thanks for this link. i liked umar's facebook page a while ago but it doesn't look like he updates his page too often so i don't get to hear the ether he spits.
i first heard him on hidden colors.
people like umar who make black ppl go

umar is like the new farrakhan. umar talks about black leaders this and that but he's really the new face of the black leader today. If i met him like OP did i'd tell him he's the new neo in this matrix and keep on encouraging him to speak against the establishment and take a picture with him. these cacs will take his life in a conspiracy like they did with dr amos wilson.
dr umar can reach people more than the likes of chuck d and griff cause the conscious hiphop platform has been destroyed by cacs. they now have it that they own the positive hiphop platform in the mainstream and only push black gangsta rappers. so it's important a black speaker not come out of the hiphop platform because that will be an unnecessary uphill battle.
i see myself in dr umar the way these cacs go ape sh1t when i spit. you see how this coli cac has studied the whole hour 24 min vid and come up with attacking the part which has even nothing to do with dr umar to discredit the WHOLE VID

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