Sorry for using the term "Cracker ass Cracker" I know all the heartache they must feel when thinking about that term, and all the years of torment and discrimination their ancestors faced. Must be a hard thing to deal with. All the negative stereotypes associated with that word and the mental abuse that came with it must take a lot out of them when they hear it and see it.Seems to be some crazy double standards here on The Coli.
People upset this guy said the n-word (and rightfully so), but then turning right around and calling people cac (which is then applauded).
In another thread, I got some guy telling me (a Mexican) to leave the site simply because of my heritage.
And in this thread, we got this shyt:
In another thread, we got this shyt:
Lots of twisted racism on this site from all sides. shyt is sad.
Even though "******" was used as a derogatory term against a culture white people enslaved, stripped their culture away from, raped, murdered, whipped, hung, lynched, tortured for over 400 years it's still on even playing field with "Cracker".
My bad yo