Can't front, 19.1 is pretty weak. But this film is basically independent for Will Smith. I mean 50 Million budget is low budget for him. With that said after seeing the movie I could see why even Will fans might be turned off. Again it seems Will has kind of put himself in a box. You see, people love Will's personality. Whenever Will plays a dark character it turns people off form him. The character in "Focus" is pretty dark just like the one from "7 Pounds".
So though people are seeing Will, they aren't seeing the happy Will they are used to. Overall people want Will to be the Hero, saved the world or win the day. "Focus" was still a decent movie, probably had 1 twist to many. I commend Will for taking a pay cut and doing something different. Also the interracial relationship obviously hurt it. It's very rare there's a movie where a Black Man is dominate over white female in a relationship. It's another #1 at the box office but it's not making 100 Million. But the movie was cool, it was a thriller so don't expect action. Loved all the pick pocketing scenes.