I have the first trade of his Black Panther run, but I haven't read it yet. Still need to get through Christopher Priest's run.
The Case for Reparationswhat do you feel is his best work/piece ?
I hate the pacing in his writing for the comic.I have the first trade of his Black Panther run, but I haven't read it yet.
I didn't know he dropped out of Howard.I find him to be a good writer/researcher but his despair is off-putting. Surely, Afro-descendants in the US can undertake solutions which can at least mitigate our plight.
I do not find him arrogant. In a lot of interviews, he notes that he's a college dropout. Perhaps he interprets that event as a sign of personal failure, despite his success.
He idolizes France and thinks America can be reformed. His best ideas are rehashes of Baldwin and Dubois though he does not hide that but White liberals love him because he is not radical in ideology nor global in perspective.
He does? How so? (Really asking, don't know much of his work for the moment and curious since I live in France). It's interesting because Between the world and me was well received here, both by "mainstream" media as by black media. Really liked it myself, need to read some of his other stuff.
He moved to France, is learning the language, and basically said racism is an American thing and does not exist in France.
What did he do to the Black Panther?He nt only ruined the Black Panther character in comics but he is one of those comfortable black centrists.