How yall black dudes survive at these mostly white colleges?


Sep 10, 2012
Nothing is worse than when you're in sociology class and they go to reading off some of these statistics about black folks and cacs are low key looking back at you like :mjpls:

I just hit em with a simple :manny:

Dont get me started on how weird class was when obama first got elected :snoop:

I remember our professor told people to list common racial stereotypes. One person said Chinese ppl know karate, another said Jamaicans smoke weed, maaaaaaaaan you know this one cac chick said that black ppl cant read and have AIDS :why:

I damn near choked on my muffin brehs :what:

What was your stereotype about white people? :comeon:


May 10, 2012
meh College CACS can't be as bad as some of the ones I went to HS with

Two Stacks

New Orleans Shoe Lover
May 1, 2012
New Orleans, Louisiana
i grew up in the hood, no white people or any other race in elementary, same in middle school, woulda been the same in high school, but hurricane katrina happed, but the school i went to was 99%black and the white people stayed off into the corner, college was a hbcu

outside of work i dont really have any contact wit white people

i dont listen to any white music, or really know to much about non black cultures, i tired sushi before with ex, nothin i want again tho

its like im just walking around outta place bra, shyt is ill bra :wow:

but ima just work my ass off this year and just do me, some of the bytches be :ohhh: but when they talk i be :stopitslime: its like they totally opposite, they never been around black people :wow:

idk bra some things really hard to learn on your own, plus that degree will come in handy also, im in computer science and coding isnt the easiest things to get, shyt learning linux isnt the easiest thing, but ima junior so i dont have long and so far i dont have majors loans, i loans i own range from 1-3 stacks, thats nothin to pay back

people go to college for all type of different reason, and like i said the classes im doin great in, im a computer science major, and im pretty good wit math and computers so im not have a problem, but at the end of the day the environment matters imo :yeshrug: if im paying money to go here and taking out loans i wanna have the best total experience, like i said i bout to work my ass off and do my thang

I go to UNO, it's a nice mix of all races...but as always, as I'm going thru 3000 level classes, its no blacks and black men are :damn: we few and far in between.


May 4, 2012
Ok i just transferred from a hbcu and im at most white college right now, and the atmosphere is just trash, i like the classes tho, and im learning alot, and im having no problems in that area, but its like i feel mad out of place daily walking around that school, its not like they give off a racist vibe or nothin like that, it just like i dont fit in at all, im not really attracted to none of the chicks, dont get me wrong they have alot of pretty blacks chicks that go there, but its like they white washed and they personality turns me off on a major level

i had this one black chick tell me she had to transfer from one other college(one that im probably gon transfer to after this year) cause they had to many black people there, only dudes im cool wit is the nikkaz on the bball team, cause most of them not lame ass nikkaz, they just there on scholarship

now dont get me wrong i got at a couple bytches and just cause they white wash dont mean i wont fukk em, but i just cant fukk wit them on no other level

all in all it different, i felt i wanted a lil change, but idk brahs this shyt wack, i need to be around more black people
Only advice i can give you is start a business. If you're uncomfortable around these cacs now, its going to be even worse if you decide to get a job with them which is the opposite of what black people should be doing right now. START A BUSINESS. Black people seem to only want an education so they can go work for some cac to enrich them while everyone else is talking about starting their own businesses and circulating money within their own people. This is why we're broke and this is why we're getting left in the dust. We feel your pain bruh. Trust me, it gets worse later having to act phony around them while they're telling you to smile all day making subliminal racist jokes in the office. Good luck finding a company that has a lot of black people making real dough. They'll mostly be black women that fit the description of the white washed birds you mentioned earlier.

Alot of these cats wont understand what you're saying because the closer they are to white people the more they think they're getting ahead in life, but they're really clueless as to how this game really works.

Again, START A BUSINESS by any means. You'll never make real dough with a 9-5 unless you're going into medicine or law.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
Nothing is worse than when you're in sociology class and they go to reading off some of these statistics about black folks and cacs are low key looking back at you like :mjpls:

I just hit em with a simple :manny:

Dont get me started on how weird class was when obama first got elected :snoop:

I remember our professor told people to list common racial stereotypes. One person said Chinese ppl know karate, another said Jamaicans smoke weed, maaaaaaaaan you know this one cac chick said that black ppl cant read and have AIDS :why:

I damn near choked on my muffin brehs :what:
you gotta refute those stereotypes

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
When I was in college and living in the same residence hall with nothing but white girls (until a black girl came sophomore year who became my best friend to this day), I never ever felt with more frustrated in my entire life. But I found my solace in my brothas, I used to chill with them all the time to escape the ridiculously "sheltered" (cough racist) white girls that I couldn't sock in the jaw for fear of losing my scholarship. Especially these white broads who took a Black Studies class for no damn reason and just used to spew the most ignant shyt ever (prolly took that class cause they was sucking some black dikk). I swear there were only about 10-15 blacks all together, but we all supported each other, we all taught each other that outside of having to deliberately deal with white people we wouldn't deal with them. You gotta know as a black person in this country how to deal with white people in work settings but outside of that, just to keep it mute (cause a part of surviving is just sucking it up and doing what you gotta do). Try living with them and tell me y'all don't feel the same.


May 1, 2012
I went thru a similar situation with going to an all black high and then transitioning to a mostly white school.
But it wasn't nearly as bad I went to Louisiana Tech and all my nikkas went to grambling state which was like 5 miles down the road. All I can say is be yourself and keep winning.

right that right now the street, but i aint no we had this many Louisiana nikkaz on the coli

bruh...i graduated from a HBCU...and while i loved it there...its not an accurate representation of the world youre gonna live in...i went to Grambling and i didnt have a car so i literally went months without seeing a white person that wasnt on

its cool being around people that look like you and share interests...the reality is you'll be better prepared for the 'real world' and dealing/relating with other races where you are now...

get used to it...becuz you'll never be around black people like that again outside of the HBCU atmosphere
i feel ya on that bra for real for real, plus the field im into is almost all white, so i probably just stick wit it

Breh if you dont know how / dont want to know how to act around white folks, stick to selling rocks/rappin/black dominated sports.

fukk up bra :stopitslime: fukk ima animal, what u mean dont know how to act around white, nikka act the same around anybody, i dont give a shyt who they is, and been working the past 2 years around mostly white people, so i know how to be around them, still dont stop the fact outside of a work environment i dont want to be no where around them
One word, PAWGS :ld:
i see a few, but i got 2 of them numbers

I went to an HBCU and wouldn't trade that experience for the world. Had some great experiences and the bytches were fukking AMAZING. Again, the bytches were AMAZING.

i feel u on that, i went to southern in baton rough, for 2 years shyt was great, but i was ready to move back to new orleans they dont have a hbcu down here, and i wanted to try something different
get in with the crazy white boys and or frats:ehh: and clique up with 2 or 3 cool brothas cuz you'll see lame nikkas everywhere at white schools

white guys love a black rager with exquisite taste in party music (thank coli for that :obama:) and will dj for alcohol:dj2: :dj2:

not to mention the girls at those parties :whoo: black white mexican asian persian. all 32 flavors :smugfavre:

source: i been gettin it in at majority white schools for the past 3-4 years :manny:
im see whats up, but i aint joining no frats or nothin, didnt do when i had all the time in the world at my other school, now im more pressed for time so i know im no gon do it

Breh, most people I know that go to those all white colleges eat GOOD! And most colleges aren't majority white like that anymore, so you can't really call them "white" colleges anymore. Like others have previously said, learn how to interact with some of these people you see and it will prepare you for the working world. Part of maturing is learning how to associate and/or interact with people of other cultures without feeling like you've lost a part of yourself.


yea i see, :ohhh: shyt just boring and people corny as shyt


May 1, 2012
Um, I just didn't give a fukk. Like someone said, school is for learning. Go, study, pass and repeat. I wasn't into making friends, if people talked to me they did :manny:

I did get into a fight with the only black girl in the class :sadcam:
I didn't want those hands :wow:

:ohhh: she put the paws on u?

I know the feeling all too well. Growin up in a hood like Gary, Indiana then going off to a PWI will have you all messed up. I got used to it though. Being the only Black guy in class gives perspective esp when they look at you for a certain answer/interaction in class.

There isn't even a small group of black people at your school? No Black greek orgs? I spent my first 1.5 years with my white homies then by the third year I was hanging with mostly all black people. Come to find out I missed out on a lot of the black social life due to most of our parties happening off campus and the events happened at places on campus I had no idea about at the time. By graduation I had experienced the best of both worlds.

i see some black people, like i said im cool wit dudes on the football team, and the few black people i see look like they got they own lil click already and im a man(22) i cant just walk up to them and be like :shaq: hey lets me friends :weirdo: and i dont take classes wit none of them, but like i said im cool wit some dudes on the basketball team :yeshrug:

I attend an HBCU but I did take classes at a PWI college during the summer. They expected me to be token or some shyt. Which I was :ohhh: White people were corny as hell but I like that because im a corny dude myself. I was so at home :wow: I didn't choose an HBCU because I like being black or anything. The nursing program is piff, only one in the state that had 100% of the NCLEX exam, black excellence :wow:. So we got awarded hella money in grants. So much money that we had a grant/scholarship coordinator. I received $1,200 in stipend money within one semester :ehh:
:ohhh: this is refreshing, the thoughts of the token black guy
I was the only black dude in my class 98% of the time in college :damn:

I damn near joined the Alphas because they were like the only black dudes on campus lol

yea i cant mess wit frat, that aint me at all

I really find it amazing you all had it so hard.

Then again, ya'll didn't grow up in diverse settings in the first place. Thats part of the problem.

Self-segregation doesn't help you adjust in the real world.

its no self segregation, new orleans is a real segregated city, white people and black people on interact like that, like 2 separate cities
Im amazed you could get 18+ years without being a social setting with white people

see post a above, new orleans is real segregated


Nearly every large, major Div. 1 PWI has it's own "HBCU" within it.

No way you can NOT link up with other black folks at those types of schools. Usually a loose, informal network of black folks exist and most of the black folks know each other through a few degrees of separation. They will practically seek you out.

First week, everybody's out, all the activities going on...the dining halls are packed, and black students will literally beckon you to their tables.

Ain't no way man... :ufdup:

Now if you go to an Ivy league institution or a small private college, then I get where you're coming from.

I hope you get on track, tho, and the experience gets better for you. This should be the best time of your life.

On another note, Y'all antisocial niccas better branch out and make those connections from a diversity of sources. And trust, diversifying contacts is needed.

Going to a PWI is an excellent chance to do that.

ima be aight bra, i think i can make it thru anything, i never fail :ehh:

why dont you transfer to a hbcu?
they dont have none in new orleans, but they do have a college thats majority black, i might be going there next year

You gotta learn how to adjust and work in that type of world while keeping your sanity. It's made me so successful at work that I got used to dealing with this shyt on a daily basis. :manny:

I went to an all black high school and go to a PWI now.

SN: Try being the only black person in the philosophy class when they start talking about race. i go to an SEC School so whennthe topic was slavery my freshman year the ignorance was amazing. most of the whites are from smaller towns so i guess thats expected.

I guess here its different because out of like the 15% of the black students here about 70%of us are from the same city.

Anyway....I can see how it's hard on you because you seem to go to a small school anyway so it wouldn't have really been all that colorful to begin with. My advice is dont necessarily try to assimilate but don't just isolate yourself either.

yea that me, in looking to be over eager and join nothin, but i havent been backing away from anything either
How are u going to survive in the real world when u finish college and surrounded by white people

STOP THINKING LIKE A nikka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fukkING GEECHIE


Only advice i can give you is start a business. If you're uncomfortable around these cacs now, its going to be even worse if you decide to get a job with them which is the opposite of what black people should be doing right now. START A BUSINESS. Black people seem to only want an education so they can go work for some cac to enrich them while everyone else is talking about starting their own businesses and circulating money within their own people. This is why we're broke and this is why we're getting left in the dust. We feel your pain bruh. Trust me, it gets worse later having to act phony around them while they're telling you to smile all day making subliminal racist jokes in the office. Good luck finding a company that has a lot of black people making real dough. They'll mostly be black women that fit the description of the white washed birds you mentioned earlier.

Alot of these cats wont understand what you're saying because the closer they are to white people the more they think they're getting ahead in life, but they're really clueless as to how this game really works.

Again, START A BUSINESS by any means. You'll never make real dough with a 9-5 unless you're going into medicine or law.

yea good look, im major computer science and minor in business


May 8, 2012
I can see how if your schools were predominantly black before college how it would be hard to adjust to going to a mostly white campus, but I would say just try to make the best of it. I went to a predominantly white school, but it was not too big a a deal for me because my schools from elementary through highscool were pretty diverse with whites and other minority students. I say look at it as a learning opportunity because whatever you end up doing after college will surely have you interacting with people of other races so to me it is beneficial to interact with people of other races at some point just based on that alone. My college was all about diversity although it was predominately white so that fostered some what of a welcoming environment. Also African Americans where the highest percentage of minorities on campus so I never really felt out of place because I always had other black people in my classes and around campus.