like others already mentioned, there was no Hyphy era
outside of some bay artist being featured on the cover of XXL or the Source and a few videos, the shyt never went anywhere and just fizzled
Crunk had a stranglehold on the game and Texas was starting to look like they was about to takeover the game from ATL, but something happened, Crunk just continued until Jeezy, T.I. and Gucci locked it down then Souljah Boy and that whole snap /ringtone era thano dusted everything and had any self respecting hip hop fan in their feelings, then there was the blog era with all of the alternative emo outside the box , fro-hawk and skinny jean nikkas rappin about spaceships and their emotions and shyt....
After a while hiphop coalesced until drill came along
Hypy never had a phase, that was a breief flash in the pan, a misfire