I've read every page of this thread. I'm assuming most posters are black. We need to work on eating less meat. Portion sizes. Expanding into eating more roots, seeds, grains, and nuts. All the plating needs work. But, this isn't work so presentation mean little. I'm happy to see ya'll really cooking balanced meals. The flavors are flat though.
I highly recommend trying Indian and middle eastern flavors. I think they're black friendly. It's different than American cuisine so learning it is tricky. But the food is delicious and beautiful. Also very good for you.
Making soup stock is something everyone should learn to do from scratch. A stock can be used as a brine, a drink, a tenderizer, a sauce, dressing, and marinade. It's cheap asf too. Knife skills make cooking more fun. You have to suffer to get good though. These are my hands after three years of being a cook
Blisters on top of blisters. I have a callus right where my finger bends. My hands hurt everyday. But you have to sacrifice to make god food from scratch. It was worth it. I'm 5'10 and I weigh 150-155. I eat whatever what I want in small portions and keep it cheap as possible without sacrificing my health.