That's all these nikkas care about brehyou're selling yourself short if you just think PC Gaming is all about playing the latest AAA turd with better graphics
That's all these nikkas care about brehyou're selling yourself short if you just think PC Gaming is all about playing the latest AAA turd with better graphics
Is it possible to build a gaming rig that can run open world games like GTA V and Crackdown 3 on 1080/60fps for $800 or less?
Ok fam... was that so hard to ask...
How can it blow anything out of the water when the majority of PC gamers play indie games and 3rd party joints that's available on every platform?
I'd rather have the device with the exclusives that can't be found anywhere else.
Unless games aren't what we really care about and this is just a d1ck measuring contest?
Why because I pay only the bare minimum to game on a console like millions of other gamers and not be ripped off by greedy PC chip makers, touting superior graphics for an arm and a leg... ...Yeah I'm the Weirdo..
Who cares about performance?!?! Your playing a game not caring about dropped frame rates and hiccups and studder issues...
Like I said Gameplay + Fun> Graphics... At the end of the day your getting ripped off for Graphics when there's literally not much difference gameplay wise. oooohhh you have access to mods, and clothing options,hacks, slo-mo,god mode... PC have always done that... SO!!!??
the most popular games on PC are PC 'exclusives'How can it blow anything out of the water when the majority of PC gamers play indie games and 3rd party joints that's available on every platform?
I'd rather have the device with the exclusives that can't be found anywhere else.
Unless games aren't what we really care about and this is just a d1ck measuring contest?
muthafukkas pick and choose what they care about. one minute it's graphics, then a handful of exclusives, then performance, then racing in the rain, then 'gameplay', 4K, HDR, neogaf, etc, etc...That's all these nikkas care about breh
Have you actually sat down in front of a gaming PC and played games?
The type of logic you're arguing doesn't make sense. It's like back in the day when we played in the arcades and got the console ports. The arcade joints were obviously better. Why would a person argue for the console port vs. the arcade port. Killer Instinct was night and day on Arcade vs. SNES. You basically saying oh I prefer the SNES version of Killer Instinct over the Arcade.
You're basically making fun of people who pay more for better quality. Saying performance doesn't matter is asinine. 30 FPS is unacceptable in 2017. Playing below 1080p in 2017 is also unacceptable. Paying subscription fees to have access to a game you already bought in 2017 is definitely unacceptable.
Bloodborne was a ton of fun on PS4, but it would have been an even more enjoyable experience at 60+ FPS, better texture, and anti-aliasing. Yes you can overlook that stuff, but for how long Sony and Microsoft dropped the ball in 2013. Why would I invest in this mid-generation upgrade for the mess you made in 2013. Miss me with the exclusive talk it's only a handful of great single player exclusive games. Those games aren't going anywhere you can experience them anytime. Cop them next generation when they're remastered for PS5 and have better graphics and maybe 60FPS.
You guys keep bringing up performance and graphics... but in the grand scheme of things, the bigger picture... This dude SPENT $3500 on a gaming rig, monitor and etc to just play the same damned game that has better graphics!!!! I mean if you boil it down that's what it is right?!?
And so IMO he just blew his money on dumb shyt when Gameplay, Fun>>> Graphics... See when I play games graphics is second... gameplay and story comes first... Everytime... EVERYTIME....
But like I said it's his money...
Consoles really have you guys brainwashed. You can spend whatever you like on a PC and game to whatever your standard is. It's about the freedom to customize your own gaming experience. No longer are we confined to a box for x amount of years. If we want a better cpu we just cop one off newegg or amazon. I'm not waiting around hoping Microsoft or Sony puts a better CPU in a machine for me to buy. By the time you're done buying these mid-gen refreshes you would have spent what it cost to build a decent gaming PC. Why do you guys hold on to these myths about PC Gaming? You don't have to spend $3500 to get a great experience. If you want 4K gaming on ultra settings without compromises it's going to cost you more. Technology is moving fast in the PC world and in a few years 4k gaming will be the standard and more affordable.
Just like the Killer Instinct example I showed....but they are both the same game right?...Nah my is clearly better than the other.
yep, everyone out there playing CS:GO and Dota 2 for the graphics
I didn't know consoles could brainwash people... So you like PC gaming, but I keep saying to y'all I don't play games just to look at my backgrounds... Why are you taking what I said to heart so much?
nikkas don't care what you play your games for that's the point. Every time someone says "I prefer the performance of PC" you come in here like "Bu bu but I got a ps4" Everybody can hear your opinion but you not tryna hear others.
what games are these name 10 , since it so manyHow can it blow anything out of the water when the majority of PC gamers play indie games and 3rd party joints that's available on every platform?