I really don't know what to do.


Staff member
Sep 9, 2013
@Rawtid @twan83 @ChocolateQueen @Spotlessmind @Melza He literally just came back with my car. He dropped the keys off, I didn't say anything because I truly am just scared of him. He left. Do I just report it to the police, try and talk to him, call some guys I know to deal with it? I just don't know.

Its best not to argue with a person like that. Report it to the police and let him know you reported it/will report it and he can no longer have access to your car.. I would do it via text and wouldn't answer the phone and don't let him in your house. If he has a key change the locks. Get pepper spray or something to protect yourself.

My ex was sort of a bully, I don't have time for a little while our communication was regulated to text :princepls:


Mjpls I'm already black
Aug 7, 2015
A lil baby 9 or a .22 will get the job done... and don't be afraid to use it. Stop this nikka from walking all over you. You wouldn't let a stranger do that to you. You wouldn't let your own seed do that to you..and speaking of seeds, be mindful that your child is watching you. You don't want him/her growing up thinking that this is the norm on either side. Take the necessary precautions to protect yourself by all means, and follow all your pre-determined rules to a T. Meaning, if you bought a gun to protect yourself, then use it. If you file a restraining order, really call the police and don't just threaten to call. Men like that depend upon your love, which is your weakness or Achilles Heel, to help them get what they want. He knew you wouldn't do a thing about the car, so he did what he wanted. Turn that love shyt off. Do what you have to do for your and your child's sake. I'll say a little prayer that you come out of this situation unscathed and your ex realizes that you ain't taking his shyt anymore.


Dancehall ah mi everyting
Oct 31, 2015

I really don't know what to do. Occasionally I'll loan my car to my ex when he as important things to do, especially things pertaining to our son. Today he asked me to borrow it and I refused him because I had to go out, when I turned around to go back inside, he took the keys right off the key rack and left in my car.
I'm not even kidding.

He doesn't answer my calls then texts me and says he'll have it back by 9:45. That's in half an hour. I thought about calling the cops but I don't want the drama that can unfold after he gets released. I am terrified to argue because he is really mean and fights back harder and meaner. I just don't really know what to do right now and I'm all alone. Do I just take my keys and then what?

Coli brehettes please help me out, sitting here crying my eyes out isn't getting much done. Why do some men just take advantage of women like this? Because he's much bigger it's not like I can snatch back my own keys. I don't know.

@Spike Tarantino, @Rawtid @Spotlessmind help me out here.

The story took a huge jump at the bolded. You give him a lot of privileges

This doesnt sound like the type of person you want in your house. Being afraid to confront or reason with someone doesnt sound like a healthy relationship.
And definitely doesnt sound like something you want your child to grow up and internalize as being normal.

You sound like you're all alone (No disrepect). But you need someone that you can count on to help protect you (boyfriend, dad/damily, friend). You seem like a soft and sweet girl, and I can only imagine that he will continue to treat you this way. Like other people said, you need a 3rd party that will be there in case he decides to act up.If he can get away with this once, whats to stop him from doing it more often or taking it further?
Think about this. If he decides to hit you one day, and I mean hit you, what kind of repercussions does he think he will face? Who will he have to answer to? He probably knows that you wont get in a serious physical fight with him. He might be more reluctant to hit you if he knows someone will be coming for his ass if he does........... pause.

Dont listen to people that tell you to get a bat/knife, as it will only be used against you (only a gun is the exception to this rule). As a general rule of thumb, if you need a weapon to win a fight, then you already lost the fight. (Maybe go learn a martial art or someting, but that will take time to master)
To add to that, if you get physical with him you might turn this into a domestic violence case. And that might be the worst thing that could happen to you.
I dont kno bout Trinidad, but in Jamaica police can NOT intervene/act in a domestic violence case. I have seen cases where police could only watch when two people go at it, as they dont know who is truly right or wrong in the situation.

My advice is to document all his little mood swings and behaviours. Bring this situation and others (if they come up) to the police, so they can document it.
When push comes to shove you will have all the evidence you need to get a restraining order, custody of your child, and maybe get a gun for protection.
Avoid saying anything that can make him "snap" on you. And dont get involved with anything with him unless you absolutely have to.( By this I mean, dont go to his house trying to talk things out or be inviting him to yours)

Take everything I say with a grain of salt. Because I have never been the direct victim of this kind of abuse before, but I have had a first row seat to it. Because I saw this sort of situation happen between my parents :sad:

Best of luck to you :therethere:

Im kind of in a rush right now, so I might of forgot somethings I wanted to say. If I remember something I will add it


All Star
Nov 21, 2014
The story took a huge jump at the bolded. You give him a lot of privileges

This doesnt sound like the type of person you want in your house. Being afraid to confront or reason with someone doesnt sound like a healthy relationship.
And definitely doesnt sound like something you want your child to grow up and internalize as being normal.

You sound like you're all alone (No disrepect). But you need someone that you can count on to help protect you (boyfriend, dad/damily, friend). You seem like a soft and sweet girl, and I can only imagine that he will continue to treat you this way. Like other people said, you need a 3rd party that will be there in case he decides to act up.If he can get away with this once, whats to stop him from doing it more often or taking it further?
Think about this. If he decides to hit you one day, and I mean hit you, what kind of repercussions does he think he will face? Who will he have to answer to? He probably knows that you wont get in a serious physical fight with him. He might be more reluctant to hit you if he knows someone will be coming for his ass if he does........... pause.

Dont listen to people that tell you to get a bat/knife, as it will only be used against you (only a gun is the exception to this rule). As a general rule of thumb, if you need a weapon to win a fight, then you already lost the fight. (Maybe go learn a martial art or someting, but that will take time to master)
To add to that, if you get physical with him you might turn this into a domestic violence case. And that might be the worst thing that could happen to you.
I dont kno bout Trinidad, but in Jamaica police can NOT intervene/act in a domestic violence case. I have seen cases where police could only watch when two people go at it, as they dont know who is truly right or wrong in the situation.

My advice is to document all his little mood swings and behaviours. Bring this situation and others (if they come up) to the police, so they can document it.
When push comes to shove you will have all the evidence you need to get a restraining order, custody of your child, and maybe get a gun for protection.
Avoid saying anything that can make him "snap" on you. And dont get involved with anything with him unless you absolutely have to.( By this I mean, dont go to his house trying to talk things out or be inviting him to yours)

Take everything I say with a grain of salt. Because I have never been the direct victim of this kind of abuse before, but I have had a first row seat to it. Because I saw this sort of situation happen between my parents :sad:

Best of luck to you :therethere:

Im kind of in a rush right now, so I might of forgot somethings I wanted to say. If I remember something I will add it


This is probably the best advice so far that I feel you should do. Like he said get a gun if you need to protect yourself and document his behavior. I'm not sure about the martial arts route. If you have the money and time take up a self defense class.


Oct 29, 2012
Restraining order isn't going to do shyt tbh.
Get some pepper spray and do what @Rawtid said, minus the bat and driving cars through houses.


Jun 23, 2012
Restraining order isn't going to do shyt tbh.
Get some pepper spray and do what @Rawtid said, minus the bat and driving cars through houses.
How about one of these


Oct 29, 2012
If you extend the other end you could really do some long distance ass whipping.
:dead: She aint bout that savage life like you, she needs something long distance and with an area of effect.
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Jun 23, 2012
:dead: She aint bout that savage life life you, she needs something long distance and with an area of effect.
You only need to be about it one time though. Just zap out ONE good time...have people like :merchant: They think she's a punk so they keep treating her a such. I bet if she just jumps on his back without warning he'll step off.


Oct 29, 2012
You only need to be about it one time though. Just zap out ONE good time...have people like :merchant: They think she's a punk so they keep treating her a such. I bet if she just jumps on his back without warning he'll step off.
That can either go terribly good or terrible wrong :pachaha: