It's called doing your research. I came to the discussion already prepared to defend my point. Maybe you should hop on Google yourself.
I already negated your point. No one talks about Whitney albums period. .

what is your obsession with whitney houston!?

bruh, if you think Whitney is WORSE than Anita baker that's're cool. nobody will hurt you for that belief

you seem hell bent on driving home this argument that anita baker is a better singer than's bizarre fam.
and let's keep it 100, would you want to hear anita baker over a new jack swing production?
or what about after mary and puff did on whats the 411? Anita was about to hit us with some Uptown/Hip Hop/R&B type shyt?

she was done after the 80's, the genre moved on...plenty of artists on UNSUNG have said this about their careers