I can't lie, I like being around men shorter than me. Makes me feel more dominate

Krazy K

All Star
May 15, 2015
I'm no p*ssy, I feel dominate around tall dudes also, because I got the heart of a guy thats' 6'7, so I feel tall and as we all know ...perception is reality. But I like hanging with short men tho, I feel big and powerful...like "I could totally dominate this nikka, and take what ever I want from him"

I can just feel their energy. Its very weak and docile. Like their ready to submit to your stature if u choose to oppose your will. Im not into fukking with nobody so they got nothing to worry about but the animal in me see a wounded deer, ready to be devoured. Sometime it cross my mind "If society broke down, I could enslave this guy, hell totally submit"

I used to work with this guy that was like 5'5, good brother, we got along well...I have no bad things to say. But psychologically when he was in my presence, I felt this weird sense of ease. Like a powerful person would feel around a butler, servant or flunky. I felt like I had control in our interactions because I could pummel him into submission if I wanted.

I'm not a bully or nothing, but its an animalistic instinct. Tall men usual treat me as a peer. I never had a little man complex, I've always been fine with being avg height. I think they respect my demeanor. Or maybe they were like me and felt I wasn't a threat the same way I felt around my coworker? I don't know. But maybe I'm delusional but I think I can beat a dude that's like 6 something, In my mind I can, Most likely I would take a ass whooping but my mind is telling me Ill win. So I have confidence around big men, we get along well...no need to be jealous of them.


All Star
Nov 20, 2016
The most delusional poster here. Your post tells me you are weak.

I don't like any man being weak. I dunno why, I guess I like competition too damn much. Makes me better if I am around strong men.


Nov 20, 2016
So you're saying you're a dominatrix? :sas1:

How do you impose your alleged "dominans" on these short dudes? :sas2:


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
lol...just because we respect others does NOT mean we allow others to disrespect us. there is such a thing as mutual respect. it's what most societies are built on.

trump, jordan, mayweather, etc., all those people you mentioned might be sucessful, but they also seem unhappy. i don't look up to them. they may be "#winning" but it's the charlie sheen style of winning where you know it's a front. he was looking down on the whole world like he was so great but really he was just an HIV positive drug addict with a few ex-wives and no real friends.

if this is your therapy, i guess we're your therapists:manny:

the way you look at the world is very typical for a sociopath. if you remove all human emotion and empathy from the equation of life, then yes, power/domination and #winning look like that's all there is to ilife. it's a 2d worldview.

but for the rest of us, that worldview seems straight CRAZY, because we see life in 3d. we can't see other people as unwitting pawns in our chessboard of life just to push around at will in our quest for power and domination. we have a conscience. we would feel bad doing so. but just because we have a conscience, it doesn't mean we are weak. don't mistake that kindness for weakness.

because while the sociopath may get over sometimes, they miss out on the best part of life. human connection. they get cut off from that, and it makes their lives miserable. so next time you put some sociopath on a pedestal because he has power, remember that no amount of p*ssy, money, or power tripping can make up for the fact that he or she will never truly connect with another human being. their lives are empty, and their depression lasts for a lifetime, no matter what front they try to put up.

I care about humanity ALOT but i also want to be great...its an internal battle that I fight...should i be edison or tesla...i dont know?