Top 40 single on the pop charts, top 5 R&B single. The Rhythm of Love album peaked at #2 on the billboard charts, went double plat.
To say no one was checking for her is an overstatement. If Toni Braxton had a lane back then, then surely her predecesor still did as well and her sales reflected that.
For what its worth I don't see her adjusting well into the direction R&B went after 96', but she was still relevant in 94. Just my opinion.

again, the thread we're in is about ranking anita baker #1.
nobody is saying she isn't great, I said i even own and listen to her music from time to time myself, even today.
but when we're talking about GOATS, you have to put everything out there on the table
now - if we're googling and researching, look up what Toni did in 1994.
and remember, we're discussing the GOAT. shouldn't the GOAT tower over them in sales?

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