Hustlemania where you at tell me how pathetic wayne lookin here

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
it really comes down, to he's not technically sound.. some people are, some arent.. its something that could easily be learned, but as this point in his life.. it seems as if he's got so many "yes men" around him- that he's not in tune with alot of things.. it would take someone to be like, "homie.. you look really awkward, and goofy on a skateboard" for him to actually get it..

skateboarding is something you either have, or you dont.. alot of people start off looking as awkward as he does in this video.. but, at this point.. given the level of talent hes been exposed to, as well as all the time in the world to hone a skill as looking comfortable on a skateboard.. its pretty safe to say, he wont get it..

the first things ANY skateboarder should learn.. is, how to ride comfartably(foot placement, and weight distribution).. and, how to fall properly.. he clearly looks uncomfortable, and if he were to fall- :whoo:

as i said, i commend him on his fakie shuv-it.. not bad.. but, he's clearly got a very long way to go in terms of ollieing, and the variation of trick that will derive from that..

real talk.. it took me one night to lear how to ollie up a curb.. :ld: i taught kids how to kickflip, in ten minutes.. its about foot placement, and weight distribution.. thats the foundation, Wayne clearly lacks.. dudes hustling his skate shyt backwards..

preciate it,..handshake!!

i feel you on if he was to fall...

plus he is at an age.

where i would think he should know. that if he fell, his recovery time would be lengthened considerably. which is why i don't understand his inability to not pick up the mechanics. as i would think at that age,..your comprehension on mechanics would be at a level. where you know you have to master it or risk serious injury.

when i watch him skate,..i cringe like when he falls, he is done...

or let's say he is at a venue..

in the parking lot and can't control the deck to manuever out the way a rocm or small stick getting stuck under his truck. or he can't do a simple tail stop to avoid a truck in the lot.

it is over his body and layers of his epidermis are shredded off in one circumstance.

i guess when you get by on half assing, just half ass everything.

anyway,..why not pitch him for that check.

to teach him and give him the harsh critique.

i would think you could ramp him up pretty quickly.

or do you not want him to be turned on by you and attached to your brand?

art barr


May 23, 2012
what this nikka talking about mumbling and shyt..and why he on a skateboard..smh tell this wierdo to grow up

Another Man

Trappin w/ Benzino
May 1, 2012
Red Roof Inn
I don think anyone that wasn't serious about it would be up at all times of the night skating EVERYDAY, it's been well documented....

I mean I SUCK at golf, but I still play 2-3 times a week, even wearing my golf shyt in public...does that make me a poser?, just someone trying to enjoy a hobby...

Poor analogy. It's one thing to have a hobby, but another to act like it's your entire lifestyle. It would be like someone walking around wearing tapout every day on some tough guy shyt like they fight MMA and eat breathe shyt UFC, yet have rarely even trained, let alone fought anyone.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I don think anyone that wasn't serious about it would be up at all times of the night skating EVERYDAY, it's been well documented....

I mean I SUCK at golf, but I still play 2-3 times a week, even wearing my golf shyt in public...does that make me a poser?, just someone trying to enjoy a hobby...

dawg,...i just think those vids are bs.

they are just one and few and far between.

plus they feature someone who does not take the time to really get better.

see he is in a controlled environment skating.

one pebble of black asphalt[bituminous aggregate] out on some blacktop caught under his truck.

will force him to either learn to contol his deck.

plus, learn to olley at least three to four inches under duress.

as that one pebble and how far you get sent flying and your board.

in the other direction,...will make you see how dangerous skating can be if you can not skate.

so it just clicks in your brain to get better, period.

the embarrassing thought of when you fall from a small twig or pebble under your truck.

will make you be like,..i can not let this little obstruction in the road stop me.

it also tells you,..i will not let no little ass twig or pebble make me get hurt this bad ever again.

every real skater who improved had the obstacle of the pebble or twig under your truck.

it is like the first time you get hurt really bad. you either tell yourself...i learn to move out the way.

or it clicks in your brain,..i can go over it,...

if you don't! you crash and burn and get really fukked up.

like layers of skin possible broken bone fukked up from one fukkin little ass twig or pebble.

there is no way i can believe he really practices.

if he did he would be way better, if he did not have a controlled environment. he would be way better.

as you can not skate in an urban environment, or outside.

without getting the basics of controlling and owning your deck.

including being able to ollie and at least tail or grind stop.

one twig under a truck will make you improve period.

it is no way around it if you want to skate.

as you can not sweep up every landmass you want to skate in.

to skate you have to learn to get to ollie stage, period.

which means you learn to ride your deck,...there is no way around it.

it just isn' can not skate anywhere but a park if you don't learn to ollie.

that is why i know he can not be practicing because if he was.

he would be addicted, and would always have a deck.

rolling in a bentley or a rolls with a deck on some expensive leather seats.

like stop right here,..lemme out.

then go snipe on some public outdoor lot,..that he feels he can ride on.

skating is that addicting, i don't believe he skates.

if he did, would have his deck or he would have a deck like all the time.

he would be way better, he skates now.

he could not successfully skate in one concert parking lot.

which is unacceptable,.plus to a skater seeing some black smooth asphalt is like crack.

it is just no way if he was on it for real.

the work would show,..he don't stay in a winter state.

plus he got a crib where he can skate, there is no excuse.

shyt, if he saw thrashin' and the house in thrashin',...he would want to improve just to emulate those scenes, period. i know i dreamed of having a house to do it when i skated.

i know for sure hustle got to where he got because he was in a warm climate environment.

plus i know he skated all day in an urban environment.

hustle couldn't go sweep an incline in a parking lot or loading zone.

shyt all he got was the moment to see where he was going to sneak into.

skate it and get gone before security ran him off.

hustle is the personification of someone who skated everyday.

without the hinderance of weather, weezy has no excuse.

hustlemania had less and did more,..weezy has more and does less..

it is as simple as that,....
i bet weezy don't even know what thrashin is.

shyt me and my homies skated for at least two summers before thrashin.

when thrashin came on vhs,..we rented it everyday.

watched it and stole moves from that shyt and ran outside and skated.

now you can go on youtube to get every trick.

so weezy has no excuse...

anyone who skated can tell this is all pr and marketing.

anybody who skated and i haven't skated since 89.

even, i can tell dude don't skate like that.

weezy need an off road go ped and just need to stop playing.

shyt that is what i turn to since i don't skate anymore.

art barr


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
I though he was done when he busted his eye open. the fact he kept going shows he has some passion for it. but yeah, I don't know what he's doing or how often he skates

I mean, when I was a kid I skated everyday. and yeah, my friends all pushed each other. it was so important to learn how to ollie, and that was like 1988. Wayne been trying to skate for more than a year and still can't ollie. I know it might sound funny saying he sucks cause he can't do that one trick, but that one trick is the foundation of pretty much everything else. he also has the benefit of learning in skateparks. I had a parking lot and a parking block

honestly through all this I was waiting for him to get better and surprise us all. but it's just not happening

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
this is what weezy needs to stick to;


a go-ped!!

no hate on the go-ped either.

the ride is incredible!!

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012

but honestly...the nikka prolly wouldve done better tryna get into BMX...or seeing the way he seems to half ass shyt...maybe

he could have sold more bikes than decks.

i also,..think with his money.

he could have funded a new lighter polymer for frames.

which would have had a higher profit margin.

i went from decks to stunt bmx.

never got a haro or gt or nuffin.' i had the 88 maxx air.

which was an expert with a different paint job.

art barr

is currently watching thrashin'!!!