I feel like the people on here who attack religion have some major void in their life


Payin Debts.... N40
May 29, 2012
Japan, but from the 989
I don't see a point in attacking a religion because you know at the end of the day people are going to believe or they won't. But personally some of the biggest hoes I have ever known in my life and the most bum ass dirty nikkas are now Holy Rollers. I don't know if this happened over the past two years or what but I check facebook and these folks are posting sermons! Putting up the "Like" if God has the Wheel images. It just confuses the hell outta me because one girl has three kids with three different baby sperm donors and she is talking about God this and Jesus that but won't take the responsibility to close her legs. I'm just saying it makes no sense. One of my homeboys just went Full Christian on me and I don't know how to handle it. We used to smoke weed and chill out. This nikka on some the Lord has turned around from the path of wickedness. You were just smoking weed, not crack! I don't know tho. If people have religion I say good for them if it helps them, but when they start trying to act like now that they are down with the Lord they are healed, I just sit back and be like...:comeon:


All Star
Apr 17, 2013
your so defensive that you dont even know your talking about :facepalm:

the thread doesnt say "athiests have some sort of void in there life"

this is about the people who constantly ATTACK religion on here. You can be an athiest and not attack religious people breh.

you dont have to believe in god, thats your prerogative...but if you find yourself making constant threads about how dumb religion is..and constantly stating your opinion without being asked...then therse something wrong with you. and thats what this thread is about.

we get that some people dont believe in god...good..who cares, thats not my concern

but theres something fishy about athiests going out of there way to insult people on here who believe in god...If people believe in god, and are at peace, what is it to you? why do you care? whats your agenda? why are you so angry at people who believe in religion? (not saying you, im saying those people on here who are constantly attacking religion)

thats what this thread is about. you just wrote 2 paragraphs about absolutely nothing.

:snoop: I'm not being defensive at all. I merely took part in the discussion.. this being a discussion board and everything. Anyway my post was just me putting out some thoughts on this whole thing since I've had this discussion come up in my life and seen quite a few videos and other discussions on this topic recently. And if I wrote about 'absolutely nothing', then why did you even quote and respond to bytch while pushing your own agenda? For once, how about you practice what you preach, brah, and keep it moving.

And I can't speak for all atheists, but when I see the way people act based on their religious beliefs, I do get angry. I'm angry that religion is treated as a license to ignore reality. I find it ridiculous that strength of belief is sufficient to constitute knowledge. I am outraged by what religious beliefs have been and are being used to justify. I'm angry that supposed holy books are seen as unimpeachably authoritative for no reason other than the belief that they are. I am angered when religious folks argue for eternal torture as some form of justice. I hate that religion gives people a built-in divine excuse for human failings, and gives them permission to hate, oppress and even kill people while being assured that this is what 'god' wants.

And I hate that religious people try to claim a monopoly on morality as if no one could be kind or loving, or otherwise benevolent without a book and a made up god telling them to do so. I am disgusted by the conflict (and that's putting it mildly) which has come all over something that isn't even real. I'm angry that religious people try to force non believers into silence, as if not believing in something when there's no reason to is some sort of character flaw. I'm sick of the arrogance and condescension from religious people, who try to deflect any criticism or skepticism on these things as being angry or evil or otherwise maladjusted and or somehow making a personal attack on those who believe (just like what has gone on in this thread, btw). A valid position should be able to withstand dissent without deflecting that way.

But, again, I can only speak on how I feel about all this. If you really do want to understand why atheists feel/thing/believe the way they do, how about you drop the pretentiousness, lose the self-righteous bs, stop trying to cram a bible down everyone's throat for a minute and actually listen to someone with a different view.


Its Lavish, hoe
May 2, 2012
Tdot.. till the death of me
:snoop: I'm not being defensive at all. I merely took part in the discussion.. this being a discussion board and everything. Anyway my post was just me putting out some thoughts on this whole thing since I've had this discussion come up in my life and seen quite a few videos and other discussions on this topic recently.

And I can't speak for all atheists, but when I see the way people act based on their religious beliefs, I do get angry. I'm angry that religion is treated as a license to ignore reality. I find it ridiculous that strength of belief is sufficient to constitute knowledge. I am outraged by what religious beliefs have been and are being used to justify. I'm angry that supposed holy books are seen as unimpeachably authoritative for no reason other than the belief that they are. I am angered when religious folks argue for eternal torture as some form of justice. I hate that religion gives people a built-in divine excuse for human failings, and gives them permission to hate, oppress and even kill people while being assured that this is what 'god' wants.

And I hate that religious people try to claim a monopoly on morality as if no one could be kind or loving, or otherwise benevolent without a book and a made up god telling them to do so. I am disgusted by the conflict (and that's putting it mildly) which has come all over something that isn't even real. I'm angry that religious people try to force non believers into silence, as if not believing in something when there's no reason to is some sort of character flaw. I'm sick of the arrogance and condescension from religious people, who try to deflect any criticism or skepticism on these things as being angry or evil or otherwise maladjusted and or somehow making a personal attack on those who believe (just like what has gone on in this thread, btw). A valid position should be able to withstand dissent without deflecting that way.

But, again, I can only speak on how I feel about all this. If you really do want to understand why atheists feel/thing/believe the way they do, how about you drop the pretentiousness, lose the self-righteous bs, stop trying to cram a bible down everyone's throat for a minute and actually listen to someone with a different view.

another delusional post :smh:

the only people I see on here constantly shoving there beliefs down other peoples throats is the athiests.

even look at the little debate between me and you. I have not once talked down on athiests or imposed even my opinion on your beliefs :ehh: yet you just wrote another 3 paragraphs spewing nothing but anger and insults to religion.

I could easily respond with a :umad: but im not even going to do that

why is this bothering you so much? if your content with being an athiest then be an athiest..who cares about everyone else?...other peoples beliefs shouldnt affect you to this point. unless your really not content being an athiest...and thats what this thread is about


All Star
Apr 17, 2013
another delusional post :smh:

the only people I see on here constantly shoving there beliefs down other peoples throats is the athiests. you got it backwards.

even look at the little debate between me and you. I have not once talked down on athiests :ehh: you just wrote another 3 paragraphs spewing nothing but anger and insults to religion.

I could easily respond with nothing but a :umad: but im not going to do that

why is this bothering you so much? if your happy being an athiest then be an athiest..who cares about everyone else?...other peoples beliefs shouldnt affect you to this point. unless your really not happy being an athiest...and thats what this thread is about

Really? So, you're going to compare god-bashing and other trolling on a message board to the REAL LIFE situations. Oh wow, so atheists make fun of my made up god in the internet! Never mind the fact that religious lobbies have and are right now (lbgt) using their influence to deny people rights. Never mind the numerous acts of violence and terror perpetrated by religious people onto those they perceived to be unbelievers or infidels. Nah, dudes trolling on an internet forum, that's the real persecution! It's very ironic how quick Christians in particular are to scream persecution. And let's not pretend as if no people would ever be discriminated against and threatened with violence and death if they were to say anything bad about religion publicly. Nut cases threatening terrorist attacks over cartoons has never happened, right?

And in your response, you're making my point. You are dismissing everything I'm saying and spewing up the same crap over and over. That's all y'all do. You might as well have just put :umad: and been done with it. You didn't honestly address anything I posted. You're ignoring my main point. I do not hate believers. I hate belief, or more specifically, what is allowed to be done in the name of these beliefs. You seem to act as if all of this stuff takes place in a vacuum and that there is no religious-based discrimination or violence at all in the world.

And I was speaking in general terms. I'm not at all upset while typing away right now, so just stop with that nonsense.


Its Lavish, hoe
May 2, 2012
Tdot.. till the death of me
Really? So, you're going to compare god-bashing and other trolling on a message board to the REAL LIFE situations. Oh wow, so atheists make fun of my made up god in the internet! Never mind the fact that religious lobbies have and are right now (lbgt) using their influence to deny people rights. Never mind the numerous acts of violence and terror perpetrated by religious people onto those they perceived to be unbelievers or infidels. Nah, dudes trolling on an internet forum, that's the real persecution! It's very ironic how quick Christians in particular are to scream persecution. And let's not pretend as if no people would ever be discriminated against and threatened with violence and death if they were to say anything bad about religion publicly. Nut cases threatening terrorist attacks over cartoons has never happened, right?

And in your response, you're making my point. You are dismissing everything I'm saying and spewing up the same crap over and over. That's all y'all do. You might as well have just put :umad: and been done with it. You didn't honestly address anything I posted. You're ignoring my main point. I do not hate believers. I hate belief, or more specifically, what is allowed to be done in the name of these beliefs. You seem to act as if all of this stuff takes place in a vacuum and that there is no religious-based discrimination or violence at all in the world.

And I was speaking in general terms. I'm not at all upset while typing away right now, so just stop with that nonsense.

What's the point in responding to your beliefs? .. Those are your beliefs and there's nothing I can do to change that :ehh: unlike you I can accept other people's religious beliefs whether I agree with them or not.. And not bash them for it

Maybe when your realize u can't change change people's beliefs you'll take a different approach.. Because all the bashing your doing is accomplishing nothing but furthering the point of this thread

I mean can't u see I'm at Peace? .. Your the one whose not... You just rattled off a bunch of reasons why your angry..

IM NOT ANGRY :heh:..

Good day sir, my job here is done


All Star
Apr 17, 2013
What's the point in responding to your beliefs? .. Those are your beliefs and there's nothing I can do to change that :ehh: unlike you I can accept other people's religious beliefs whether I agree with them or not.. And not bash them for it

Maybe when your realize u can't change change people's beliefs you'll take a different approach.. Because all the bashing your doing is just furthering the point of this thread

Good day sir, my job here is done

Who's bashing? We're having a discussion... On a disucssion board. I didn't say fukk god or fukk religion or fukk those who believe. I offered my stance on a specific part of this topic.... Which you again ignored and dismissed as I mentioned. The whole 'well it is what it is, you can't change it stance' is just another cop out, just like you're copping out of this discussion all while trying to play it like you're all high and mighty like you're slick. Just like y'all always do whenever there are legitimate concerns/criticisms of your biased, bigoted belief system. It's whatever, though.


Its Lavish, hoe
May 2, 2012
Tdot.. till the death of me
Who's bashing? We're having a discussion... On a disucssion board. I didn't say fukk god or fukk religion or fukk those who belief. I offered my stance on a specific part of this topic.... Which you again ignored and dismissed as I mentioned. The whole 'well it is what it is, you can't change it stance' is just another cop out, just like you're copping out of this discussion all while trying to play it like you're all high and mighty like you're slick. Just like y'all always do whenever there are legitimate concerns/criticisms of your biased, bigoted belief system. It's whatever, though.

:skip: wow....so now i think im high and mighty because i responded to you intelligently and didnt stoop to the level of knocking your opinions

Nah breh id rather let you make an ass of yourself while i sit back on some
and if that makes me high and mighty..then so be it

You really think im going to take the bait? :ufdup:

ill let the athiests handle that...us god believers dont stoop to that level :troll::troll: (that was sarcasim btw)


All Star
Apr 17, 2013
So you really can't understand the difference between being angry about a set of cirumstances and me being angry right here right now with tears in my eyes and snot bubbling as I type this? Which I am not, btw. Lol. And if you truly were about living and letting live, then why even quote me in the first place? And why edit that post just now to get in another little slick reply after you claimed to be done with it? Lmao. That's the irony of all this. Face it, brah. You tried to go at me and failed. Then tried to play the bigger man when you couldn't respond with anything more than an insult or a smiley. Lulz.


All Star
Apr 17, 2013
And that's just it. You didn't respond with anything intelligent at all. You immediately wrote me off as delusional and :umad:. What a joke. You didn't respond because you couldn't, not with anything remotely logical or intelligent. There is no response y'all can give other than the bible says so, I'm right you're wrong blah blah blah.


Its Lavish, hoe
May 2, 2012
Tdot.. till the death of me
So you really can't understand the difference between being about a set of cirumstances and me being angry right here right now with tears in my eyes and snot bubbling as I type this? Lol. And if you truly were about living and letting live, then why even quote me in the first place? And why edit that post just now to get in another little slick reply after you claimed to be done with it? Lmao. That's the irony of all this. Face it, brah. You tried to go at me and failed. Then tried to play the bigger man when you couldn't respond with anything more than insult or a smiley. Lulz.

I quoted you to educate you on the topic at hand :ehh: you responded to a thread about apples..by discussing oranges. It was clear that you didnt know what The thread was about...

And All the lols and lmaos you type doesnt change the fact that your angry as you yourself stated so cut it out :ufdup:


Its Lavish, hoe
May 2, 2012
Tdot.. till the death of me
And that's just it. You didn't respond with anything intelligent at all. You immediately wrote me off as delusional and :umad:. What a joke. You didn't respond because you couldn't, not with anything remotely logical or intelligent . There is no response y'all can give other than the bible says so, I'm right you're wrong blah blah blah.

When it comes to these beliefs i feel there is no right or wrong answer...its all in what you believe :manny:

So I respect your opinion on the matter..and thats that


All Star
Apr 17, 2013
I quoted you to educate you on the topic at hand :ehh: you responded to a thread about apples..by discussing oranges. It was clear that you didnt know what The thread was about...

And All the lols and lmaos you type doesnt change the fact that your angry as you yourself stated so cut it out :ufdup:

You didn't educate me on anything. All you did was validate my claims. You insulted me and/or dismissed my views in order to avoid any legitimate discussion on the matter. None of the smilies you post can change that. It also can't change the fact that you contradicted yourself more than once in this exchange. But whatever bro, you claim to live by the credo of live and let live. So, I'm good with that.