I still find titanic and the notebook offensive


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
What about Mrs. Doubtfire.

Robin Williams plays a fun-loving hardworking father who only wants to care for his kids and see them laugh. His bytch wife hates this. She wants a mature man who has an english accent and looks like 007. Knowing she got Pierce on the backburner she ask RW for a divorce. Completely destroying the childs spirit so she can get her back blown by the dude from Mama Mia.

Does Robin Williams say "fukk that hoe", no. He instead goes to his queer brother and decides to start a tranny movement just so he can see his kids. Once the wife finds out she's even more disappointed and even the court gets mad:damn: at him for going to extremes cause he loves his children.

At the end Robin is forced to mature and she got to have a crazy sexual escapade(let's be honest 007 hit it) then after treating Robin like trash she takes him back. SHE takes him back like she wasn't the one trippin the whole time.

this is true, and the only reason she left robin was because dude threw a party for his kid, because he didn't "grow up", remember how robin couldn't even see his kids without the social worker there? how he had to move out the fam home into a dingy ol apartment.

robin was a honourable man who loved his kids and even took on another persona to see his kids, like many women out there a outsider can see the kids more than the dad can, and yet robin is painted as some crazed psycho path while his ex wife is a calm nice individual


over 14 years in the shade...
Apr 30, 2012
The validation of cheating, "following your heart", and the bashing of honorable men.

i never seen the notebook :wrist:. too girly for me.
but the titanic had a douche as rose's fiance...he wasnt honorable in the movie.
he was a fukkboy who hit her and used her as a trophy.
the validation was there b4 the titanic left the port.


May 2, 2012
Depending on which character you relate to.....Titanic/The Notebook are two widely different movies.

Jack/Noah: :takedat: :jawalrus: :smugdraper: :youngsabo:
Other Dudes: :sadbron::to::birdman::pacspit:


May 2, 2012
wouldn't have been green light

ever notice the bad guy in romantic movies never wins, but in real life he does and the chick is left raising a kid by herself.

lets dig deeper


into titanic brehs, are we really suppose to believe rose who was like 16-17, who knows absolutely nothing about love would fall for a dude that quickly who is below her in status? :duck:

women marry up not down

isnt it funny how the faithful man i think it was billy danze was painted as such a horrible creature why? because he didn't wnat to share his girl? because he spent thousands on this cruise for his soon to be wife and her mom yet she's out canoodling and cavorting with some smug little kid?

you damn bet I would be mad and so would every man on this damn earth, dude pays all this money for the trip yet doesn't get to hit once while she is being deflowered every night by some pauper? you damn well i would be mad as hell.

And oh yeah to make sure this guy is demonic and evil he goes on the lifeboat oh no what a horrible man, why wouldn't a rich young man want to live? and then rose hides from him are we really that stupid :childplease:, we all know women in that time did not even work or were educated, so how is rose going to provide for herself now? we all know the names of survivors were posted all across the world in days and weeks to come we are not stupid rose:youngsabo:

yea....atleast the couple in the Notebook got married & built a life together

the bytch in Titanic went through all that shyt, soul searching, hating her upper class lifestyle only to marry a rich nikka at the end of the movie :beli:

bytch was like 95 & spent her last week alive reminiscing on some poor irish fukk from 80 years ago that she knew for 4 days :comeon:, not the poor fukk she got married to & had kids with :krs:

i won't even touch on how she kept the rich dude's diamond necklace. that dude ended up shooting himself in the head after going broke & she threw that shyt in the ocean. what a bytch :pacspit: she ain't have to reveal herself at the end, she could've sent it to his house or some shyt.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
yea....atleast the couple in the Notebook got married & built a life together

the bytch in Titanic went through all that shyt, soul searching, hating her upper class lifestyle only to marry a rich nikka at the end of the movie :beli:

bytch was like 95 & spent her last week alive reminiscing on some poor irish fukk from 80 years ago that she knew for 4 days :comeon:, not the poor fukk she got married to & had kids with :krs:

i won't even touch on how she kept the rich dude's diamond necklace. that dude ended up shooting himself in the head after going broke & she threw that shyt in the ocean. what a bytch :pacspit: she ain't have to reveal herself at the end, she could've sent it to his house or some shyt.

cosign that jewellery was prob worth some good coin :ehh:

rose played jack, like some other dude mentioned if they both survived jack would have got the :rudy:, like im really going to lower myself to be a paupers wife, jack would have been dumped "its you not me" :leon:


May 2, 2012
cosign that jewellery was prob worth some good coin :ehh:

rose played jack, like some other dude mentioned if they both survived jack would have got the :rudy:, like im really going to lower myself to be a paupers wife, jack would have been dumped "its you not me" :leon:

How Titanic would've ended if dude lived:

Rose - so....baby, where will we live?
Jack: - i haven't really figured that part out yet :sadcam:


May 1, 2012
Thread is truth

Now to be fair, dude in Titantic was an arrogant a$$hole, they showed that quite clearly, AND they showed how the chick was basically "forced" into agreeing to marry him because the family was broke. HOWEVER, once this chick found leo's pretty boy preteen 12 year old looking ass and decided it was time to get her freak on, she should've returned old boy's necklace, you don't run off with another man while keeping ANOTHER man's property while he was gracious enough to be footing your entire family's bill, first class, across the Atlantic. That is just tramping at the highest level.

Secondly, whoever said that the chick was wrong for romanticizing about Leo when she knew him 48 hours while her husband, who took care of her and showed her the SAME life that the a$$hole millionaire that she STOLE from was showing her, was RIGHT on the mark. I remember being 12 years old watching this on VHS with my family and my sisters and mother were all boo hooing and I'm like "What about the dude she DID marry? Why didn't she see HIM in heaven? Dude couldn't even get a cameo dance or something before she went back to glide off into the afterlife with Leo?" my sisters were all on the "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND TRUE LOVE!" nonsense but my father was nodding his head, he knew what was up.

Thirdly, If she had TRULY changed as a person and was fed up with the whole "fake rich society" bull**** that supposedly had her ready to commit suicide at the beginning of the movie, then she wouldn't need a 20 Million Dollar momento of the man who represented EVERYTHING she claimed to deplore about that life.

That movie, for all intents and purposes is the most expensive example of a chick "having her dikk and sucking it too" ever put to film...

And most ALL these white romantic comedies follow the same formula. Which is basically rationalizing their own whorish behavior in the guise of "love". I can't remember what the movie was called, but it had Ashley Judd in it, she was married to some dude who died in a plane crash or something, she met another dude who was a stand up guy, polite, hard working, Ect. She marries this dude and then proceeds to treat him like SHHIT for the rest of the Fukking movie until their both like 80 years old and she realizes what a c*nt she's been to the guy all this time. All because he wasn't the first dude who died that was her "true love".

Movies like this leave a bad taste in my mouth as a man, and every movie like this that I've seen with seen in the company of a female I was with, or my sisters/mother and they lap that **** up. And if we discuss the movie afterwards and I bring up how sluttish these women act, pointing out the obvious character flaws and breakdowns in logic, I'm always hit with the "WOMEN WANT TRUE LOVE" bull**** like homeboy from The Notebook wasn't showing this slut "true love" when he was simping something serious while this she was having long "romantic" kisses in the rain with the other guy.

Romantic movies with black male protagonist seem to sort of reverse this trend, in these movies it is mostly the MAN who is learning his lesson on cheating and being a "dog" and nobody ever throws the "romance" angle to it. The dude is simply a dog who must be trained until he "learns his lesson".

Ex. "The Brothers"- Morris Chestnut's wifey was keeping from him the secret that she dated and was sexing down his FATHER before she met him. Kept the secret for LONG AFTER he had tried to get over his commitment issues and declared love for her. This chick was going to HIS MOTHER'S home, sipping wine, and getting relationship advice without all this time having the DECENCY to let them know she had dated the father previously. Dude had to find out via a goddamn VOICEMAIL. He rightfully dumps her ass (as any man should in this situation) and somehow, by the end of the movie, realizes that HE WAS THE ONE WHO WAS WRONG AND HAS TO BEG HER FORGIVENESS SO THEY CAN GET BACK TOGETHER!!???!?? WTF???!?

Ex. "Two Can Play That Game" (The *****'s hand guide to Controlling a Man)
Vivica Fox HAS the perfect black man. Again, Morris Chesnut (in his defining simp role) is an educated, talented, eloquent, distinguished Lawyer who works for a leading law firm. They spend the first half of the movie showing all of her friend's trifling ass, stereotypical black boyfriends (the player, the drug dealer, the one who won't commit) and then showing how Morris Chestnut is different. She sees him one night out at dinner with a business partner who happens to be an attractive female, and, instead of giving him the opportunity to explain himself, decides he needs to be "trained to behave" and invokes these "rules" to basically play with his emotions and make his life a living hell. Even when he takes her out, explains the (very plausible situation) and even APOLOGIZES WHEN IT WASN'T WARRANTED Vivica STILL proceeds to play her "game" with him until ANOTHER successful, intelligent, and attractive black woman shows genuine interest in him. Even with this, Morris Chestnut, being the "good man" he is puts up with all of her bull**** until she basically tells him that she's taking a random white man whom she JUST MET home with her to sex the hell out of him. At the end of this, she realizes all of her "mistakes" and attempts a half-hearted apology to Morris Chestnut, who having been properly "trained" graciously takes her back.

Ex. "Waiting To Exhale"- Two of the four women in this movie complain endlessly about not being able to find a "Good Man" (maybe they should dial Morris Chestnut's number) while carelessly dating and Whoring around with MARRIED MEN basically the entire movie! Whitney Houston STARTS the movie out dancing with a dude who ALREADY had a date/girlfriend, and then turns around and fukks him and wonders why she got played? She meets up with a man from her past who is admittedly MARRIED WITH A DAUGHTER and basically whores around with him the rest of the movie and then gets mad when dude shows no signs of wanting to leave his FAMILY. She even OVERHEARS this man on the phone telling his wife and daughter how much he loves them before hanging up and proceeding to smash her....and this is supposed to be a black woman's movie on empowerment and romance? The other character Lela Rochon, is getting repeatedly smashed on the low by ANOTHER MARRIED MAN, and only AFTER she gets pregnant and he FINALLY DOES leave his wife for her does she decide to "wake up" and dump him? So the man she was slutting with for months finally gives her what she wants and she takes his child and basically says "fukk you!"

These movies are about spoiled, decieving, manipulative women who have no problems satisfying their own sexual desires with married men all while expecting that man to leave a family behind for what is basically a jump off becuase they've convinced themselves that through sexing they've found "true love" not realizing that they are one half of the problem. What about the wives at home holding that man down and taking care of his seed while your out slutting their husbands? How are you going to take an educated, strong, intelligent man who is treating you with respect and attempt to break him down to YOUR standards with your "rules" and expect him to stay around? How you gonna straight up fukk a man's father, brother, best friend, and expect him to NOT drop your trifling, whorish asss? Women who look to these types of movies as some type of "romanticized fantasy" are doing themselves a he'll of a disservice...
:ooh::ooh::clap::clap: I cosign the hell outta this post. I remember growin up watchin some of these movies wonderin wat the fukk lol. Their just examples of how some of these women are today. These movies validate cheatin. And make us dudes look like shyt. Might be the reason why most black men and women dont get along


May 17, 2012
Brick City, NJ
What made it worse was that those harlots were clowning Loretta Devine. That's why she ended up winning in the long run. Even though she got burned by her ex, she just took care of her son the best way she knew how, kept about her business and ended up with Gregory Hines, who didn't care about her weight or none of that (he was probably like, I bet this chick can cook), now he's :eat:

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
you are a depressing ass motherfukker.

:yeshrug: shyt is too predictable and corny to me. 500 days of summer went against the grain so I fukks with that.

I'm enjoying the deconstruction of romance movies in this thread. Yall are droppin some good game in here :ohhh:


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
Thread is truth

Now to be fair, dude in Titantic was an arrogant a$$hole, they showed that quite clearly, AND they showed how the chick was basically "forced" into agreeing to marry him because the family was broke. HOWEVER, once this chick found leo's pretty boy preteen 12 year old looking ass and decided it was time to get her freak on, she should've returned old boy's necklace, you don't run off with another man while keeping ANOTHER man's property while he was gracious enough to be footing your entire family's bill, first class, across the Atlantic. That is just tramping at the highest level.

Secondly, whoever said that the chick was wrong for romanticizing about Leo when she knew him 48 hours while her husband, who took care of her and showed her the SAME life that the a$$hole millionaire that she STOLE from was showing her, was RIGHT on the mark. I remember being 12 years old watching this on VHS with my family and my sisters and mother were all boo hooing and I'm like "What about the dude she DID marry? Why didn't she see HIM in heaven? Dude couldn't even get a cameo dance or something before she went back to glide off into the afterlife with Leo?" my sisters were all on the "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND TRUE LOVE!" nonsense but my father was nodding his head, he knew what was up.

Thirdly, If she had TRULY changed as a person and was fed up with the whole "fake rich society" bull**** that supposedly had her ready to commit suicide at the beginning of the movie, then she wouldn't need a 20 Million Dollar momento of the man who represented EVERYTHING she claimed to deplore about that life.

That movie, for all intents and purposes is the most expensive example of a chick "having her dikk and sucking it too" ever put to film...

And most ALL these white romantic comedies follow the same formula. Which is basically rationalizing their own whorish behavior in the guise of "love". I can't remember what the movie was called, but it had Ashley Judd in it, she was married to some dude who died in a plane crash or something, she met another dude who was a stand up guy, polite, hard working, Ect. She marries this dude and then proceeds to treat him like SHHIT for the rest of the Fukking movie until their both like 80 years old and she realizes what a c*nt she's been to the guy all this time. All because he wasn't the first dude who died that was her "true love".

Movies like this leave a bad taste in my mouth as a man, and every movie like this that I've seen with seen in the company of a female I was with, or my sisters/mother and they lap that **** up. And if we discuss the movie afterwards and I bring up how sluttish these women act, pointing out the obvious character flaws and breakdowns in logic, I'm always hit with the "WOMEN WANT TRUE LOVE" bull**** like homeboy from The Notebook wasn't showing this slut "true love" when he was simping something serious while this she was having long "romantic" kisses in the rain with the other guy.

Romantic movies with black male protagonist seem to sort of reverse this trend, in these movies it is mostly the MAN who is learning his lesson on cheating and being a "dog" and nobody ever throws the "romance" angle to it. The dude is simply a dog who must be trained until he "learns his lesson".

Ex. "The Brothers"- Morris Chestnut's wifey was keeping from him the secret that she dated and was sexing down his FATHER before she met him. Kept the secret for LONG AFTER he had tried to get over his commitment issues and declared love for her. This chick was going to HIS MOTHER'S home, sipping wine, and getting relationship advice without all this time having the DECENCY to let them know she had dated the father previously. Dude had to find out via a goddamn VOICEMAIL. He rightfully dumps her ass (as any man should in this situation) and somehow, by the end of the movie, realizes that HE WAS THE ONE WHO WAS WRONG AND HAS TO BEG HER FORGIVENESS SO THEY CAN GET BACK TOGETHER!!???!?? WTF???!?

Ex. "Two Can Play That Game" (The *****'s hand guide to Controlling a Man)
Vivica Fox HAS the perfect black man. Again, Morris Chesnut (in his defining simp role) is an educated, talented, eloquent, distinguished Lawyer who works for a leading law firm. They spend the first half of the movie showing all of her friend's trifling ass, stereotypical black boyfriends (the player, the drug dealer, the one who won't commit) and then showing how Morris Chestnut is different. She sees him one night out at dinner with a business partner who happens to be an attractive female, and, instead of giving him the opportunity to explain himself, decides he needs to be "trained to behave" and invokes these "rules" to basically play with his emotions and make his life a living hell. Even when he takes her out, explains the (very plausible situation) and even APOLOGIZES WHEN IT WASN'T WARRANTED Vivica STILL proceeds to play her "game" with him until ANOTHER successful, intelligent, and attractive black woman shows genuine interest in him. Even with this, Morris Chestnut, being the "good man" he is puts up with all of her bull**** until she basically tells him that she's taking a random white man whom she JUST MET home with her to sex the hell out of him. At the end of this, she realizes all of her "mistakes" and attempts a half-hearted apology to Morris Chestnut, who having been properly "trained" graciously takes her back.

Ex. "Waiting To Exhale"- Two of the four women in this movie complain endlessly about not being able to find a "Good Man" (maybe they should dial Morris Chestnut's number) while carelessly dating and Whoring around with MARRIED MEN basically the entire movie! Whitney Houston STARTS the movie out dancing with a dude who ALREADY had a date/girlfriend, and then turns around and fukks him and wonders why she got played? She meets up with a man from her past who is admittedly MARRIED WITH A DAUGHTER and basically whores around with him the rest of the movie and then gets mad when dude shows no signs of wanting to leave his FAMILY. She even OVERHEARS this man on the phone telling his wife and daughter how much he loves them before hanging up and proceeding to smash her....and this is supposed to be a black woman's movie on empowerment and romance? The other character Lela Rochon, is getting repeatedly smashed on the low by ANOTHER MARRIED MAN, and only AFTER she gets pregnant and he FINALLY DOES leave his wife for her does she decide to "wake up" and dump him? So the man she was slutting with for months finally gives her what she wants and she takes his child and basically says "fukk you!"

These movies are about spoiled, decieving, manipulative women who have no problems satisfying their own sexual desires with married men all while expecting that man to leave a family behind for what is basically a jump off becuase they've convinced themselves that through sexing they've found "true love" not realizing that they are one half of the problem. What about the wives at home holding that man down and taking care of his seed while your out slutting their husbands? How are you going to take an educated, strong, intelligent man who is treating you with respect and attempt to break him down to YOUR standards with your "rules" and expect him to stay around? How you gonna straight up fukk a man's father, brother, best friend, and expect him to NOT drop your trifling, whorish asss? Women who look to these types of movies as some type of "romanticized fantasy" are doing themselves a he'll of a disservice...
I agree with everything except u was wrong about the brothers...she never had sex or anything with his father...but he WAS right for bouncin on the bytch for not tellin him they dated and givin him the right to choose whether he wanted to choose to accept it..the main corny shyt was the last piece of food theory...even my girl felt that whole shyt was corny...lol


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
yea....atleast the couple in the Notebook got married & built a life together

the bytch in Titanic went through all that shyt, soul searching, hating her upper class lifestyle only to marry a rich nikka at the end of the movie :beli:

bytch was like 95 & spent her last week alive reminiscing on some poor irish fukk from 80 years ago that she knew for 4 days :comeon:, not the poor fukk she got married to & had kids with :krs:

i won't even touch on how she kept the rich dude's diamond necklace. that dude ended up shooting himself in the head after going broke & she threw that shyt in the ocean. what a bytch :pacspit: she ain't have to reveal herself at the end, she could've sent it to his house or some shyt.

ALL this shyt is on point but that dude she was gonna marry woulda been whoopin her ass every single day if they got married..dude already showed signs of the shyt...but yea..she handled that shyt like a straight up bytch...lol


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
ANOTHER one was The Best Man..Morris Chestnut in another simp role...shyt got me tight everytime I watched that shyt..granted the nikka was cheatin on her back in college..but SHE is the one who forgave the nikka..she coulda left him if he hurt her that bad..but NO..she cheated on this nikka with his BEST FRIEND...and the fukked up part is..she straight up aint give a fukk..lol..like..the bytch had NO EMOTIONS for the shyt..she was actually biggin Taye Diggs character up for it..atleast Morris felt bad about his indiscretions...she aint care at all...then he finds out..and u really expect people to believe he just married this dumb bytch without asking ANY questions?..without letting her know that he knew?..fukk outta here...that nikka shoulda left that bird at the alter...but we supposed to believe that HE would be wrong for bouncin on her cause she's soooo perfect?..man fukk that bytch...That nikka was a star athlete and who the fukk knows how that marriage was gonna end...she prolly gonna get that nikka for everything with her vindictive ass...and Sanaa Lathan was dumb as fukk in that movie too..like..the dumb ass nikka Taye Diggs was bout to cheat on this bytch...he tells her what happened..and after ALL his bullshyt he confessed to her...how he basically betrayed his homeboy..and was bout to betray her and the only thing that stopped him was his homeboy giving him a well deserved ass whoopin...he gonna propose to the dumb bytch and she says YES?..da fukk?..she deserves everything she gets outta that marriage...lol..