didnt know it was a spoiler til you said it was@ the caps spoiling the films penultimate moment
I just watched this on my tv, 1080p. Godzilla looked great and was terrifically epic BUT I NEVER GOT TO SEE HIM FOR MORE THAN A FEW fukkING SECONDS. I ain't trying to see some fukking whiteboy survive against all odds I'm here to see Godzilla smash some fukking cities and monsters. Pacific Rim delivered much better in this regard. The focus on the people dragged this down from a potential 8/10 to a 6.
I felt more concern for that dog caught in the wave.. although one moment he was tied to a fukking tree and the next he was sprinting for his goddamn life.
fukk this director, they killed heisenberg
I bet somehow a few of the eggs didn't die.. and turn up in godzilla 2
the world's a big place. a few cities ain't nothin. besides, destruction is what we're there to seeAs I said before, they made Godzilla too big. Any extended screen time and he would've destroyed everything. That's why he spent most of the time swimming. They did a shytty job with the subplots though. Battleship was wack as hell and they had better subplots than this..
I would've rather seen that no legged c00n hobbling around than that struggle Zach efferin looking ass gump.