There isn't a push my mainstream media ( eventuated by them being more than 500% represented on TV shows) to make the ideas normalized.?I cant cosign anyone who thinks there's a "gay agenda" thoughThat shyt is just stupid as hell.
There hasn't been a push recently to allow transgenders to compete in opposite sex competitions and locker rooms?
They aren't painted in a better light than any 'minority' group- besides 'jews' - even tho they are less than 5% of the population?.
Has there been more policies designed at assisting blacks or gays -rights, since we've had the first mixed president?
There aren't more teenage black kids more concerned w gay rights than black people issues?
I'm just asking if any of this is the case, because if it is then I can see how Umar can make a case after he does some research on the subject.