nikkas got different preferences for their gaming experience. If theirs is not for you, then let it be. It's really not that serious. Why can't people enjoy gameplay AND have good graphics if that's a completely viable option?? I got a PS4, X1 and a gaming PC and 9 times out of 10 if the game is multiplat, I'm picking it up on PC because I prefer the performance.
PC has exclusives that you can't find anywhere else too tho breh, and actually, a very large exclusive base at that.
what games are these
name 10 , since it so many
I'm too old to be participating in these console/video game wars or whatever they're called these days, I'm a fan of games..Own every console and a gaming PC. Just always found it dumb when these type threads are made and I guess I'm feeding right into it since I'm participating in it by bumping it right to the top..
but as someone who games on all platforms the average person I know (inner city, from the hood) isn't interested in stuff like DotA, real time stragedy games or the thousands of indie titles nobody cares about on steam. For the average person when they're buying a gaming PC it's simply to play 3rd party joints at higher resolutions, framerate and textures. Nothing wrong with that if it's your hobby (it's the reason why I built a PC) but that's the truth.... The few supposedly dope exclusives that are on PC .. nobody I know really cares about them.
No need to sh1t on others if they choose to spend their money on something else they deem more worthy than that. That's their choice. That's like calling someone broke cause they think spending $600 on a belt is dumb. It quite possibly may be if another can be found for $10. But if u choose to spend the $600 more power to u bruh. Dude earlier was saying "I don't care about the XB1X/PS Pro because my graphics card cost more than both"... Now ur allowed not to care about them...its ur right but he would have looked less like a nutt had he said "I don't care about it because my graphics card is more powerful than it"...that's a legitimate reason not to care (exclusives would be also hypothetically) but the fact that homie had to throw in the prices shows insecurity. He can't possibly be a grown ass man doing that.
I understand that we as a people sometimes have it ingrained in us to flaunt our peacock feathers but as u get older u realize it just makes u look a dumb attention whore
Neely Fuller never lied.
As a gamer it would be nice if discussions, especially when it comes to PC gaming focused more on the actual games and whether they're great or suck.. and not the nerdy version of the Tupac vs biggie shyt I see so often on forums
Apologies for types, on mobile