I just watched Marriage Story on Netflix...

Nov 18, 2016
I think 26 and up is the sweet spot.
My parents married at 27 and there still together.
I think from the women's aspect the longer you wait, the harder it becomes especially once you hit 33 and up, no one I know at that age that is not married yet is even close to getting married regardless of looks and money.

I think the economy has a large role also since money or lack of is the demise of most marriages.

Maybe right after college is too soon but it depends on how old you are when you graduated, also debt and career aspects play a role too

If you meet the right one, the right person to build with, unless your under 24 age shouldn't be a factor but like I said, finances and career goals play a role
I'm 26 :lupe:


Aug 23, 2019
This movie is a trip. Makes me realize my philosophy on remarrying and relationships is what works for me. I’m not looking to remarry. We’re just together until we ain’t. I don’t believe in staying in any situation where you or the other person is no longer happy. Being almost 42 I realize I’m happy with my life as is. Anything else is a bonus to be added or subtracted with no expectations. My life is my own.
Oct 25, 2014
She was feeling resentment and a loss of identity from being an extension of her man instead of an actual autonomous being which is SO common with women in marriage. That’s where so many men fukk up. So much of that hit home for me b/c I’ve been in that situation and seen women go thru that my entire life. It’s a very dark place to be in and terrifying and depressing.

In that scene at lawyers office, she talks about how she met her husband. She was already engaged to a guy and living out his life with him & was 19 and then met Adam driver. Then she started a life with him. I think the subtext behind that is .... she never spent some time alone. She never actually experienced growth that women in their early 20's go through. She was always with a man and whenever he made decisions it was okay. I think she broke down at the lawyers office b/c she finally realized that she wasn't living her own life. I feel like women that marry their first loves or high school sweethearts etc tend to go through that existential crisis when in their 30's. It's like, those crucial years of adulthood/ being an autonomous individual is spent with somebody else so, they end up being an extension of their husband's self.

Adam driver low key felt that too when he expressed that he didn't even want to get married, and that he spent the entirety of his 20's with her. They both had resentment bubbling up.

Anyways, I love your analysis of the movie pretty spot on !!!!!!
Oct 25, 2014
It just feels horrible. My soul is literally oriented towards reconciliation. But the danger for me in that is much like this character, u end up making small issues bigger by not saying anything.

OMG this is literally me in a nutshell. you r my soul sister whewwwwww.

I hated the fact that this aspect of Scarjo's character reminded me of myself ahhhhhhh

Mike Nasty

Nov 19, 2016
She basically wanted to go back home and live in L.A. and burnt it all down to do so. The lawyers all profited off their situation. In the end he showed he was willing to do whatever it takes to be near his son, and that it was all a waste.

Cool story but most people are too resentful for it to play out like that.

I loved the stereotypical sackless white boyfriend at the end. Never met a guy like that in real life. I would be cracking jokes on-site.

Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018
She basically wanted to go back home and live in L.A. and burnt it all down to do so. The lawyers all profited off their situation. In the end he showed he was willing to do whatever it takes to be near his son, and that it was all a waste.

Cool story but most people are too resentful for it to play out like that.

I loved the stereotypical sackless white boyfriend at the end. Never met a guy like that in real life. I would be cracking jokes on-site.

Pretty much, they threw the him smashing the stage manager part in there(even though he was already sleeping on the couch at that point) to turn him into a 'cheater' cause without that her argument don't have a leg to stand on and she would have looked super selfish. She blew up her life, his life, and their sons life just because SHE wanted to go live in LA when he never forced her to move to NYC, she essentially forced him to move to LA. I see why Driver told her what he told her in the argument.


Oct 25, 2017
So Cal
Fam, WHAT. THEE. fukk.

One thing I'm seeing is these judges are evil. I didn't know they are basically God in Family Court..:dahell:And prenups ain't shyt :mjcry:

I've been up on this is the event that a man decides to marry I'd suggest having family members open accounts in their name before the actual marriage/engagement that you give them CASH to put into in said accounts, obviously scramble the numbers so they don't correlate, and stagger the dates of deposits/withdrawals at random, in addition to an offshore account. Probably think it's excessive but, may be the only way to get married and financially survive a divorce. For me personally, the chances of me finding a woman worth half a shyt, that I actually enjoy enough are slim, but if it happens, and I marry do everything to make it work and she says nah, and files for divorce AND wants to take my shyt (assuming we have bore no children together), it's a forgone conclusion she will not get to enjoy oxygen on the third rock for the sun much long afterwards. If she's smart enough to leave with what she came with in an amicable split, nothing but love and blessing to the woman

Raw Lyrics

Sunset Park
May 15, 2012
This is SUCH, a good summary. Wow, Books!!!!! What a dope write up. I felt this so much -I don’t like feelings or feeling too much
No but on the real- truer words beautifully spoken off your post.

I’m the type to shut down and emotionally check out when I feel like what I’m contributing is not reciprocated. There’s only so much talking that I will do - so what you said (and Scar Jo’s role) about internalizing and restricting contact is a coping mechanism - way to protect. This is the first romance/drama that I’ve seen in years- no exaggeration. I’m all for horror movies, mystery or documentary/historical period movies so even watching this was so far outside my comfort zone. But this movie almost forces us to analyze and evaluate past situations and self reflection. I remember exes of mine saying that I don’t talk enough about how I feel when it comes to interpersonal intimate relationships - that they’re used to females breaking down or overly communicating. But I’m like this - I’ll tell how I feel and expect it to be received for how it is. I’m not begging anyone to understand how I feel or repeating myself over and over. It’s counterproductive. If a person really cares - they will know or comprehend. If they don’t - then it’s not meant to be and move on. I know other environmental factors and situations contributed to how I move but I don’t like wasting time and I hate conflict in relationships. If we can’t resolve within the right boundaries, then instead of continuing in the cycle. I’m out. Rather not deal, there’s enough negativity outside the home to deal with. That’s why I relate to her lawyer in this and Scar Jo as far as “enough is enough”, i don’t like the selfishness especially when I’m with someone, I’ll be totally selfless. it’s sad but necessary to move on and find contentment within, if that what it comes down to. Focus on other Ish- like how the women became established in their careers. If there’s an impasse in a relationship, then it’s either they have reached the point of no return or work it out.

Idk - Do you think that’s too harsh? I’m about conflict avoidance in my personal life bc I deal with conflict resolution and risk avoidance at work, with family members, kids lol; therefore I’m like F coming home and dealing with more of the same from a S.O. that is there to provide comfort/companionship. I just want to come home to my S.O. , laugh, talk about real talk ( news, current events, life.. ) hang out. I hate relationship complications and if it starts becoming more of a burden than beneficial - I don’t see the point of complaining about it, rather just close off and not deal.

Great post, appreciate your honesty. And the fact that you share the same name as Scar Jo’s character isn’t lost upon me.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
This movie is a trip. Makes me realize my philosophy on remarrying and relationships is what works for me. I’m not looking to remarry. We’re just together until we ain’t. I don’t believe in staying in any situation where you or the other person is no longer happy. Being almost 42 I realize I’m happy with my life as is. Anything else is a bonus to be added or subtracted with no expectations. My life is my own.

Oh wait you're a woman so its ok


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Great post, appreciate your honesty. And the fact that you share the same name as Scar Jo’s character isn’t lost upon me.
:handshake: Thanks. Did you like the movie?

Don’t make me tear up again - the wounds from that movie are still fresh.
She did have my name - that’s kind of another reason why I watched; it was like that movie was calling me.
