I swear to God, if we're not already in hell I'd be honestly surprised


Oct 3, 2014
Alright, who escapes their own death? Death of loved ones? Getting older, frailer, weaker. Pain just because you’re old pain. I mean I understand trying to look at things in a positive light, but how can you honestly?

That's life. You're arguing the fundamentals and nature of existing. Nothing lasts forever.

Do the best you can and live the best life you can with the time you have. Find happiness if you can.


Jan 1, 2018
The tough thing about this existence is that while there are babies being severely abused, there are also babies shrouded in love, protection, and living lives that have been planned and provided for long before their conception.

One can ask why some are born in the former situation and not the latter, but that will lead back to questions about existence, life, where we are before and after this experience, or if this is it and it’s all chance.

When I think about it, besides the ability to reason, what truly separates us from the animals of the earth? Yes we have dominion over them, thanks to our ability to reason, but aside from that…? Do we think animal spirits go to heaven or hell? Get reborn? They live and die in this physical life/experience, too. Just like us.

What’s so different about our afterlife experience? Does our ability to reason just give us the ability to dream and create ideas about the afterlife, and create beliefs and traditions, cultures and societies around those beliefs?

I don’t know.

I know I’ve had spiritual experiences that cannot be explained, so I do believe there is something after this, but I also think whatever it is, isn’t what we are taught. If we had a better understanding of the different spiritual/physical experiences there are/may be, life on this planet would be different, because people would behave differently.

Everybody and I mean EVERYBODY walking the planet is damaged goods. Some are just a little bit chipped others are fractured internally and some were blown to smithereens then ground up into a fine dust that was then annihilated. What does that tell you?

Some people see it for what it is. Others don't because they manufacture proof as they lie to themselves, lack empathy for the suffering or are devoid of any semblance of Self awareness. What we are within is akin to hell with a paintjob designed to make it look like heaven and people believe their lying eyes due to the illusion they're invested in as opposed to their heart which lies ignored, silently weeping.

Its very easy to fool yourself into seeing via a very narrow vision that its all for the good and grinning but that only signals a complete disconnection from within which itself hints at the things previously mentioned because its entirely unnatural.

The Realist Perspective

Aug 6, 2012
That's life. You're arguing the fundamentals and nature of existing. Nothing lasts forever.

Do the best you can and live the best life you can with the time you have. Find happiness if you can.

You’re missing the point of this thread. But it’s okay. Enjoy your Monday.


Mar 11, 2022
When you look at animals in the wild, random, weaker animals are attacked by stronger animals all the time. We don’t call it evil because that’s the nature of life in the wild: eat or be eaten.

We try not to apply this to humans, because of our moral guidelines. Moral guidelines that had to be created because men, with the ability to reason, understood that things would be more peaceful if people operate with a societal code. The animal kingdom doesn’t have a code. Humans are animals and at our core, if all of these societal structures we created broke down, we would be exactly like those animals in the wild at some point. Until a new group of men commiserated and brought reason back to the table.

But at our base, we are animals. I think if we all kept that in mind while living this life, many of us would fare better.

It’s not that this experience is hell. It’s that this is just the nature of existence. A deer might get hit by a car, a dove may be eaten by a fox, an antelope may be attacked by a lioness, a female dog minding its business may be mounted by a male dog.

A human may be hit by a car, fall in an elevator shaft, be physically attacked by another person, a girl/woman may be raped by a man.

Animal or human, horrible things can happen to you by happenstance or at the hands of another person. That’s the nature of this existence.

We put rose-colored glasses on and expect the best of others, when we actually need to see the world and other humans for what they are: a wild place populated by human animals that can and may do things you don’t expect. This is why you create families and try to make genuine friends. You need ALLIANCES to make it through this experience. All those animals in the wild travel in packs for a reason.


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
we need to take a step back from all the religious spiritual quack & think

billions of folks living life repeating the ideas of mentally ill individuals

going through life with a disdain for everything because some village bugout hallucinated & reported it as divine revelation ha

develop some sense for yourself & come to your own conclusion



Mar 11, 2022
Everybody and I mean EVERYBODY walking the planet is damaged goods. Some are just a little bit chipped others are fractured internally and some were blown to smithereens then ground up into a fine dust that was then annihilated. What does that tell you?

Some people see it for what it is. Others don't because they manufacture proof as they lie to themselves, lack empathy for the suffering or are devoid of any semblance of Self awareness. What we are within is akin to hell with a paintjob designed to make it look like heaven and people believe their lying eyes due to the illusion they're invested in as opposed to their heart which lies ignored, silently weeping.

Its very easy to fool yourself into seeing via a very narrow vision that its all for the good and grinning but that only signals a complete disconnection from within which itself hints at the things previously mentioned because its entirely unnatural.
I mean this place might be a form of limbo.

I’ve heard a few times that we are here to learn lessons. You get reincarnated and build upon the lessons from the last life. Learn enough, do enough good and your energy goes back to the essence or on to the next spiritual phase.

WE have no clue. We can sit around thinking about it like the philosophers have, or try to make this experience positive for ourselves and others.

I learned about nihilism during undergrad, and that, coupled with some bad things I was experiencing and discovering, left me questioning this existence and what was the point. My philosophy professors weren’t questioning shyt, though. They found their purpose and had a reason to wake up every morning.


Mar 11, 2022
we need to take a step back from all the religious spiritual quack & think

billions of folks living life repeating the ideas of mentally ill individuals

going through life with a disdain for everything because some village bugout hallucinated & reported it as divine revelation ha

develop some sense for yourself & come to your own conclusion

I really like your posts.

This is where I was trying to go. When you get down to it, we are animals existing like every other being on this planet. We aren’t special… If you observe nature, our experience is no different than the other animals. If you take religion and spirituality out of it, you look at this experience for what it is. It’s a lot easier to get through this existence when you don’t look at the world through the lens of religion. No trying to reason WHY bad stuff happens, just understanding that it DOES. Then you can recognize patterns in people, behavior, understand when and why people operate in their own best interest (because if you’re honest you do the same at points in life), etc.

I think the spiritual world is real, but we’re living in a PHYSICAL world. Sometimes we are so focused on what may be on the other side that we don’t realize that we need to put in the work to make THIS experience as great as possible.

I’ve never witnessed anything/anyone that lives forever, so I don’t think about why I won’t either. It’s understood that we won’t be here forever, so I’m trying to make my time as comfortable as possible by being alert and knowing that humans are animals and may do me wrong because they simply want to, being useful and studying/practicing things that will allow me to afford a good life in society, and being able to leave something behind for those in my bloodline who come after me.

We are grains of sand, here for mere moments.

We are special, yet very insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Over the true course of time, we are tiiiiiiiiiiny puzzle pieces that alone, are meaningless, but when pieced together, complete this existence.

Create your own reason for living while you’re young and able so you have memories to look back on when you’re old/sick and unable to run around this planet.

I think that’s part of the reason they say youth is wasted on the young. We are filled with questions and lack of understanding when young, but when you talk to the elderly they tell you not to waste time with those questions because as they age, they realize it’s not about the endless questions; it’s about the answers that are created through living.

This is a planet filled with animals. Avoid the obvious pitfalls and other animals looking to hurt you, and maximize the good as much as possible before you check out. If there is in fact a heaven/afterlife, at least you will have avoided causing more pain.
Nov 9, 2017
Bucktown, U.S.A. (Harlem, NY) + 'Cuse, NY
God casted his son Lucifer (the Devil) down to Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago way before us humans ever came into existence.

Evil runs with this world. That's way this planet Earth has been plagued by so many atrocities, diseases, murder, starvation, heinous crimes, slavery, racism, wars, etc, etc and all the other terrible and horrible things that have happened during it's existence.

We're the only planet in this galaxy to go through all these problems that never seem to end nor will it ever.

Whoever said Hell can only be a pitch black and red backdrop with fire and flames while your soul burns didn't know evil had other plans and ways to torture us in our lives.

Sure what I'm saying might sound like hyperbole because we see others living good and always “winning” in life which would seem impossible if we were living in Hell but who said Hell visually can't be what we're living in now?

Houses, grass, the bright sunny skies, food, clothing, cars, entertainment, etc, etc all the good things we enjoy can just be an extension of hell.

Hell (visually) may not ever be what was it taught to us to be.
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Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
gotta put the weed down bruhh
or maybe you need to pick it up



Aug 30, 2015
or maybe you need to pick it up

naaah you right,:salute:


Jan 1, 2018
Read. Study. Relax. Meditate. Know yourself.

Anyone who does that to the depths I have would say the same because its a foregone conclusion when you stick the pieces together about the nature of this realm.

Humans are absolutely amazing at finessing themselves into believing a narrative that is almost entirely divorced from reality because the implications are so immense they simply cannot process nor handle what is Self evident. If you truly do what you said in that quote and haven't came to this point yet you will and when you do you'll get what I said.