
Detroit/MSU Spartan Life
May 1, 2012
- used to kick it real heavy with Cheo Coker(Rap Pages) back in the day.. he was cousins with my homie Kareem, so we had access to damn near any show, music, etc back in the day in LA.. used to go to Lyricist Lounge pretty frquently, and everyone was there- Freestyle Fellowship, Dred Scott, Nonce, Bahamadia.. place used to be thick, so saw alot of live performances, battles, etc..
- speaking of Cheo, he gave Kareem a demo tape and we'd ride around bumpin it forever.. he used to say, "im tellin you.. this dude is gonna blown up.." over a year later, come to find out- it was Biggies demo.. :wow: he'd sent it to Rap Pages..
- girl i dated(spoke earlier about her/Kool Keith)- one of her best friends from high school, lived with Havoc and sold alot of weight with them dudes..
- i used to be the face of a clothing brand, and the brand manager was one of the starters of Phat Farm.. long story short- he ended up sponsoring the No Way Out tour, and Puff flew all of us up to the first stop.. kicked it backstage with LOX, Lil Kim, Busta, Lil Cease and Mase.. again- they had no clue brothas were skateboarding, muchless professional.. anyhow, they were all real cool, and me and Mase spoke for about 15min in a corner, because my older brother went to high school with him in Jax, Fl and they played ball together..
- went to a PMD show in LA back in the day.. and, saw DJ Scratch take the "pick it up"line from Black Sheep, and destroy a set.. this dude even picked up his tables in the middle.. :damn: one of the illest sets ive ever seen..
- hung with Del, and Souls a ridiculous amount of times.. all cool folks.. matter of fact, Souls got their first write-up in a skateboard magazine(Slap) and im good friends with the (former)Editor.. still got their demo on cassette at my Moms.. Del is actually pretty good at skateboarding..
- ive spoke about this on here before, but my folks in NY know damn near everyone.. back in '95.. they took me to Talibs bookstore in BK, and he gave me "From Superman to Man"and "Worlds Greatest Men of Color".. highly recommend both books.. and, hes a real cool brotha..
- had a good friend who interned at Patchwerk back in the day, and damn near all of ATL would roll thru to smoke, chill, whatever.. met too many folks.. this was back when Erick Sermon also had the rim shop off Peachtree, and the studio under it.. @The HONORABLE SKJ knows when im talking about.. :myman:
- did a premier for my video(a few actually) in NY.. Jeru, and JuJu(Beatnuts) rolled thru with their kids to support.. always been a big fan of their music, so felt honored they came thru.. both real cool, and ill always support both of them off that alone.. :salute:
- met Guru(RIP) in SF, at my friends clothing store.. my girl at the time, wanted to take a pic with him and some dude was being lame as fukk.. he told dude to chill, and wanted to take a pic with him, me and my girl.. we chopped it up for awhile, and the salty ass dude kept trying to whisk him away.. years later, i put 2+2 together- and the other dude was Solar..
- dont know how i forgot this, but to add to the Keith Murray story- so at the show, he called my name out onstage(this was in my hometown, so folks got extra hyped) and i went up and was his hypeman for "The Most Beautifullest Thing".. one of the most surreal moments i can think of, because i used to play that track, and the remixes to death..
- back in '98, Tony Draper flew me, and 2 other cats out from a magazine i was working for at the time.. we stayed in Houston for a week on his dime.. strip clubs, studio sessions, playing pool and all that with 8Ball & MJG, Tela, and some random dude.. random dude, was Rick Ross.. man, that week is insane.. we got so drunk, one of the dudes i was with tried swingin on me because i clowned him in front of MJG and their manager.. i whipped his ass up & down the floor of the hotel, and was sitting in my room(hiding from the police) and next thing i know- a fine ass stripper MJG sent over to my room came knockin.. ill stop right there..


i gotta whip up something to eat, but ill roll back and share more stories later, or tomorrow..
:wow:At the Suave House story. Anything else you have on them please share. I used to be a Stan.


All Star
Jul 7, 2012
Hey brehs, this story of Busta being a faq reminds me of that nikka on :hamster: who wrote those tales exposing rap artists. Didn't he have a story specifically talking about Busta being a homo? To hear this same tale from many different nikkas confirms it I guess.:yeshrug::mjlol:


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
since i got a few minutes:

- my homie Greg, is a shoe/clothing designer.. and, when G-Unit Clothing was through Echo- 50 hit him up to do some logos for his brand, and artists.. so, after he finished Bucks "NY" logo.. 50, Banks and a few folks rolled through(50 was always around.. i worked for a company under Echo at the time as well, and would randomly run into him in the building.. hes actually a really cool dude for the most part).. anyways.. Greg, 50, Banks, Gregs intern and a few folks from the office were all taking the elevator up to Gregs office.. 50, always fukkin with Banks- said something, and Banks snapped back jokingly.. outta nowhere, 50 just hauls off and smacks Banks in the face.. :dwillhuh:everyone in the elevator just stopped.. 50 barked on him, told him he'd take his chains back, and dont ever do that again.. the rest of the ride was a awkward silence.. that story floated around Echo for days, and not long after Banks just played the background real heavy.. @spliz remembers me telling that back in the day, and folks caught some serious feelings..
- back in around '05, i worked with dude who made the talking Ghostface doll.. i was head of marketing, so basically- i would bring the doll to "life".. take it to random parties, shoot it chillin in random spots, filmed a web commercial, etc.. Ghost was.. lets just say, not doing well financially at the time.. dude wasnt exactly the nicest person around this time.. especially to folks who were actually trying to put money in his pocket.. i assumed he was going through some things, like we all do in life, and just dropped the gig.. btw- the gold medallion, and eagle on his wrist of the doll- were real gold.. homies uncle was a jeweler downtown LA, and hooked it up.. thats why the doll sold for so much at the time..
- speaking of my homies jeweler uncle.. alot of folks would come through to rent jewelry.. :mjlol: i aint even gonna embarrass some rappers, but its funny to know whos really got dough, and who acts like they do.. :mjpls:
- side 2 to the above story(i mentioned this on :hamster: way back).. DOOM was doing a show in LA.. if you know dude, he personally- NEVER does shows.. he sends someone out his height/build.. has them wear his mask, and basically lip-sync.. sidenote: dude has some dumbass, gullible fans.. :snoop: anyways.. his mask was shipped in to a promoter in LA, and when he got it- the jewel was missing between the eyes.. he gave it to my folks, to have his uncle fix it.. we went on a tour with DOOMs mask, taking photos, getting random people to take photos, etc.. DOOM wasnt too happy about that.. had the photos on MySpace, dude hit me up- heated.. as i said- i mentioned this on :hamster: way before the video of fake DOOM went viral, and of course folks thought i was telling :duck: i dont lie about sh!t..


ill be back through later with more.. yall be easy.. :salute:
Yup..everything we say about Banks comes to light and nikkas wasnt tryna believe shyt...and was pharrell smashin Bey while she was wit Jay?..or was this before?..
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I'm The Cook that killed Gus Fring
May 29, 2012
Liberty City

Wantin' a cheeseburger real, real bad. We've all been there. I'm there right now, because I'm having falafel for lunch. Busta Rhymes was there last night, when he reportedly threw such a fit in a Miami restaurant (after his cheeseburger was served to him with ketchup on the side) that the restaurant's owner called the police.

The Miami New Times reports that the trouble started when the rapper arrived at Cheeseburger Baby in South Beach around 6 a.m., either to enjoy a cheeseburger nightcap before changing into jammies or to start his Wednesday right with his first cheeseburger of the day.

Restaurant owner Stephanie Vitori said that, upon arrival, Busta Rhymes expressed his desire to jump to the front of the long line to get his food; when employees refused to let him skip ahead, Busta returned to his car to wait. After his order was brought out to him, Busta Rhymes allegedly returned to the restaurant even more agitated, apparently upset because his ketchup was hanging out with but not on his patty:

"He was calling our delivery driver Santiago a 'faq' multiple times, and me a 'bytch' and [telling] me 'to shut the fukk up' because we put his salt, pepper, ketchup, and mayo — that he asked for — on the side."

Vitori said Busta "caused such a scene," she eventually called the cops on him, though he left the restaurant before they arrived. (She added "on the side is just how we do it.")

Then, like a true angry mom, Busta Rhymes telephoned the restaurant a few minutes later to complain that there was no cheese on his cheeseburger, which Vitori says is a lie. She says that, while on the phone, Busta said "he was going to ‘come get us.'"

While Busta's camp has yet to respond to the allegations, Vitori is remaining steadfast.

"I deal with drunk and disorderly people all the time. I have been doing this for 11 years but never in my life have I felt more disrespected as a business owner or woman."

Obviously, the one topping the burger had in abundance was drama.​

@Bruh Man 5th Flo come with those atl xxx video store employee stories!

No this is something different


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
Ok..heres another one..I knew Nicki "Minaj" before the fame..even before she got a deal with Dirty Money with Gravy and Fendi n them nikkas...I actually got into a few arguments with her about some dumb shyt..lol...I remember speaking to her about being an artist and lying about ur age..which she said she was willing to do and she did at first and nikkas didnt believe me when I said it on Sohh and on here..it got exposed and now she uses her real age..also..she used to big up Jay heavy and shyt on Nas..she was a big Jay fan and she would dismiss Nas and be like "if I wanted poetry I would listen to Maya Angelou" and other dumb shyt...thats why its funny to me that she hopped on his dikk so heavy when she actually got on in the industry and met him and she dont even really bang wit Jay like that...also..she looked way better to me before she blew up n shyt..
May 13, 2012
Alright so I got a good one .. Some may belive some may not.. Don't want to give to much info into my own identity but still want to be credible

So idk if some of ya'll remember sometime back Busta was in some shyt for beating up some faggit at some gay club or some shyt.
Can't remember the exact story the media ran but it was something along those lines.

Anyways around that time my brother was a promoter for some clubs in South Beach. nikka was really getting it in because he wasn't scared to get his hands dirty. He got to meet a shyt load of people.

So it's memorial weekend I believe or Labor Day weekend can't rememeber but Busta was out here doing a few hosting gigs and he was going to be at Dream which is club on the beach. My brother tells me that the nikka's really cool, kind of an a$$hole but stil cool enough to chill and talk shyt with. He tells me to slide through if I wanted to meet him later. I told em I would go after I went to see some chick I was fukking who use to work at Club Madonna, which is a strip club for those who don't know. Now around that time there wasn't that many gay clubs on the beach so the few that existed had a lot of traffic going their way. There was a gay club on the same block as Club Madonna I can't remember the name but it was some real homo shyt.

Now keep in mind it's memorial day weekend and the streets look flooded with people and the streets are jammed up with cars. I was real cool with management there so I exit through the back to not have to deal with the crowd in the streets. As I'm walking out the club and I see a bunch big ass nikkas and they standing around this one big cocky nikka. I was kind of faded but there was enough light for me to see them I don't think they noticed me at the moment because they were all focused on the nikka screaming but anywas I look at the dude who's screaming and I'm like damn is that Busta?!?

All I kept hearing him scream was "Son he took a picture of me!"
I kept thinking to myself, is this nikka flipping out cuz a fan took a picture of him? :what:to my smoker's you know when you're high ass fukk and you kinda question everything? In that very moment I thought to myself, wait wtf is Busta doing in the alley with all these nikkas in the back of some clubs when he got to be at Dream :dahell:My train of thought gets cut off, I hear my phone ring and no lie brehs I was on some :whoa::noah: not now shyt cuz I legit was just standing looking at this nikka yell repeatedly "son he took a picture of me" :damn:I thought to myself, this nikka bout to go ham on me now :shaq2: Luckily I played it off when they turned around and looked over at me, I answered the call and walked off like if I had just walked out :whew::damn:

I pick up the call and walk down towards where the beach is at, I can hear my brother talking fast ass hell so before I can even tell him who I seen he tells me flat out "Busta's a fakkit" I started laughing like :pachaha:then :comeon:
I asked wtf was he talking about. He tells me he got a call from some people telling him that the cops wanted to talk to Busta about an incident that occurred at a gay club with him assaulting some guy in the bathroom & asked if he could help in getting Busta in custody. :wtf::mindblown: He tells me he made some calls to ask around on what really happen because he wasn't about to do Busta like that. He spoke to one of the few girls who worked at the place as a bartender because she also would work at another club he did work for. The chick told him some guy had took a picture of Busta inside the club and Busta flipped out and fukked dude up. They didn't have any real security that could hold Busta and his nikkas back so they let him bounce through the back. My brother said he called Busta's people and told them the cops were looking for him and that they would probably show up at the club. They cancelled and my brother was cool about it cuz he was just like fukk it :shaq2::manny:

Now my brother finishes telling me all this but he's on some he can't belive it shyt. But then it hits me right then and there!
This nikka Busta a stone cold faggit :beli::wtf:
I started thinking to myself damn isnt there a gay club near Madonna's ..


Then I thought, well damn Busta was yelling about some nikka taking his pic :dwillhuh:





I tell my brother what I seen and we pretty much came to the conclusion that the story was true.

I've only told the story to a few people until now.

Anyone who knows me knows Im not the type to make up shyt so for those who don't want to belive :manny:

Parts of this reminded me of Pharrell impersonating Busta..................



Detroit/MSU Spartan Life
May 1, 2012
Ran into Obie Trice at a bar happy hour. I was sitting right next to him. I thought he looked familiar but wasnt sure so I just randomly blurted "real rap name no gimmicks":russ:. He turned around and commented on it/gave props on that acknowledge after I asked. He was kind of faded but was a cool cat. This was maybe 6-7 months before Bottoms Up Dropped. He was saying how he had a track with Em on it. He spoke on Royce a lil bit too, the beef with Him and Em was legit. Obie is cool with both cats and he said they would say foul shyt about each other. Before everything was patched up of course.

Met Proof (RIP) at best buy while I was on a summer job. Devils Night hadn't dropped yet. Proof was a cool and approachable cat. He dapped me up when I recognized him and chopped it up about hip hop for a minute and the up coming group album.

I used to run into Bizarre every once in a while at this liquor store in Southfield, MI. Cool dude he would be in there dolo talking with the owners.

Chopped it up with Lupe at a record signing in Detroit on the east side. Cool dude. I could tell he is not a soft cat by any means.

Met game and Ross on separate occasions running around with my brother pushing/shopping his production. Cool peoples, Ross seems like the type to stay in character 24/7 tho. Game is taller than I expected. I should get my bro to sign up on here he has a bunch of stories.


Sep 17, 2014
Man, woman, and child
I met DJ Hi Tek after a show in DC during the Spitkickers Tour back in 2000. Me and my homeboy and a couple honeys were pulling out the parking lot and sparking up a blunt when we saw him walking across the street. We pull up next to him like "Hiiiii Tek whatuuuuuuup!!!!!" He comes over and daps us up and smells the weed. We ask if he wants to hit it. He ended up getting in the whip and we pull back in the parking lot and smoke two blunts with him. We end up going to the after party with him and chill with Kweli, De La Soul, Common, and a bunch of industry types and male/female groupies. It was 2000 so the groupies were mostly to doobie wrap Egyptian Musk thought they were Lauryn Hill type lol.


This my city
May 9, 2012
Lemongrass, cherries, alkaline water
Ok..heres another one..I knew Nicki "Minaj" before the fame..even before she got a deal with Dirty Money with Gravy and Fendi n them nikkas...I actually got into a few arguments with her about some dumb shyt..lol...I remember speaking to her about being an artist and lying about ur age..which she said she was willing to do and she did at first and nikkas didnt believe me when I said it on Sohh and on here..it got exposed and now she uses her real age..also..she used to big up Jay heavy and shyt on Nas..she was a big Jay fan and she would dismiss Nas and be like "if I wanted poetry I would listen to Maya Angelou" and other dumb shyt...thats why its funny to me that she hopped on his dikk so heavy when she actually got on in the industry and met him and she dont even really bang wit Jay like that...also..she looked way better to me before she blew up n shyt..
This nikka been telling the maya Angelou-nas story since :hamster: was waiting for him to show up