All I know is, if Manny resigns with TR when all he has to do is let the contract run out at the end of this year, I'm closing the books on him and it's proven to me that he dont really wanna get that work from Floyd.
Their 1st negotiations, Manny f'd that up imo (You scared of needles breh

2nd negotiations, Floyd f'd that up (40 million dollars to Manny + no gate/ppv revenue on a fight that was worth up to 200 million

Manny resigned an extension after he was robbed by Bradley (which of course he had to do at that time, because Floyd told him he had to avenge his loss and then he was KO'd by JMM later afterwards

This will be the 3rd legitimate chance he has to fight Mayweather. Mayweather asks for him to beat Bradley and JMM.....and then they fight. Which is understandable. You cant be knocked out cold and then come crawling to Floyd. AND, Floyd has also left the option open for Manny to leave TR and then they can fight without Arum being involved. TMT Promotions and MP Promotions presents: Floyd Mayweather vs Manny Pacquiao since they both own their own promotional companies and are BOTH supposed to be bosses
I swear, if Manny re-ups with TR again, he's done in my book and he's the reason the fight didn happen twice. There's no reason for Floyd to have to be forced to do business with someone (Arum) that he doesnt wanna deal with. If Manny REALLY wants the fight, he would fight Floyd under his own company (MP Promotions) and then go back to TR later.