
Jun 11, 2012
Met Bambaata during a festival in Europe in the late nineties, I was stoked to meet one of my heroes and a important figure in hiphop to me.My man was cool with some of the promotors and we went to the hotel to chop it up.We arrive at his hotel room,and when we knocked on the door this 15 yr old latino kid opens the door,looks at us and walks back into the bathroom..meanwhile Bam is in the room watching tv.We say what up,I introduce myself and we sit down and start chopping it up about music and the festival which was an old school festival with mad old school legends on the bill.Now every two minutes or so,the young dude comes out of the bathroom,goes through his bags, packs Bam bags and goes back in the bathroom,by this time I'm looking at my man like,something feels off about this dude,he sees my puzzlement and tells me in our native language(patois) to chill.Bam goes into the bathroom and we hear him talking to the kid.They both come out of the bathroom and by their body language i could tell this kid is not just carrying records for Bam.I tell my man I want to break out cause the vibe was weird and Bam started watching these infomercials on Dutch tv,which is basically soft porn for phone sex ads.One of the other DJ's(can''t remember his name) comes in and looks at me and my friend like "the fukk ya'll doing here".I tell my man we are leaving right now,i say peace to Bam and i'm out.On the hallway the DJ says to me "I know you're probably thinking what that was all about with the kid in Bam's room right?
I say yes and dude proceeds to teel me that Bam likes to fukk young boys and it's not really a secret within NY hip hop circles that a couple of old school DJ's had kids "carry their records" while getting piped down on some DL shyt.....needless to say,meeting your heroes is not something I want to do anymore...fukked me up for real...true story

it's widely known that he gets down like that. not too long ago, he got sued involving something that he did at a gay bar in new york.


May 2, 2012
@hustlemania found you bruh, you said you were wearing glasses right.

big bun

May 28, 2012
The only rappers I have seen that can actually skate are Hopsin and the OF crew.

When kick, push came out, it was :blessed:cause no more of Avril Lavigne bs as the anthem. Then I saw a pic of Lupe doing a flat ground ollie and his back foot was floating in the air :what::usure:. Same with Pharrel. Wait no I take that back about Pharrel - I have seen pics of him doing streetplants so he must be from way back when. He at least had the mini in his video.... and they had TK in the Snoop video for drop it like its hot (he did a 180 or some shyt though :mjlol:)

:leon:@ Chris Brown kickflipping. I saw a video of him trying to skate on youtube and it was :trash:. Same with Wiz, pushing mongo and shyt

YG did a kick flip in one of his vlogs. Had me like :dwillhuh:.


Detroit/MSU Spartan Life
May 1, 2012
Ok and ive heard a few other peoples stories in here before as well...even in this very story I mentioned telling nikkas since Sohh..
Do you have any stories with the god emcee/ goat. I know you have that connect:myman:. And nope I don't mean Nas.

Big Skilly Films

All Star
May 29, 2012

now this story takes place before tragedy was called tragedy khadafi but was called tragedy the intelligent hoodlum...im on the train riding minding my own business listening to bdp's criminal minded album on my walkman...im sitting on the corner of the seat with the doors to my left and the 2 seater a lil bit over to my left...some guy is sitting there...then enters some guy with one of those hats the 5% er's wear...he walks in talking to himself and im doing my best impression to not pay attention so i play it off and lower the volume to hear what he saying...he just moving his hands around talking about some 5% stuff so i raise the volume and continue to mind my own business...then he starts getting animated with his hands i guess he the type who talks with his hands waving them around...while he talking he keeps looking at me hard then looks at the kid across from me too...so i lower my volume down to hear if he is addressing me or the other kid...he starts talking about he did a bid in jail and he aint no punk so im :comeon: he just came home and he on his war story mode...so i raise my volume back up and listen to "the p*ssy is free"...then the guy starts pointing at me looking at me then he looks at the guy in the 2 seater pointing and talking loud something to the effect like "i aint no punk" so at this point i got the grimace face (in ny you have to mean mug nikkas so they leave you the fukk alone) so i raise up and im like "whats up?" the whole time i guess i had a mean mug the guy tells me "my brother i been trying to talk to you cause you look like you want to kill someone but you wasnt paying attention to me" he keeping it real with me i guess the whole time im sitting there with a mean mug looking at him he thinking i want beef with him while im thinking the same thing...so while he talking to me i get a real good look at his face and im like :ooh: "aint you tragedy the intelligent hoodlum?" he smiled slapped my hand and said yeah he is...i think he was surprised i knew who he was (love my hiphop) i told him shyt i thought you was trying to vick my shyt cause in ny thats how nikkas rob you in the trains...they will talk out loud and test you and say "what size are those sneakers?"


ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
Alright so I got a good one .. Some may belive some may not.. Don't want to give to much info into my own identity but still want to be credible

So idk if some of ya'll remember sometime back Busta was in some shyt for beating up some faggit at some gay club or some shyt.
Can't remember the exact story the media ran but it was something along those lines.

Anyways around that time my brother was a promoter for some clubs in South Beach. nikka was really getting it in because he wasn't scared to get his hands dirty. He got to meet a shyt load of people.

So it's memorial weekend I believe or Labor Day weekend can't rememeber but Busta was out here doing a few hosting gigs and he was going to be at Dream which is club on the beach. My brother tells me that the nikka's really cool, kind of an a$$hole but stil cool enough to chill and talk shyt with. He tells me to slide through if I wanted to meet him later. I told em I would go after I went to see some chick I was fukking who use to work at Club Madonna, which is a strip club for those who don't know. Now around that time there wasn't that many gay clubs on the beach so the few that existed had a lot of traffic going their way. There was a gay club on the same block as Club Madonna I can't remember the name but it was some real homo shyt.

Now keep in mind it's memorial day weekend and the streets look flooded with people and the streets are jammed up with cars. I was real cool with management there so I exit through the back to not have to deal with the crowd in the streets. As I'm walking out the club and I see a bunch big ass nikkas and they standing around this one big cocky nikka. I was kind of faded but there was enough light for me to see them I don't think they noticed me at the moment because they were all focused on the nikka screaming but anywas I look at the dude who's screaming and I'm like damn is that Busta?!?

All I kept hearing him scream was "Son he took a picture of me!"
I kept thinking to myself, is this nikka flipping out cuz a fan took a picture of him? :what:to my smoker's you know when you're high ass fukk and you kinda question everything? In that very moment I thought to myself, wait wtf is Busta doing in the alley with all these nikkas in the back of some clubs when he got to be at Dream :dahell:My train of thought gets cut off, I hear my phone ring and no lie brehs I was on some :whoa::noah: not now shyt cuz I legit was just standing looking at this nikka yell repeatedly "son he took a picture of me" :damn:I thought to myself, this nikka bout to go ham on me now :shaq2: Luckily I played it off when they turned around and looked over at me, I answered the call and walked off like if I had just walked out :whew::damn:

I pick up the call and walk down towards where the beach is at, I can hear my brother talking fast ass hell so before I can even tell him who I seen he tells me flat out "Busta's a fakkit" I started laughing like :pachaha:then :comeon:
I asked wtf was he talking about. He tells me he got a call from some people telling him that the cops wanted to talk to Busta about an incident that occurred at a gay club with him assaulting some guy in the bathroom & asked if he could help in getting Busta in custody. :wtf::mindblown: He tells me he made some calls to ask around on what really happen because he wasn't about to do Busta like that. He spoke to one of the few girls who worked at the place as a bartender because she also would work at another club he did work for. The chick told him some guy had took a picture of Busta inside the club and Busta flipped out and fukked dude up. They didn't have any real security that could hold Busta and his nikkas back so they let him bounce through the back. My brother said he called Busta's people and told them the cops were looking for him and that they would probably show up at the club. They cancelled and my brother was cool about it cuz he was just like fukk it :shaq2::manny:

Now my brother finishes telling me all this but he's on some he can't belive it shyt. But then it hits me right then and there!
This nikka Busta a stone cold faggit :beli::wtf:
I started thinking to myself damn isnt there a gay club near Madonna's ..


Then I thought, well damn Busta was yelling about some nikka taking his pic :dwillhuh:





I tell my brother what I seen and we pretty much came to the conclusion that the story was true.

I've only told the story to a few people until now.

Anyone who knows me knows Im not the type to make up shyt so for those who don't want to belive :manny:
that extacy story with redman and "the gay rappper" now lookin like busta


May 2, 2012
I met DJ Hi Tek after a show in DC during the Spitkickers Tour back in 2000. Me and my homeboy and a couple honeys were pulling out the parking lot and sparking up a blunt when we saw him walking across the street. We pull up next to him like "Hiiiii Tek whatuuuuuuup!!!!!" He comes over and daps us up and smells the weed. We ask if he wants to hit it. He ended up getting in the whip and we pull back in the parking lot and smoke two blunts with him. We end up going to the after party with him and chill with Kweli, De La Soul, Common, and a bunch of industry types and male/female groupies. It was 2000 so the groupies were mostly to doobie wrap Egyptian Musk thought they were Lauryn Hill type lol.
I met Tek once, he had a mpc beat making machine turned into like a charm on his chain. I said I liked it and he was mad weird like didn't even look at me just said thanks but didn't even look me in the eye.


Apr 30, 2012
Dade County
I've sold a few rappers weed. I've sold trick daddy some weed waaay back before the news came out that he had lupus. He pulled up to my house in an all white Benz. He rolled down the tinted window and I saw his face and :huhldup: it looked like he ran it through a meat grater. He goes "aight Chico, let me get that and get up outta here, this block hot as fukk" I give him the weed, he gave me the money, we dap and he bounces.

I used to personally sell his artist Iceberg weed couple years back. I literally saw his transition from local street dude to feeling himself when he got signed to mmg. He's alright.

Sold action Bronson some weed couple months back when he came and performed in Miami. Cool dude. I was with my brother and it was his birthday and Bronson hugged my brother and wished him a happy birthday :heh: the same night we went to go see him perform and he let us go backstage where he had two bad ass thots waiting for him to finish and all the free beer and grey goose i could have :blessed:

There's another fairly underground artists named Vinny Chase who I also sold some weed too. I actually sent him a package of oxys and morphine pills about a month ago. Dude loves the heavy drugs :huhldup: cool dude tho. First time I met him he was wired on pills and Hennessy. After i served him up he was I guess on some friendly shyt and asked if I had a cup. I go get a cup and he fills it up with the rest of the hennessey he had :yeshrug:


Behind Enemy Lines
Dec 26, 2012
DSGB(Down South Georgia Boy)
since i got a few minutes:

- my homie Greg, is a shoe/clothing designer.. and, when G-Unit Clothing was through Echo- 50 hit him up to do some logos for his brand, and artists.. so, after he finished Bucks "NY" logo.. 50, Banks and a few folks rolled through(50 was always around.. i worked for a company under Echo at the time as well, and would randomly run into him in the building.. hes actually a really cool dude for the most part).. anyways.. Greg, 50, Banks, Gregs intern and a few folks from the office were all taking the elevator up to Gregs office.. 50, always fukkin with Banks- said something, and Banks snapped back jokingly.. outta nowhere, 50 just hauls off and smacks Banks in the face.. :dwillhuh:everyone in the elevator just stopped.. 50 barked on him, told him he'd take his chains back, and dont ever do that again.. the rest of the ride was a awkward silence.. that story floated around Echo for days, and not long after Banks just played the background real heavy.. @spliz remembers me telling that back in the day, and folks caught some serious feelings..
This shyt right here @hustlemania gotta be the funniest shyt I ever read :mjlol:

This nikka Banks was in the elevator str8 like this:mjcry:


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
Do you have any stories with the god emcee/ goat. I know you have that connect:myman:. And nope I don't mean Nas.
Oh definitely..heres one from recently...Ra was late to his set as usual and we was there earlier so we chilled in VIP and I watched Pete Rock do a DJ set..shyt was dope as fukk..I was VIP back stage with Rakim and the peoples..standard..his son and brothers etc...we was just buggin out and schemin on taking the hookah pipes and putting real weed in it..lol..Brand Nubian was back there with us and I was building wit Sadat X for a minute..talkin bout mad shyt..real humble and cool cat..some cornball nikka somehow got back there and was makin him mad uncomfortable n shyt..lol..anyway it was official..I went on the stage and rocked wit Ra while he performed..me and my homeboy..Brand Nub..all of us was on stage rockin wit him...Raekwon came on stage and rocked wit us and him and Ra performed together...I dapped up Raekwon and shyt was love and he rocked wit us the rest of the set..fun night overall..


Where's Suikoden VI??????
May 4, 2012
Met Bambaata during a festival in Europe in the late nineties, I was stoked to meet one of my heroes and a important figure in hiphop to me.My man was cool with some of the promotors and we went to the hotel to chop it up.We arrive at his hotel room,and when we knocked on the door this 15 yr old latino kid opens the door,looks at us and walks back into the bathroom..meanwhile Bam is in the room watching tv.We say what up,I introduce myself and we sit down and start chopping it up about music and the festival which was an old school festival with mad old school legends on the bill.Now every two minutes or so,the young dude comes out of the bathroom,goes through his bags, packs Bam bags and goes back in the bathroom,by this time I'm looking at my man like,something feels off about this dude,he sees my puzzlement and tells me in our native language(patois) to chill.Bam goes into the bathroom and we hear him talking to the kid.They both come out of the bathroom and by their body language i could tell this kid is not just carrying records for Bam.I tell my man I want to break out cause the vibe was weird and Bam started watching these infomercials on Dutch tv,which is basically soft porn for phone sex ads.One of the other DJ's(can''t remember his name) comes in and looks at me and my friend like "the fukk ya'll doing here".I tell my man we are leaving right now,i say peace to Bam and i'm out.On the hallway the DJ says to me "I know you're probably thinking what that was all about with the kid in Bam's room right?
I say yes and dude proceeds to teel me that Bam likes to fukk young boys and it's not really a secret within NY hip hop circles that a couple of old school DJ's had kids "carry their records" while getting piped down on some DL shyt.....needless to say,meeting your heroes is not something I want to do anymore...fukked me up for real...true story


Behind Enemy Lines
Dec 26, 2012
DSGB(Down South Georgia Boy)
Met Bambaata during a festival in Europe in the late nineties, I was stoked to meet one of my heroes and a important figure in hiphop to me.My man was cool with some of the promotors and we went to the hotel to chop it up.We arrive at his hotel room,and when we knocked on the door this 15 yr old latino kid opens the door,looks at us and walks back into the bathroom..meanwhile Bam is in the room watching tv.We say what up,I introduce myself and we sit down and start chopping it up about music and the festival which was an old school festival with mad old school legends on the bill.Now every two minutes or so,the young dude comes out of the bathroom,goes through his bags, packs Bam bags and goes back in the bathroom,by this time I'm looking at my man like,something feels off about this dude,he sees my puzzlement and tells me in our native language(patois) to chill.Bam goes into the bathroom and we hear him talking to the kid.They both come out of the bathroom and by their body language i could tell this kid is not just carrying records for Bam.I tell my man I want to break out cause the vibe was weird and Bam started watching these infomercials on Dutch tv,which is basically soft porn for phone sex ads.One of the other DJ's(can''t remember his name) comes in and looks at me and my friend like "the fukk ya'll doing here".I tell my man we are leaving right now,i say peace to Bam and i'm out.On the hallway the DJ says to me "I know you're probably thinking what that was all about with the kid in Bam's room right?
I say yes and dude proceeds to teel me that Bam likes to fukk young boys and it's not really a secret within NY hip hop circles that a couple of old school DJ's had kids "carry their records" while getting piped down on some DL shyt.....needless to say,meeting your heroes is not something I want to do anymore...fukked me up for real...true story
Yoooooo there was a rumor that an NY rapper is gay and liked to fukk fukk men & boys

I always narrowed it down to Busta (and it could still be him) but dam Bambata :CarlW:


Apr 30, 2012
Dade County
this one isnt all that but whatever. me, my boy, and my cousin were at the bar chilling having drinks. i look to my left and see this dude that looks EXACTLY like the homie i was with and i jokingly point and say "Yo Nelz, look at your future self" (my boy's name is nelz). he looks, looks back at me, and says "nikka! thats buddy from De La Soul :krs:" I'm like bullshyt nikka, meanwhile i dont really even know since i dont know how anyone in de la soul looks. so i google and yup its Posdnuos from De La Soul. My cousin still skeptical so as Pos walks by, my cousin says "Eyyy! De La Soul!" and he turns around, smiles, and daps us all up. Thats pretty much it, but i thought it was cool. No one seemed to recognize him though and this was like a hipster kinda hip hop lounge/bar


Detroit/MSU Spartan Life
May 1, 2012
Oh definitely..heres one from recently...Ra was late to his set as usual and we was there earlier so we chilled in VIP and I watched Pete Rock do a DJ set..shyt was dope as fukk..I was VIP back stage with Rakim and the peoples..standard..his son and brothers etc...we was just buggin out and schemin on taking the hookah pipes and putting real weed in it..lol..Brand Nubian was back there with us and I was building wit Sadat X for a minute..talkin bout mad shyt..real humble and cool cat..some cornball nikka somehow got back there and was makin him mad uncomfortable n shyt..lol..anyway it was official..I went on the stage and rocked wit Ra while he performed..me and my homeboy..Brand Nub..all of us was on stage rockin wit him...Raekwon came on stage and rocked wit us and him and Ra performed together...I dapped up Raekwon and shyt was love and he rocked wit us the rest of the set..fun night overall..
Props on this :salute: