Just came in to say that I'm still alive. Power been out for over 24 hours. Internet been down since before 2pm. This is the first time I've gotten any activity on the coli since then. Not even Verizon data is working. No football today.
We were able to get the generator running and hooked up the fridge to cool some of the food, and my brother and his boy hooked up the tv and PlayStation so they can entertain themselves with Madden. Luckily I had my 3ds and charged up my tablet. Watching wolf of wall street now. Bbq didn't work, think it was cuz it was too windy out. It's a propane grill. I hope it has some in the tank. Couldn't cook so I just made myself a sandwich. For breakfast, I ate cold pop tarts and warm bottled water, sacrificing out here. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Had to crack open some windows cuz it's burning hot in here, and still is. Only minimal damage to our back screen. Nothing me and my dad can't fix. get a new tube thing for the screen door since the one broke off the frame, so it slams open and close with the wind every so often. Luckily it was just that piece and the door didn't break off the hinge. I'll see if I'm able to check in tomorrow and the situation improves. Hopefully this message posts. But for now mark me on the list as living, like I guaranteed.
Hope everyone else in the area is still with us also.