i can't figure out quite why religious folk regardless of their upbringing...


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Napoleon said:
I like how you ignore the other quotes of Galileo that basically shyt on the church

I like how you have NO evidence to support your claim....

Napoleon said:
I AM smarter than people who believe in god.





The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I like how you have NO evidence to support your claim....



Again with the selective quotes.

Him being a member of a muslim society doesn't impact the arab world's contribution to mathematics... :why:

BUT...we all know when those new islamic rulers came to town.

Trust me. You should watch this. It PRECISELY addresses where you're trying to take this. :shaq2:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIMifWU5ucU"]The Effect of Islam on Science in the Middle East - 9th-12th Century - YouTube[/ame]

Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
1. What is a soul? Where is it and what does it do and what does it look like?

2. I care if whats being discussed is accurate and I take great pride in being able to express myself in a way that maintains the integrity of the topics being discussed. If your god concept wasn't so faulty, maybe you'd have a better time defending it. Its not my job to represent your ideas FOR you.

If you only comprehend what you see then you only comprehend half the world. And for that I feel sorry for you.

Contrary to what you think, I don't really care what you believe. But you're lying to yourself saying you don't care because if you didn't care you wouldn't spend so much time discussing it.

What it boils down to is you either believe or you don't.

"Indeed, those who disbelieve - it is all the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them - they will not believe. Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment."

You are handicapped, friend. Your vision is impaired and brain is lacking. I understand everything you do and more. You lack "the more" and are thus beneath me. How foolish would it for me to abandon knowledge, understanding and guidance to follow an admitted clueless person like yourself? What would I replace this knowledge, understanding and guidance with? Ignorance? Uncertainty? Nothing?

I have a destination and a map while you are lost and don't even know where you're trying to go. To you be your way and to me be mine. :yeshrug:


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Napoleon said:
Again with the selective quotes.

Quotes are insignificant. We know who the people in those pics are. We also know they were all extremely intelligent because of the evidence. No one knows who you are and nothing you have posted supports your claim.....

Napoleon said:
I AM smarter than people who believe in god.


Why should anyone believe your claim without any evidence? Why do YOU believe it when there is contradictory evidence? Most important of all.....

Napoleon said:
Trust me.

I have no reason to.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
If you only comprehend what you see then you only comprehend half the world. And for that I feel sorry for you.

Funny. I'm not asking you to only use "vision" as a means of discerning the truth. You can't see x-rays either, but I can demonstrate and illustrate their existence. :usure:

Contrary to what you think, I don't really care what you believe. But you're lying to yourself saying you don't care because if you didn't care you wouldn't spend so much time discussing it.
This is dismissive and attempts to make it sound like YOUR dismissal means more than than mine.

You can't complain about people discussing things...then discuss them yourself.

What it boils down to is you either believe or you don't.
You think you're profound now...? :pachaha:

"Indeed, those who disbelieve - it is all the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them - they will not believe. Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment."
I can quote harry potter too.

Its funny how your religion accounts for people who won't believe it.

Most ideas that remind you that people may not believe it tend to be overcompensating for...you know...people not believing in it... :manny:

You are handicapped, friend.
Says the guy who talks to god... :mjpls:

Your vision is impaired and brain is lacking.
Brain is ...lacking? :what: :heh:
I understand everything you do and more. You lack "the more" and are thus beneath me.

How foolish would it for me to abandon knowledge, understanding and guidance to follow an admitted clueless person like yourself? What would I replace this knowledge, understanding and guidance with? Ignorance? Uncertainty? Nothing?
What does the lessons you've learned about morality or even how you view your self have to do with whether or not your god exists?

I have a destination and a map while you are lost and don't even know where you're trying to go. To you be your way and to me be mine. :yeshrug:

Its funny how religious people LOVE to say "well you only talk about it cause you care"...well no shyt. I care if what is being discussed is true...don't you? :usure:

And you're not going anywhere. You think you're more eloquent than you actually are and its frankly embarrassing. Your attempts at sounding poetic make you instead come off as a charlatan and as someone who just quotes whats on the church brochures.

You're not that bright and you frankly aren't even versed enough to properly express yourself. You clearly don't have any special knowledge or input about ANY topic yet you wrap yourself in this blanket of "legitimacy" thats nothing more than a farce for actual intelligence.

Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
^Cool story bro.

What I look like reading all that? I guess as foolish as you look typing all that about something you believe is complete BS. :heh:

Again... to you be your way to me be mine.


All Star
Jul 25, 2012
If you only comprehend what you see then you only comprehend half the world. And for that I feel sorry for you.

Contrary to what you think, I don't really care what you believe. But you're lying to yourself saying you don't care because if you didn't care you wouldn't spend so much time discussing it.

What it boils down to is you either believe or you don't.

"Indeed, those who disbelieve - it is all the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them - they will not believe. Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment."

You are handicapped, friend. Your vision is impaired and brain is lacking. I understand everything you do and more. You lack "the more" and are thus beneath me. How foolish would it for me to abandon knowledge, understanding and guidance to follow an admitted clueless person like yourself? What would I replace this knowledge, understanding and guidance with? Ignorance? Uncertainty? Nothing?

I have a destination and a map while you are lost and don't even know where you're trying to go. To you be your way and to me be mine. :yeshrug:

This smacks of presumption and delusion.

Are you following religious beliefs for the sake of stability? In order for your plans and goals to be imbued with a sense of purpose? If so, barring any divine revelation, fear of a lack of meaning motivates you, NOT truth.

If you claim divine revelation, then pardon my jealousy for I too would love to bear witness to this transcendent force. Also pardon my incredulity as most who claim divine revelation have severe mental disabilities.

If God blinds people purposefully, keeping truth seekers from finding the truth, why would I serve a god that wants me to be ignorant?

Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
This smacks of presumption and delusion.

Are you following religious beliefs for the sake of stability? In order for your plans and goals to be imbued with a sense of purpose? If so, barring any divine revelation, fear of a lack of meaning motivates you, NOT truth.

If you claim divine revelation, then pardon my jealousy for I too would love to bear witness to this transcendent force. Also pardon my incredulity as most who claim divine revelation have severe mental disabilities.

If God blinds people purposefully, keeping truth seekers from finding the truth, why would I serve a god that wants me to be ignorant?

God blinds those who choose to be blinded. The choice is yours. But once you choose the :demonic:, I guess you roll with it. I have no problems with it because I don't choose that lifestyle, homie. :yeshrug:

To answer you question/address your assumption, I operate on truth, understanding and common sense. Do you think you were you created by nothing?


Jun 4, 2012
Which philosophy one sounds more reasonable to you?

I AM smarter than people who believe in god.

Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived - The Oatmeal

Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek ever - GeekWire
To create and to annihilate material substance, cause it to aggregate in forms according to his desire, would be the supreme manifestation of the power of Man's mind, his most complete triumph over the physical world...
The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power.
To me, the universe is simply a great machine which never came into being and never will end. The human being is no exception to the natural order. Man, like the universe, is a machine. Nothing enters our minds or determines our actions which is not directly or indirectly a response to stimuli beating upon our sense organs from without


Jun 4, 2012
I'm pretty sure NOTHING in his religion made those revelations.

Theres nothing in christianity or any other religion that does that.

Thats physics, dumb ass.

I didn't make a statement.... so who exactly is the "dumb ass". I just allowed you to read Nikola Tesla's pov. So if you're more intelligent, accomplished, and innovative than that man- so be it... I mean, you are proving your superior intelligence with every post... :umad:



just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
1. Doesn't matter. Not all religious have aspects that "worship" The fact that you claim you don't need to worship your god means thats your perception of that god or what that god asks of you. Thats religious.

2. You've made supernatural claims about your god though... :snoop:

3. Bullshyt. In our many back and forths, you've obviously made references to how "spiritual" you are but not religious. Then when I called you out on that, you claim to be a "non-religious theist"...as if such a thing even exists. :rudy:

4. Complexity is subjective and ultimately on a sliding scale of relativity. Doesn't mean anything. The fact that your "rituals" have any degree of complexity means that they're still religious.

5. Doesn't matter if it "goes against science." Religious claims, if they were true, wouldn't have to be updated or tested. They'd just...be true, real, or valid. Science doesn't make claims of absolutism or objectivity...theism/religion does. Thats the difference. One is committed to continual refinement, the other is just committed to whatever it WANTS to be true.
1. Religious trait but not making me religious.
2. Name the supernatural claims that you said I said.
3. Nothings I said was spiritual. If you feel that way then say what I said that is considered spiritual.
4. What you doing is based on you feeling that I am religious. We all know your "feelings" have no effect on whether something is fact. Its not complex. Its a view based on what we have done. Its purely grounded in science and follows scientific law to a tee.
5. Even my beleif itself doesn't go against the scientific facts established today. In fact its based off if our ability to create therefore enabling other intelligent species to create according to the same scientific law we follow.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I didn't make a statement.... so who exactly is the "dumb ass". I just allowed you to read Nikola Tesla's pov. So if you're more intelligent, accomplished, and innovative than that man- so be it... I mean, you are proving your superior intelligence with every post... :umad:


I frankly don't give a damn.

I lose even an infinitesimal amount of respect for you if you're religious.

You can't claim to be interested in understanding the workings of reality by presupposing something that has not be proven or demonstrated outside of the rhetoric used to convince individuals who aren't capable of keeping up that such a thing exists.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

1. Religious trait but not making me religious.
2. Name the supernatural claims that you said I said.
3. Nothings I said was spiritual. If you feel that way then say what I said that is considered spiritual.
4. What you doing is based on you feeling that I am religious. We all know your "feelings" have no effect on whether something is fact. Its not complex. Its a view based on what we have done. Its purely grounded in science and follows scientific law to a tee.
5. Even my beleif itself doesn't go against the scientific facts established today. In fact its based off if our ability to create therefore enabling other intelligent species to create according to the same scientific law we follow.

1. ... :troll: I'm not even going to waste my time on that.

2. Bruh. You claim your god exists outside of the universe but it doesn't intervene...thats a claim about the status of your god. Thats a religious claim. Thats no different from any other religion.

3. You've said this several times before. I'm not playing these games with you nor will I scour your post history.

4. There is literally NOTHING supporting your view outside of your own misunderstanding and misrepresentation of thing you purport as evidence.

5. Yeah. it essentially does. If you want to invoke the scientific method, you don't get to presuppose something that you can't even support with ANY evidence. I'm not talking visual evidence. You're only clinging to deism because all other realms for your little god to exist have been thoroughly evaluated and debunked and you know it. The best you can do is hang on to the notion that theres something out there but you can't even define it so you keep moving the goal posts when the idea is threatened, yet you can't even defend it in lieu of the sheer lack of any thing you can substantiate the idea with. Even worse, you don't recognize the fallacy of invoking this infinite regress of "creation" but don't seem to have any answers for where your "creator" originates. Just say "I don't know" like a good little lad and call it a day. I won't even address how stupid you sound quoting "scientific law we follow"...spoken like a real idiot who clearly didn't pay attention in class but watches sci-fi movies to appear open minded while misrepresenting the very concepts he's exposed to.

Do better. :whoo: