I like Dr. Boyce but hes full of shyt sometimes


Fade Doe
May 3, 2012
Black people in the USA have no fukking future...

I wish nikkas would stop acting like we do....:mjlol:

How you gonna have a future when the dominant majority don't need you, don't want you and don't like you and have the entire world shook to even help you...and you need them to survive.

White people already shut down schools, they shut down water supply, they shut down emergency services, they shut down access to healthcare and we can't do anything about it

nikkas talking about...we need Black lawyers and doctors and shyt...and we already got those nikka...

We got more politicians than any other minority in this motherfukker...

Black women are the most educated...

We got the biggest celebrities the world has ever seen...

What the fukk nikkas do not understand about our destiny and future in the USA was written when we were on slaveships...we are not gonna thrive here..

Matter of fact the fastest growing population of Black people are Biracial Blacks...our population has only grown 1 percent...

We got the lowest amount wealth and the lowest amount of health...we are in a permanent recession

These pro-Black YouTube motherfukkers are selling pipe dreams to nikkas..

How the fukk owning a business helps an entire people who have some of the lowest quality of life indicators on the planet yet do not control anything going on?

The first bolded is true. The second not so much but still true to the extent that everyone needs the current systems to survive.

The problem with this mindset is that it puts white people into play when in reality they needn't come into the equation unless they're in the way. Which they typically tend to be when blacks get too "uppity".

Black unification relies on the shedding of the reliance of white ideals, Western ideals as defined by white people, white Americans and other so-called civilized societies.

It also requires thinking on a level outside of that which many black folk already do but they do it parallel to the same white supremacist dialogue that you always hear. For example, I know people who say they're for black unification but they don't see black people as their brothers or sisters. They're just someone who shares the same skin color. At the same time, these same people will preach about how blacks are getting killed in the streets.

It's odd to me because I don't think that way but I see it as them being able to think as I do. I'm not even saying the way I think is the right way, it's just a way to think.

I don't want to say I don't care about white people. I care about people but when it comes to my blackness, that always comes first because of how my education of the history of black people has shaped me. So I always say that when it comes to black progress, I don't care about white people until they're in the way.


Dec 16, 2015
This thread again. Clown nikkas now writing novels about why Black folks have no future? smh

Give props to Jews, while ignoring their influence on US policy that is based on group economics and pooling of individual success to assure their narrative/interest/story is heard, sought after, respected, and supported by other communities brehs

LOL Jews did not got that because of their individual success...are you serious...

Before the creation of Israel and even the Nazi party...Jews were in prisons and in ghettoes and being slaughtered by the thousands...in Eastern Europe

Jews luckily for them...have friends in high places...silly Christian people that wanted to see the Jews have a homeland and some rich Jews..

Jews also organized into a Zionist organization...asking these friends in high places...for the rights to go where they wanna go.....en masse, as Jews were already living in Palestine and some other desiginated

Then the British stepped up and offered the Jews Palestine to move to en masse...since Britain owned Palestine and then Britain got the League of Nations...the precursor to the UN...to sign off on it...

It wasn't because Jews had money...it was because Jews had international support and governmental help...they got Israel free of charge...

And unlucky for us African Americans...the USA has not signed any binding document in the UN such as the UN Declaration of Human Rights and yet have a seat on the Security Council and yet funds major military treaties with many Western nations...that would have the pull to make the USA do something about their treatment of African Americans...

That's what many nikkas like Boyce Watkins don't get...MLK...Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael and Black Panthers understood that no matter how much money nikkas have...if you do not have international support...you can't get shyt done

Jews were worse off than we are...when they got Israel...

Indians were worse off than we were when they got India back...

It had nothing to do with how much money they had...it had do with their international influence

nikkas need to read a history book and understand political economy...

African Americans, we do not have a seat on any international organization...that represent diaspora interests

We do not have any political ties with any other African population...in Africa or abroad...

We do not have a concrete political ideology like Zionism...

And yet nikkas wanna focus on having a business...to do what...

nikkas talk about being like the Jews or the Chinese and not understanding that what they accomplished has to do with international ties than any amount of money...


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Your best post of all time. I think @BlackPearl and myself are in the top five most successful coli members. Low key, she's still on her shyt. Salute to that God. Anyway,

X you're right. We have no wealth and a small amount of resurces. The kicker is we don't have the knowledge of how to combine what do we have and make a sustainable income, right?

Well its funny @Fly.Union dapped the OP. He's exactly the problem with our community. He's a divisive. He's a follower. Contributes little to the board other than daps and cheerleading.

We need leaders and unifers. Somebody has to get the fukk over the fact people are different. And success involves managing challenging relationships. And if you're too stupid to realize everyone is valuable. Some of us have very high values and abrasives personalities. And we're not allowed to participate in black group economics.

Mainly because our idea don't involve traditional black shyt. It's whatever were interested in or see as a viable option. Business is about exploiting a moment or resource. It's very simple. Unfortunately black people have no generational wealth or generational business knowledge being exchanged.

I could see these idiots now. "I don't sell to fakkits nikka, I don't sell to c00ns, I don't sell to trannies, his pants too tight breh let's not sell to him."

I will sell anything to anyone for 2 and half times whatever the fukk I paid for it. I'm studying kitchen management right now and it's mainly balancing the books.

That combined with my knowledge of the daily operations of business there's no way I'll fail in my next business. Which will be my last.

I just laugh because black people are salty as fukk. I never hear anything good from them about what I'm doing. It's kind of funny but mainly sad. They all want good jobs. So they view me building a legitimate business that's grossed over 60 thousand dollars.

I've had collabs with sports leagues, school districts, city fitness programs, camps. It's all because I'll fukk with anybody who can get some money and isn't a dumbass.

The key to this shyt is market to yourself. Find a niche market that you naturally vibe with and develop your business around their needs and you'll thrive. Do a lot of free work. Get your name out there. If you don't work for free you're not worth paying. Work with people. I adjusted my prices for every client I had. I'd work an hour for free after making my numbers work for me.

Ask for help. This isn't the 90s. You don't have to do everything yourself. I've had a lot of help. Finally, read, consume all reading material. It gives you the ability to talk about anything. Which means you can be anyone's friend. That's more valuable than motherfukking gold.

Of course I'll get called a liar. But idgaf. Either way my life is good. I have everything I want and I earned it by working my ass off for myself for almost ten years.
In fairness with bold maybe you've been on here too much mainly talking about/to stupid ass nikkas trying to be something they not offline so they front online. Maybe its also some cats in lower socioeconomic areas but I've honestly never heard it myself in those areas when business is discussed.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
really smart idea breh...dont give too much about your ideas up, ppl ear hustling

"I play to win my G. It's not about confirming I'm black, being a good person, or playing by rules. It's simply about holding up the biggest trophy in the world while I'm drinking champagne out of it."

thats true also, business is about selling to everybody, u dont have to like them or agree with them but youre suppose to have something they want or need

and alot of black people do have a to take things personal
Stop it with bold you could tell cats exactly what your doing and the vast majority will do nothing with it even if you are successful. All these books and knowledge out here for free and cats still struggling and you talking about ear hustling? My dude please


May 20, 2012
We need to pull our resources together.Jewish people do it all the time.They control the businesses and property in their neighborhoods.Jewish people only sell property/business to other jewish people.You can rent an aprtment in a jewish building,but they won't let your black ass buy it.We need to be more organized,accountable and racist.We should only do business with non black people when we benifit from it.

Jews and Israel are the biggest recipients of govt aide and handouts. Billions are given to them yearly. And laws are made to protect them.

And who is this "we" you keep referring to. There is no black "community" . Folks dont even pull together resources in their own families and you think they will do it with complete strangers? Thats a pipe dream.

Nate parker put his career on the line and pulled his own resources together to bring blacks a story of their history that has never been told on a mainstream level and how did the black "community" support him? Numbers dont lie. Movie didnt completely flop but the community didnt support it like we should have nor did we protect Nate from the obvious slander like we should have. But black folks will line up for kevin hart and madea halloween though.

Snd Look at bill cosby. I believe he may be the single biggest black donor to hcbu's. Think about that for a second. He may have put more blacks through college than any other black person in this country and how did the black "community" repay him. Those same hbcu's turned their back on him off pure allegations.. he's never been convicted of a single crime. Meanwhile penn state is honoring Paterno. Even on this site yall slander Cosby and call him a c00n even though he spent his life putting his money where is mouth is and providing uplifting positive shows that painted blacks in a good light. He put more blacks through college and done more for blacks than any other celebrity. I dont wanna hear no negative shyt about that man. He deserved better from the so called "black community" he did so much for.


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
In fairness with bold maybe you've been on here too much mainly talking about/to stupid ass nikkas trying to be something they not offline so they front online. Maybe its also some cats in lower socioeconomic areas but I've honestly never heard it myself in those areas when business is discussed.
Welcome back man. And yes, I agree.
Apr 30, 2012
LOL Jews did not got that because of their individual success...are you serious...
Before the creation of Israel and even the Nazi party...Jews were in prisons and in ghettoes and being slaughtered by the thousands...in Eastern Europe
Jews luckily for them...have friends in high places...silly Christian people that wanted to see the Jews have a homeland and some rich Jews..
Jews also organized into a Zionist organization...asking these friends in high places...for the rights to go where they wanna go.....en masse, as Jews were already living in Palestine and some other desiginated
Then the British stepped up and offered the Jews Palestine to move to en masse...since Britain owned Palestine and then Britain got the League of Nations...the precursor to the UN...to sign off on it...
It wasn't because Jews had money...it was because Jews had international support and governmental help...they got Israel free of charge...
And unlucky for us African Americans...the USA has not signed any binding document in the UN such as the UN Declaration of Human Rights and yet have a seat on the Security Council and yet funds major military treaties with many Western nations...that would have the pull to make the USA do something about their treatment of African Americans...
That's what many nikkas like Boyce Watkins don't get...MLK...Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael and Black Panthers understood that no matter how much money nikkas have...if you do not have international support...you can't get shyt done
Jews were worse off than we are...when they got Israel...
Indians were worse off than we were when they got India back...
It had nothing to do with how much money they had...it had do with their international influence
nikkas need to read a history book and understand political economy...
African Americans, we do not have a seat on any international organization...that represent diaspora interests
We do not have any political ties with any other African population...in Africa or abroad...
We do not have a concrete political ideology like Zionism...
And yet nikkas wanna focus on having a business...to do what...
nikkas talk about being like the Jews or the Chinese and not understanding that what they accomplished has to do with international ties than any amount of money...

:russ: regardless of your race, this entire post reeks of propaganda, brainwashing, and lazy reasoning.
You're not dealing with a historical ignoramus. I respect and cherish history as it played out, good or bad, I'm not interested in pushing a narrative

-Do research on Jewish living in Germany, before the rise of Nazi party, in particular the period after WW1, where German economy was crippled with ridiculously high inflation, check which community benefited and which did not
-Before talking BS, confirm why the Nazis were successful at using the nation's economical struggles to inspire citizens to turn their backs on other citizens
-Go learn why Nazi's initial attempts to undermine Jews were to not frequent their businesses

To use the word "luckily" in reference to the creation of a nation proves your lack of knowledge and respect for the challenges faced in building a nation and the regurgitation of the skewed rhetoric about the creation of Israel

You used the generic and very lazy term, "friends in high places," and "international influence" while ignoring, who are these friends and why did they have these type of friends, while the Palestinians did not, and what type of resources would provide such international influence. The type of influence that would secure billion to trillion dollar reparations from different countries and companies, every couple years

"Jews were worst off than we were," more propaganda for the weak minded. The Black Holocaustof 400 years of slavery, followed up with generational socio-economical strangulation is not worst than 8 to 12 years of the Jewish Holocaust? smh. Stop the BS

Don't blame Dr. Watkins and others who promote opening a business as a positive step towards fighting white supremacy because you cannot see the invaluable tools that is learned and ways of thinking that is formed when venturing into that world of business ownership. That's the reason why lemonade stands for kids were so popular

Your thought process and reasoning is not on Dr. Watkins level and it shows in this thread by your careless wording and poor summary of history. So save your defeatist attitude for yourself, stop trying to recruit folks into your misery
May 26, 2012
:russ: regardless of your race, this entire post reeks of propaganda, brainwashing, and lazy reasoning.
You're not dealing with a historical ignoramus. I respect and cherish history as it played out, good or bad, I'm not interested in pushing a narrative

-Do research on Jewish living in Germany, before the rise of Nazi party, in particular the period after WW1, where German economy was crippled with ridiculously high inflation, check which community benefited and which did not
-Before talking BS, confirm why the Nazis were successful at using the nation's economical struggles to inspire citizens to turn their backs on other citizens
-Go learn why Nazi's initial attempts to undermine Jews were to not frequent their businesses

To use the word "luckily" in reference to the creation of a nation proves your lack of knowledge and respect for the challenges faced in building a nation and the regurgitation of the skewed rhetoric about the creation of Israel

You used the generic and very lazy term, "friends in high places," and "international influence" while ignoring, who are these friends and why did they have these type of friends, while the Palestinians did not, and what type of resources would provide such international influence. The type of influence that would secure billion to trillion dollar reparations from different countries and companies, every couple years

"Jews were worst off than we were," more propaganda for the weak minded. The Black Holocaustof 400 years of slavery, followed up with generational socio-economical strangulation is not worst than 8 to 12 years of the Jewish Holocaust? smh. Stop the BS

Don't blame Dr. Watkins and others who promote opening a business as a positive step towards fighting white supremacy because you cannot see the invaluable tools that is learned and ways of thinking that is formed when venturing into that world of business ownership. That's the reason why lemonade stands for kids were so popular

Your thought process and reasoning is not on Dr. Watkins level and it shows in this thread by your careless wording and poor summary of history. So save your defeatist attitude for yourself, stop trying to recruit folks into your misery

This :wow:
Couldn't have said it better myself :salute:
I owe you a rep, my nikka :myman:


Dec 16, 2015
:russ: regardless of your race, this entire post reeks of propaganda, brainwashing, and lazy reasoning.
You're not dealing with a historical ignoramus. I respect and cherish history as it played out, good or bad, I'm not interested in pushing a narrative

-Do research on Jewish living in Germany, before the rise of Nazi party, in particular the period after WW1, where German economy was crippled with ridiculously high inflation, check which community benefited and which did not
-Before talking BS, confirm why the Nazis were successful at using the nation's economical struggles to inspire citizens to turn their backs on other citizens
-Go learn why Nazi's initial attempts to undermine Jews were to not frequent their businesses

To use the word "luckily" in reference to the creation of a nation proves your lack of knowledge and respect for the challenges faced in building a nation and the regurgitation of the skewed rhetoric about the creation of Israel

You used the generic and very lazy term, "friends in high places," and "international influence" while ignoring, who are these friends and why did they have these type of friends, while the Palestinians did not, and what type of resources would provide such international influence. The type of influence that would secure billion to trillion dollar reparations from different countries and companies, every couple years

"Jews were worst off than we were," more propaganda for the weak minded. The Black Holocaustof 400 years of slavery, followed up with generational socio-economical strangulation is not worst than 8 to 12 years of the Jewish Holocaust? smh. Stop the BS

Don't blame Dr. Watkins and others who promote opening a business as a positive step towards fighting white supremacy because you cannot see the invaluable tools that is learned and ways of thinking that is formed when venturing into that world of business ownership. That's the reason why lemonade stands for kids were so popular

Your thought process and reasoning is not on Dr. Watkins level and it shows in this thread by your careless wording and poor summary of history. So save your defeatist attitude for yourself, stop trying to recruit folks into your misery

Lol...you are stupid as hell...

Please go tell the Jews who got slaughtered in Russia and Eastern Europe they were doing just fine...

Anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire - Wikipedia

Lwów pogrom (1918) - Wikipedia

Please go tell the Jews in Argentina they were doing just fine...

Tragic Week (Argentina) - Wikipedia

The Jews that created Zionism and advocated to anybody that would listen to them for a homeland were not rich....:russ:

They were fukking rabbis and intellectuals :russ:

After WW1... Germany became nationalism and Hitler blamed economic troubles on the Jews because Jews have historically been blamed for everything in Europe since the beginning of time...it's easy.

Jews were blamed fro the Black Plague

Black Death Jewish persecutions - Wikipedia

It's no different than White people going..."Well the Blacks have Obama, look how well off they are..."

Jews were not significantly well off...anywhere in the world...

How the fukk you gonna be a rich people...when you have no homeland, you are nomadic and you are restricted to certain areas and you have restricted employment...and people are slaughtering you en masse...

Jewish ghettos in Europe - Wikipedia

Yall just go..."Well the Jews have money..."

The Jews have significant international support by USA and Britain and the UN...since the creation of Zionism...due to Christianity being the backbone of Western civilization. They really don't have any money...they have an unprecedented level of international support

Then yall go..."We need to be like the Chinese..."

The Chinese have autonomous organizations around the world...Chinatowns...since they left China...and they have a homeland...which economically and political supports them

Then yall go..."We need to be like the Arabs.."

The Arabs own oil and have significant ties to oil hungry nations...that provide them with money and weapons

What's next...Indians...

Are we supposed to be like them next...

nikkas out here fukking delusional like a damn business...is gonna help us...:mjlol:

Go look up the wealthiest Black people in the USA and see if that is stopping poverty and illness....:mjlol:

Hell...nikkas having businesses and Black towns...back in segregation and shyt didn't stop lynchings, didn't stop Jim Crow...didn't stop Black Codes...:mjlol:

And African Americans today are the richest Africans on the planet right now...and we ain't stopped Haiti from being destitute due to a centuries old debt...we ain't stop China from colonizing Africa...we ain't stopping White people from poisoning our water supplies...we ain't stopped Jim Crow in Brazil

And I wonder why :russ:

The richest group of Africans...with a bunch of rich ass nikkas...a bunch of famous ass nikkas...haven't done shyt for nobody with all our Lebron James, Serena Williams, Oprah, Beyonce, Kanye West, Sean Combs:mjlol: and Jay Z...

Ain't that enough rich and powerful Black people for you?

We had a Black president and a Black secretary of state back to fukking back...

We had two Black attorney generals...:skip:

Keep thinking money and influence is gonna help anything...:yeshrug:

I have a business...you think it's helping you nikkas...:mjlol:
Apr 30, 2012
Lol...you are stupid as hell...

Please go tell the Jews who got slaughtered in Russia and Eastern Europe they were doing just fine...

Anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire - Wikipedia

Lwów pogrom (1918) - Wikipedia

Please go tell the Jews in Argentina they were doing just fine...

Tragic Week (Argentina) - Wikipedia

The Jews that created Zionism and advocated to anybody that would listen to them for a homeland were not rich....:russ:

They were fukking rabbis and intellectuals :russ:

After WW1... Germany became nationalism and Hitler blamed economic troubles on the Jews because Jews have historically been blamed for everything in Europe since the beginning of time...it's easy.

Jews were blamed fro the Black Plague

Black Death Jewish persecutions - Wikipedia

It's no different than White people going..."Well the Blacks have Obama, look how well off they are..."

Jews were not significantly well off...anywhere in the world...

How the fukk you gonna be a rich people...when you have no homeland, you are nomadic and you are restricted to certain areas and you have restricted employment...and people are slaughtering you en masse...

Jewish ghettos in Europe - Wikipedia

Yall just go..."Well the Jews have money..."

The Jews have significant international support by USA and Britain and the UN...since the creation of Zionism...due to Christianity being the backbone of Western civilization. They really don't have any money...they have an unprecedented level of international support

Then yall go..."We need to be like the Chinese..."

The Chinese have autonomous organizations around the world...Chinatowns...since they left China...and they have a homeland...which economically and political supports them

Then yall go..."We need to be like the Arabs.."

The Arabs own oil and have significant ties to oil hungry nations...that provide them with money and weapons

What's next...Indians...

Are we supposed to be like them next...

nikkas out here fukking delusional like a damn business...is gonna help us...:mjlol:

Go look up the wealthiest Black people in the USA and see if that is stopping poverty and illness....:mjlol:

Hell...nikkas having businesses and Black towns...back in segregation and shyt didn't stop lynchings, didn't stop Jim Crow...didn't stop Black Codes...:mjlol:

And African Americans today are the richest Africans on the planet right now...and we ain't stopped Haiti from being destitute due to a centuries old debt...we ain't stop China from colonizing Africa...we ain't stopping White people from poisoning our water supplies...we ain't stopped Jim Crow in Brazil

And I wonder why :russ:

The richest group of Africans...with a bunch of rich ass nikkas...a bunch of famous ass nikkas...haven't done shyt for nobody with all our Lebron James, Serena Williams, Oprah, Beyonce, Kanye West, Sean Combs:mjlol: and Jay Z...

Ain't that enough rich and powerful Black people for you?

We had a Black president and a Black secretary of state back to fukking back...

We had two Black attorney generals...:skip:

I'm not arguing that things did not happen to certain white Jews. I'm pointing out that the narrative you're pushing about "economically deprived" jews not having anything but prayer and "friends in high places" is complete BS, because those same "economically deprived" Jews' wealth funded almost 1/3rd of the Nazi's war efforts, while being just 1% or 2% of the population
Confiscated Jewish wealth 'helped fund the German war effort'

It's damn near impossible to find economic breakdown of Jewish wealth in pre-nazi Germany so that narratives like you're trying to push will be easier to brainwash the masses. History is an early warning system, the influence and wealth that Jews had yesteryears, is due to their banking and legislative positions in many of those countries, just like today. Note, all this Jewish influence, prior to the forced creation of Israel. So save the "bu bu they have a country that supports them" so they could succeed BS

More poor summaries, stereotyping, blatant lies and wrong conclusions that further proves your willful ignorance

-Arab communities in US are not funded by Arab oil

-Chinese organizations that manages Chinatown in the US and Canada were founded by wealthy US based: Chinese merchants, government officials, herbalist, and underworld degenerates because these folks were able to maneuver, politic, and profit from the poor and elites of white america during the peak of anti-Chinese periods

-Learning from history, it has proven that wealth, education, and military might doesn't stop atrocities from happening to any race of people. However, history also proves that uniformed efforts to confront challenges is more effective and sustainable than individual merits and efforts. So naming random wealthy Black folks, while not examining whether they too are willfully ignorant, doesn't mean that group economics and entrepreneurship is not part of the solution to dealing with White supremacy

Keep thinking money and influence is gonna help anything...:yeshrug:

I have a business...you think it's helping you nikkas...:mjlol:
I had to quote this separate from the other BS you wrote to further highlight the type of illogical, cowardly and selfish mind state that many of us have today and yerteryears. We then give props and acknowledge the communities that are practicing the exact opposite of this mind state. So again this entire discussion has nothing to do with Dr. Watkins reasoning and arguments, but more of a reflection of you


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
1000 black people X $2.500 each = 2.5 million dollars

10,000 black people X $250 each = 2.5 million dollars

100,000 black people X $25 each = 2.5 million dollars

Stop buying $250 sneakers,Headphones etc.Cut down on how many times you go to the beauty salon.Stop giving your money to Black Churches.

We need to pull our resources together.Jewish people do it all the time.They control the businesses and property in their neighborhoods.Jewish people only sell property/business to other jewish people.You can rent an aprtment in a jewish building,but they won't let your black ass buy it.We need to be more organized,accountable and racist.We should only do business with non black people when we benifit from it.
Hotep nikkas hotep pong again. FOH with the cracker like narrative p*ssy.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
This thread again. Clown nikkas now writing novels about why Black folks have no future? smh

Give props to Jews, while ignoring their influence on US policy that is based on group economics and pooling of individual success to assure their narrative/interest/story is heard, sought after, respected, and supported by other communities brehs

The moment nikkas are able to give props to other communities for basic actions like pooling resources and then in the same sentence say Blackfolks' future is doom cause whitefolks won't "allow" us to do it OR that basic action is too difficult to do, then it's clear they are only motivated by their insecurity, defeatist mind-state and are perfect examples of what happens to Black weak minds under whitesupremacy when you solely depend on lazy reasoning and stereotypes

This thread needs to be sub so that we could reference these same clowns in other threads when they share an opinion so we know what type of mind state created the opinion. We won't waste our time trying to have a productive discussion with such folks
Exactly these the same cats often times wanna call someone a c00n real quick but these clown ass dudes a fukking disgrace. You can tell some of these cats only been around whites and other groups as their employee or some other underling position cause only thing they mention about these other groups is some ole Kanye "white folks get money and don't spend it" dikkrider stuff all the time.