense, yet you didn't address my comments about factual examples of pan-arabism not existing.

How the hell did tribalism hurt africa rather than european imperialism? How can you just jump and claim africans hurt themseleves, and ignore the main cause tribilist problems in the first place is the artifical nation states and foreign welfare argued over in those states that cause a these actions to flair out?

Kagame and Castro are strongmen over 3rd world shyt holes and you would argue this is the best for the inhabitants of Africa?

I mean seriously your ideas have no basis in reality, no historical support, and are logically flawed fundamentally.
clearly you are a cac playing ignorant to world white power structure and no looking for serious debate so i don't know why i'm even entertaining you..the last major European on European war was in the early 20th century and the since then few Euro on Euro skirmishes which have threatened to spiral out of control NATO immediately intervened to keep the white peace and unity:mjlol:@ you listing the Cold War:a glorified political nonviolent stalemate as a major cac on cac conflict..:stopitslime:

Due to white power structure the USA is basically an extension of Europe which again is reflected in most Western Nations backing eachother on war when one of them is in conflict with non Euro dominate nations.

i forgot to address that but hundreds of millions of non arab Muslims whom practice arab culture and countless of whom are willing to kill or die on behalf of arabs speak to the arab world influence.

tribalism is one of the reasons European and other invaders so easily were able to manipulate Africans and carve up Africa in the first place

due to tribalsim and colonization Rwanda started from humble beginning but has made significant progress as of late under Kagame rule which includes forced integration of Rwandan former rival populations and abandoning tribal affiliations....the country incoincidentaly also under going a development boom...Unlike Amerikkka Cuba under Cacsto doesn't have homeless populations which are large enough to be cities and small towns in themselves...Africa used used similar socialist governance to uplift hundreds of millions out poverty.

the world dominanation e of Pan Europeanism/a unified white power structure is very real and supports every point i've made though:aicmon: